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by Echo_Lynn updated February 10, 2021

Smite God: Heimdallr

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Heimdallr Build

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge

I’m not a Heimdallr main, but after some experimentation I’ve found this build to work incredibly well. I’d love to hear your feedback!

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Big Damage (37) | February 10, 2021 10:38pm
Only having 2 crit items (wind demon and Deathbringer) isn't really worth it in a build unless you're someone who has built in crit chance such as Ne Zha. I would recommend either building more crit or none at all, personally none at all feels better on Heimdallr as you can focus more on power and penetration meaning your abilities will hit much harder as well.

You don't have to copy it piece for piece, but here are 2 of my ADC builds if you would like to take some points I have made from it.

Devo's / Qin's
Starter - Gilded Arrow, Spiked Gauntlet, potions
Upgrade - Gilded Arrow > Diamond Arrow at level 20.
Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Berserker's Shield > Qin's Sais > Dominance > Swap boots for Odysseus' Bow / The Executioner / Silverbranch Bow(for ATK speed steroid)

Trans / Qin's
Starter - Death's Toll*, Morningstar, potions
Upgrade - Death's Toll > Death's Embrace at level 20.
Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Qin's Sais > Dominance > Swap boots for Berserker's Shield / The Executioner

* Death's Toll isn't needed as the starter, you can pick any that you feel you prefer for this build but I just think it works the best of the 4.

As I mentioned, builds without crit feel better on him, this is due to his reduced crit scaling on his autos because he has an auto attack chain. Neither of these builds have any crit however if you're still looking for guidance on adding crit I would be happy to help.
Moreton22 (3) | February 10, 2021 4:52pm
Atalanta's Bow is weak this season, I don't see a use for it at all, in any build, switching it out for The Executioner would instantly improve your build a great deal.
Echo_Lynn | February 10, 2021 5:45pm
Thanks! I’ll change that up
Moreton22 (3) | February 10, 2021 5:46pm
No problem, good luck!
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