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Pick up Baron Brew if you have a Baron Samedi in your team.
This is the standard full build. Sell Boots for Divine Ruin (If Antiheal needed) or Rod of Tahuti (Standard) later on when buying speed potion.
Tap each threat level to view Janus’s threats
Cripple prevents you from using portals. She can also close gaps with her root or her dash. If you are about to get rooted, react fast and dodge or portal out.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 90 [display_name] => Artio [url] => artio ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Cripple prevents you from using portals. She can also close gaps with her root or her dash. If you are about to get rooted, react fast and dodge or portal out. ) 1
Rama is very underrated when it comes to countering Janus but his dash is a 2s cripple that prevents you from using your portals. Try not to get caught by him or else he can dash you and burst you down very fast.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 55 [display_name] => Rama [url] => rama ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Rama is very underrated when it comes to countering Janus but his dash is a 2s cripple that prevents you from using your portals. Try not to get caught by him or else he can dash you and burst you down very fast. ) 1
You should always make sure he is banned/picked when playing Janus. He can follow your portals with his 3 and pull you away from them to prevent you from escaping. When he blinks you, try to pre-beads or ult away, then portal out.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 76 [display_name] => Susano [url] => susano ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => You should always make sure he is banned/picked when playing Janus. He can follow your portals with his 3 and pull you away from them to prevent you from escaping. When he blinks you, try to pre-beads or ult away, then portal out. ) 1
She can copy your ult and have a lot of kill pressure on the map. She can also one shot you and easily get out. Look out for her 3 and don't trade with her as she can bait you for her jungler or turn the fight.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 84 [display_name] => The Morrigan [url] => the-morrigan ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => She can copy your ult and have a lot of kill pressure on the map. She can also one shot you and easily get out. Look out for her 3 and don't trade with her as she can bait you for her jungler or turn the fight. ) 1
He has a cripple and a slow to keep you in place. His mobility isn't very high though so you are pretty safe as long as you don't get hit by his Stinger.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 45 [display_name] => Ah Muzen Cab [url] => ah-muzen-cab ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => He has a cripple and a slow to keep you in place. His mobility isn't very high though so you are pretty safe as long as you don't get hit by his Stinger. ) 1
Similar to Artio but he can't get close without blink. If you get chained, you should beads and portal out as he can easily 1v1 you. Try not to get baited by his teammates and ward areas that he might gank you from.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 23 [display_name] => Ares [url] => ares ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Similar to Artio but he can't get close without blink. If you get chained, you should beads and portal out as he can easily 1v1 you. Try not to get baited by his teammates and ward areas that he might gank you from. ) 1
She can cripple you and keep you at place with her 2 long enough to burst you down so try to beads or ult out when you get caught by her. She can get an easy knockup on you when you try to go through a portal.
Awilix players will always look out to pick someone so try not to leave your back uncovered and ward areas she might be waiting in for you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 61 [display_name] => Awilix [url] => awilix ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => She can cripple you and keep you at place with her 2 long enough to burst you down so try to beads or ult out when you get caught by her. She can get an easy knockup on you when you try to go through a portal. Awilix players will always look out to pick someone so try not to leave your back uncovered and ward areas she might be waiting in for you. ) 1
If he hits his abilities he can easily kill you due to the high power he gets from his 1. If he blinks you or gets too close try to dodge his skillshots using your high mobility. In late he shouldn't be a problem because he isn't good at closing gaps.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 81 [display_name] => Camazotz [url] => camazotz ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => If he hits his abilities he can easily kill you due to the high power he gets from his 1. If he blinks you or gets too close try to dodge his skillshots using your high mobility. In late he shouldn't be a problem because he isn't good at closing gaps. ) 1
Similar to Susano with the exception that you can portal away from her. Good Da Ji players can AA-Cancel and burst you down in seconds so try to stay out of her 3 range and portal out when she engages. You can also portal away from her ult.
If you are near your teammates you can also get a free portal on her when she uses her 3.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 88 [display_name] => Da Ji [url] => da-ji ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Similar to Susano with the exception that you can portal away from her. Good Da Ji players can AA-Cancel and burst you down in seconds so try to stay out of her 3 range and portal out when she engages. You can also portal away from her ult. If you are near your teammates you can also get a free portal on her when she uses her 3. ) 1
Its very hard to do something when he gets closer to you, so try to stay away from him. Try to dodge his 3 when he's in range and keep your distance all the time.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 34 [display_name] => Ne Zha [url] => ne-zha ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Its very hard to do something when he gets closer to you, so try to stay away from him. Try to dodge his 3 when he's in range and keep your distance all the time. ) 1
Janus will struggle against gods with CC that prevent him from using portals. Serqet can easily engage onto you and set up a kill for her teammates. Try to portal out when you see her or pre-beads/ult out. You can also stand behind minions to block her taunt.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Janus will struggle against gods with CC that prevent him from using portals. Serqet can easily engage onto you and set up a kill for her teammates. Try to portal out when you see her or pre-beads/ult out. You can also stand behind minions to block her taunt. ) 1
Very annoying due to his cripple but you can easily get rid of his minions and use your high mobility to walk out of the area to portal.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Very annoying due to his cripple but you can easily get rid of his minions and use your high mobility to walk out of the area to portal. ) 1
He Bo can one shot you very fast and prevent you from escaping with his knockup. When he blinks you, pre-beads/ult and get out.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 15 [display_name] => He Bo [url] => he-bo ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => He Bo can one shot you very fast and prevent you from escaping with his knockup. When he blinks you, pre-beads/ult and get out. ) 1
She can burst you down very fast and CC you. Look out for her ultimate or blinks. Her mobility is similar to yours so you should react fast. When you see her engaging onto you, try to portal out.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 97 [display_name] => Pele [url] => pele ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => She can burst you down very fast and CC you. Look out for her ultimate or blinks. Her mobility is similar to yours so you should react fast. When you see her engaging onto you, try to portal out. ) 1
Ratatoskr is hard to deal with in early levels due to his acorn and high power so look out for early ganks and blinks. If he slows you down or stuns you, he has high kill potential on you. If you get blinked you should pre-beads and get out.
You can also use your own ult when he uses his on you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 66 [display_name] => Ratatoskr [url] => ratatoskr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Ratatoskr is hard to deal with in early levels due to his acorn and high power so look out for early ganks and blinks. If he slows you down or stuns you, he has high kill potential on you. If you get blinked you should pre-beads and get out. You can also use your own ult when he uses his on you. ) 1
Save up your portal for his engages. If you think he might ult you, use your ult to get out. In teamfights you can stay away from him so he's not a big problem.
You can also get a free portal hit on him when he uses his 3 on you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 35 [display_name] => Fenrir [url] => fenrir ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Save up your portal for his engages. If you think he might ult you, use your ult to get out. In teamfights you can stay away from him so he's not a big problem. You can also get a free portal hit on him when he uses his 3 on you. ) 1
Her Skillshots are hard to hit against gods with high mobility so try to dodge them. Don't stay near minions or teammates so she can't land a root on you. If you play near her, try not to get baited by her root and keep distance.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 50 [display_name] => Scylla [url] => scylla ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Her Skillshots are hard to hit against gods with high mobility so try to dodge them. Don't stay near minions or teammates so she can't land a root on you. If you play near her, try not to get baited by her root and keep distance. ) 1
Similar to Sol, as long as you don't get hit by his stun you can outspeed his 2 and stay away from his range.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 39 [display_name] => Chronos [url] => chronos ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => Similar to Sol, as long as you don't get hit by his stun you can outspeed his 2 and stay away from his range. ) 1
She can't close gaps so she can't really deal any damage to you as long as you keep your distance. Try not to get hit by her 2 as she can burst you down using her ultimate into it.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 70 [display_name] => Sol [url] => sol ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => She can't close gaps so she can't really deal any damage to you as long as you keep your distance. Try not to get hit by her 2 as she can burst you down using her ultimate into it. ) 1
Baron Brew if you have a Baron Samedi in your team.
This is the current meta build using Spear of Desolation.
Sell Mages Blessing for Divine Ruin. Sell Boots for Rod of Tahuti when buying speed potion
Baron Brew if theres a Baron Samedi in your team.
This is my favorite build. It has a lot of CDR early on and high magical power.
Sell Mages Blessing for Soul Reaver. Sell Boots for Divine Ruin when buying speed potion.
Hi guys welcome to my Janus guide. My name is wow_ok and I'm maining mid lane in Smite. I've been playing since season 4 and have finished as master multiple times.
In this guide I'm gonna explain how to play Janus on a high level.
+Unique Kit
+High outplay potential
+Can save teammates
+High Mobility
+Can surprise enemies
+Fun to play
+Very good at farming
+Can easily get out of fights
Janus is very fun to play and he has a lot of good abilities in his kit. He can save teammates and himself with his portals and provide mobility to everyone. His ultimates can be game changing and he has a lot of playmaking potential.
-High skill cap
-Has a lot of counters
-Becomes useless very fast when not knowing what to do
Janus needs a lot of practice and understanding of the game to master. His playstyle is very unique and complicated. If played correctly, he can never die in lategame.
[Early Game]
Janus in very strong in the late game so you should always look out to farm. His mobility and waveclear makes it very easy for him to do so. Always clear mid and backcamps but try not to take too much farm from your jungler. While farming you should try to ult and pick off enemies, or save your teammates from incoming ganks.
[Mid Game]
When you get into the midgame you have a lot of options. Due to your high mobility, you can easily roam and gank other lanes. You can easily steal enemy camps and get away with it so deny as much farm as possible. You reach your best power spike in late game so try to prepare for it by looking for ganks and objectives.
[Late Game]
In lategame Janus has a very unique role. Janus usually doesn't stay near his teammates. His high mobility allows him to get to places, where he can easily hit his enemies. In teamfights you should always poke enemies and CC them with your portals without putting yourself in a bad spot. Try to pick someone off with your ultimate by going in and hitting someone with ur 2 right after. Always play alone and seperated from your teammates unless you are being focused.
The best Items for Janus are always CDR. You want your cooldowns to be as low as possible to spam your 1 + 3 and keep your bonus movement speed refreshed.
are core Items. You can buy them together or seperately but you definitely have to get one of those. If you have problems managing your Mana I recommend Book of Thoth, while Chronos Pendant provides even more CDR to play around your Ultimate and Mobility.
is obviously a must-have aswell. You should always look to pick it up after getting your main Items and not rush it as you should rather focus squishies than tanks as Janus.
This Ability places a portal. If placed on the ground, enemies that walk into it take damage shortly after. If placed on the wall, teammates and Janus can walk through it to teleport and grant them movement speed. If Janus walks through a portal, he also gains 15% scaling on his next ability.
Creates 2 portals that fly into a set direction and deal damage to enemies. Deals 15% increased damage if enemies are hit by both portals.
Spawns a rift on the ground that provides movement speed to allies and Janus when walking over it. If enemies walk over it, they are slowed and take additional damage from Janus abilities.
Passively also grants movement speed to allies and Janus when going through portals.
Shoots an energy ball that goes through walls and places portals onto them to a specific amount of distance. The further it flies, the more damage it deals to enemies.
When using your abilities, always look to activate your passive and go through a portal or place a
under your enemies.
Known combos are:
. Place a portal under your enemies to hit them with both portals from unstable vortex and deal increased damage. While doing this combo, you can also put a
under the portal to make sure that enemies walk over it as soon as the effect ends.
. Try to hit an enemy with your ultimate, then go through the portals and use your 2 as a follow up. This activates your passive and deals bonus damage.
Tips for hitting both portals of
Get close to the enemy to make sure they get hit as soon as the ability activates, so they get hit by both portals.
Wave clearing:
Janus waveclear is weird shaped. To make sure you hit the entire wave, use it sideways. Walk up to the wave and move to the left or right, then use your
. You can also use the first tip and get very close to the wave, then hit the first row and second row with both portals. This is very risky though as it puts you close to your enemy.
You should practice this mechanic in the Jungle Practice mode.
Refreshing your movement speed:
To make sure you get the most out of your bonus movement speed from your
passive, always wait untill the movement speed is about to expire. When its at 1s, place another portal or threshold to refresh the movement speed.
Janus is a very fun Character to play but his winrate is currently low due to his high skillcap. I recommend picking him up and practicing him as his abilities can be very game changing and fun to experiment with.
I once duo queued with a Janus main and he would always save me with his portals :).
I would appreciate if you voted his Guide up and overall I think Janus is a great God if you are looking for a unique kit with high outplay potential.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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If you feel like you need more self peel though you should consider buying E-Staff or Book of the Dead.