Because Merlin is a stance switcher I’ll start with his fourth ability:
Elemental Mastery.
Elemental Mastery, is a stance switching ability which causes Merlin to explode with energy of the stance he was using before activating the ability, and implode with the energy of the Stance he is switching to. Both the implosion and explosion have different effects . To help you out I had all three effects written down:
Arcane:causes enemies with in the area of the explosion/implosion to get knocked up.
Fire: gives enemies with in the area of explosion/implosion a burning effect for a short duration.
Ice: slows enemies caught in the explosion/implosion for a short duration.
However, switching between stances causes both an explosion and an implosion around Merlin with each depending on the stances he is switching from and to. All three effect combos are down below: Arcane to Fire : explosion of Arcane energy causes enemies around
Merlin to get knocked up followed by an implosion of Fire energy which does damage and afflicts enemies around him with a burning effect damaging the enemy over time .
Fire to Ice: an explosion of Fire energy afflicts enemies around Merlin with a burning effect damaging them over time ,followed by an implosion of ice energy which damages enemies around Merlin and gives them a slow effect for a short duration.
Ice to Arcane: an explosion of of ice slows enemies around Merlin, followed by an implosion of Arcane energy that deals impact damage and knocks enemies up.
Now that we are done with his fourth ability we will talk more in depth about each stance but Before we do that let’s talk about his third ability and his only getaway
Flicker: Merlin teleports a short distance in front of him.
Flicker stays the same in all of Merlin’s stances and shares the same 15second cooldown between all of them . Therefore you
must use it carefully and always have it ready before going into any team fight unless you are very sure your team can win said team fight. Without this ability Merlin is very immobile, and can be picked off very easily.
Now, for Merlin’s main abilities .
Eclipse/Radiate/Frost bolt
Merlin’s first ability changes depending on the stance.
Eclipse:Merlin fires a ball of condensed arcane energy that grows in size till it reaches its maximum size at maximum range. The ball damages all enemies with in a certain range of it and marks them . Marked enemies take additional damage from the orb
Marked enemies that walk outside the range of the orb will lose the mark and will not gain another mark for the rest of the ability’s duration
Enemies that walk into the range of the orb
after it gained maximum size will not be damaged or marked by it unless they touch the center orb but they still will not be marked by it.
Radiate:Merlin starts shooting a a beam of Fire energy that damages enemies overtime and applies a burning effect on them.Merlin can still move while using this ability but is slowed.
Ice Frost bolt: Merlin shots a Frost bolt that damages enemies. Enemies that are slowed gain additional damage from this ability.
Merlin’s second ability:vortex/dragon fire/blizzard:
Vortex: Merlin summons a vortex at a ground target which damages and pulls enemies towards the center of it.
Fire dragon fire: Merlin summons two dragon heads that shoot fire towards each other damaging enemies caught in the fire overtime and applying a burn effect. If enemies are caught in the center of it their protections are reduced every time they’re hit.
Blizzard: Merlin summons a blizzard at a certain area that deals damage overtime to enemies within the area and slows enemies.
Some follow-ups, especially to your revised form.
With that said I appreciate you taking your time to give me feedback on every single detail . I’ll make sure to update my guide as soon as possible . : This guide has a great lay out to kind of take inspiration from : this guide gives you the code which is a huge timesaver.
Like I said, your information is good and just needs to be formatted a bit better.
I also suggest that you look at Bran's
The way this reads, you're suggesting getting
Also, while Mage's is essential for Mid-lane conquest, it's not for Arena, at least IMO. If you're proposing a build for two different modes, I'd personally have 2 different builds.
In Conquest, I don't think you'll ever invest in a Chalice. Early, it's some potions, and later you'll need the space for wards. And you definitely shouldn't get chalices in Arena.
Also, other items should be options.
As for builds, Spear of the Magus is core, not situational.
Book of thoth should also not be in this build as you're not building any mana items to go with it.
Also, you call this a " go to guide for most game modes", yet I do not see any game modes mentioned.
Also your main build lacks penetration.