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Kuzenbo Support Conquest Guide

7 3 22,690
by Dashboarrd updated February 8, 2025

Smite God: Kuzenbo

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Kuzenbo Build


Notes Sentinel's Gift is a fantastic starter because you get a really good amount of protections, sustain, and gold for the early game, making yourself much harder to kill.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes.

Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward or 2 will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.


Sentinel's Gift is a fantastic starter because you get a really good amount of protections, sustain, and gold for the early game, making yourself much harder to kill.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes.

Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward or 2 will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Full Build

Notes Sentinel's Boon is a nice set of protections for Kuzenbo when he goes in and the sustain you get from it allows you to sustain pretty much infinitely. It's also just a really fun item to use.

Gauntlet of Thebes provide you and your allies and insane amount of protections.

Divine Ruin is nice to have on Kuzenbo because your main job is to go in there and do a ton of damage and having a power item, especially one with flat pen on it, will help you get the job done. Divine Ruin is also nice to prevent healing from the enemies.

Eldritch Dagger gives you some CDR and also gives you a ton of protections late game, upon activating a relic.


Sentinel's Boon is a nice set of protections for Kuzenbo when he goes in and the sustain you get from it allows you to sustain pretty much infinitely. It's also just a really fun item to use.

Gauntlet of Thebes provide you and your allies and insane amount of protections.

Divine Ruin is nice to have on Kuzenbo because your main job is to go in there and do a ton of damage and having a power item, especially one with flat pen on it, will help you get the job done. Divine Ruin is also nice to prevent healing from the enemies.

Eldritch Dagger gives you some CDR and also gives you a ton of protections late game, upon activating a relic.

Build Item Sentinel's Boon Sentinel's Boon
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Eldritch Dagger Eldritch Dagger

Relics & Shard

Notes Scorching Blink Rune is really nice to have on Kuzenbo because when you blink it leaves a trail of fire that you can push the enemy into, dealing true damage and up to 900 of it. It's also a good way to get to the enemy carries which is how you want to play Kuzenbo.

thorns of sapping strength is a staple item on Kuzenbo. It reflects damage and limits lifesteal healing. So combing this with his second ability and you can solo carries and reduce their healing like crazy if you have Divine Ruin paired with it.


Scorching Blink Rune is really nice to have on Kuzenbo because when you blink it leaves a trail of fire that you can push the enemy into, dealing true damage and up to 900 of it. It's also a good way to get to the enemy carries which is how you want to play Kuzenbo.

thorns of sapping strength is a staple item on Kuzenbo. It reflects damage and limits lifesteal healing. So combing this with his second ability and you can solo carries and reduce their healing like crazy if you have Divine Ruin paired with it.

Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune
Build Item Thorns of Judgement Thorns of Judgement

Situational Relics

Notes These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang or Ares. Then Beads is needed to prevent those characters from snowballing off of you.


These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang or Ares. Then Beads is needed to prevent those characters from snowballing off of you.

Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads

Kuzenbo's Skill Order

NeNe Kappa

1 X Y
NeNe Kappa
1 3 6 7 9

Shell Spikes

2 A B
Shell Spikes
4 8 10 11 12

Sumo Slam

3 B A
Sumo Slam
2 15 16 18 19

Watery Grave

4 Y X
Watery Grave
5 13 14 17 20
NeNe Kappa
1 3 6 7 9

NeNe Kappa

1 X
Kuzenbo summons and throws the powerful NeNe Kappa, who can ricochet off of walls. After firing, if the NeNe Kappa bounces off of a wall it will travel 70 units from that point up to a maximum of 2 bounces. After reaching maximum range, or if an Enemy God is hit by the NeNe Kappa, it will burst forth from its shell, slowing and attacking them for 6s. Kuzenbo transfers 20% of his Health and Protections to the NeNe Kappa.

Ability Type: Line, Pet, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Kappa Damage Per Hit: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75
Kappa Health: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+20% of your Maximum Health)
Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Slow Duration: 3s
Range: 70
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 14s
Shell Spikes
4 8 10 11 12

Shell Spikes

2 A
The spikes on Kuzenbo's back extend out, damaging enemies who attack Kuzenbo. While active, each time Kuzenbo takes damage, the cooldown on NeNe Kappa and Sumo Slam is reduced. Kuzenbo may activate this ability even while under the effects of Crowd Control.

Ability Type: Buff, Damage
% of Damage Taken: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Cooldown Per Hit: .5 / .7 / .9 / 1.1 / 1.3s
Duration: 3s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Sumo Slam
2 15 16 18 19

Sumo Slam

3 B
Kuzenbo charges forward, immune to slows and roots, damaging Enemy minions and silencing using his immense strength to push the first Enemy God he hits along with him. Each subsequent Enemy he hits deals damage to both that Enemy and the god Kuzenbo is pushing. Colliding with a wall will also deal damage to the pushed god. Pushed targets can be hit a maximum of 3 times.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage Per Hit: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Watery Grave
5 13 14 17 20

Watery Grave

4 Y
Kuzenbo pulls himself inwards under his shell and spins, summoning fierce currents that knock enemies back, increase his Movement Speed, grant him 20% Damage Mitigation, render him immune to Crowd Control, and allow him to move freely in all directions for 2.1s. Each hit after the first on an enemy deals 40% reduced damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage First Hit: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Hit: 40 / 65 / 90 / 110 / 140 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 45%
Damage Mitigation: 20%
Radius: 22.5
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 75s

Intro / About Me

Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Kuzenbo. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with Kuzenbo if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall Kuzenbo gameplay.

You can reach out to me via the following channels:


Kuzenbo's Abilities

Passive - Water Bowl

Kuzenbo's passive allows him to be extremely tanky, giving him up to 15% damage mitigation.

This passive is pretty self explanatory, just be wary when you're into characters that "move you" you lose stacks, which means you lose mitigations.

Ability 1 - NeNe Kappa

Nene is considered a "pet" and it's a smaller Turtle he throws out. When it hits the target it slows them, dealing initial burst damage and auto damage while it's alive. You can also bounce this from walls creating really good camp clear since it does damage each time it goes through the buff.

I would suggest using this to tank towers, and throwing it out as a temporary mobile ward when in the jungle to see if enemies are around corners.

Ability 2 - Shell Spikes

This ability defines Kuzenbo. It's a reflect ability that reflects 35% of the damage he takes PRE-MITIGATION back to the target. Use this when you know you're about to get heavily bursted or you're in front of their ADC.

It also lowers all his cooldowns per tic, allowing you to get you're abilities back up almost instantly besides his ult.

Ability 3 - Sumo Slam

Just a simple ability that allows Kuzenbo to push the first target he latches onto. If you push them through minions then you do extra damage. Also, your spikes (2nd ability) lowers this cooldown when in use, so if you push then use your spikes, you'll be able to get push back up instantly assuming they hit you.

Ultimate - Watery Grave

Kuzenbo's ultimate gives him CC immunity and allows him to spin around and knock-up targets. He also gets additional damage mitigation while channeling this ability. Use this when you get in between a ton of people to cause the most destruction. Can also use this ability for chase.

Map Play

Game Start:
  • Support should start purple and pull it outwards. In this time your ADC should be pulling Green and dragging it towards you. When both buffs are grouped, as you clear them pull them towards the lane. Watch out for invades!

  • From here you should be sitting in duo lane for a majority of the early game. You want to stay there to contest protection (or shield) buff and pressure with your ADC. If you have enough pressure you can also invade their camps, such as Purple buff and their backcamps, even Green buff.

Mid Game:
  • Around the mid game you want to now start to play around the middle of the map as more objectives are spawning now.

  • These objectives consist of Beacon, Oracle, and Pyromancer. Try to pressure mid t1 tower too if your team has the pressure for it. Once that's down it creates map pressure from mid lane.

Teamfights (Late Game):
  • Here you want to make sure to use your kit effectively. Kuzenbo is great at starting a fight. He has some of the highest tankiness in he game and his engage is pretty good. Make sure to use your 2nd ability accordingly. This can make or break your engage and ability to live. Use this as your taking tick damage or you know you're about to get bursted down for maximum damage dealt.


Early / Mid Game Warding:

That ward you're buying in the early game, you want to place it at the area between their purple and shield camp about 23 seconds or so before the game actually starts, if you think you'll have pressure.

If you don't think you'll have pressure, place that same ward on your side in the same area about 10 seconds prior to the game starting. This will give you early gank info.

As you're playing through duo lane you really want to ward their backcamps for info for your team. Get 2 wards, typically after you buy Thebes, and place them at their purple buff or their back camps and their green buff.

Try to refresh these wards as often as you can. They give very good info on where the enemy jungler is at and if the enemy team is mobilizing towards duo side to setup for a Gold Fury.

In the map below, the red circles indicate the spots that you should ward aggressively and the blue circles indicate the spots you should ward passively.

Late Game Warding:

Of course this depends where you're at in the game. But around fire giant, same concept. Try to get high wards around their backcamps, red, and even blue buff to give your team info.

On offensive sieges, try to place a sentry ward between their phoenixes that you're about to siege to gain info on people playing that gap. These wards are indicated by the Red circles on the map.

On defensive sieges, place a sentry between phoenixes they're about to siege so you and your team can play that gap area without worry. These wards are indicated by the Blue circles on the map.

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Kuzenbo Support Conquest Guide
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