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Ne Zha is a 'he', by lore, background and developer intention.
However, please forgive me and everyone else for occasionally referring to Ne Zha as female, it happens at times...
"But there is no jungle!" - Common SMITE player
In fact, SMITE does have a jungle, through the 'full-time jungler' role of other MOBAs is extremely difficult, given the low exp/gold gain of camps, the large distances, the number of camps and the lack of proper HoG scaling.
HOWEVER, Ne Zha's passive makes her an incredibly powerful camp cleared, to the degree where full-time jungling with her actually will get your MORE exp and gold then the other players.
To show up some values:
If noone else touches the jungle and you dont get any kills or assist, you will be ~25% ahead in gold, compared to your midlaner and maybe 1-2 levels.
If you get some kills and assists along the lanes, you will often end up with TWICE as much gold as your side laners and often reach level 20 before 20:00
Even if teammates steal buffs or you die in an early gank or an enemy is getting fed, you will be able to keep up (in level) whilst still having a slight gold advantage.
This shall be a short chapter directed at what jungling actually is, in first place, for those who aren't familiar with the concept:
Generally, you will play 2-1-2 in Smite. This means, two players on left, one good pusher on mid and another two on right. In other MOBAs, however, you often see 1-1-2 1, which means left lane will be a solo player, whilst the 5th player is jungling.
Jungling means he will stay off the lanes, rush from jungle camp to jungle camp, clearing them in record times to gain the same (or more!) exp and gold as his laning teammates.
Jungling gives two large advantages: Firstly, you have a 5th player constantly in the jungle, invisible to the enemy team. This means the enemys must expect ganks at every given time, without any warning or 'MIA call' whatsoever. This is even more of an issue as the jungler will be stacked full of jungle buffs, making him a very powerful player, exspecially early on.
Secondly, one player jungling means there are TWO solo lanes. As everybody knows, solo laning gives more gold and exp then laning with two people. Effectively, this means both the left and the mid laner will be ahead of the enemy team in exp and gold.
There are a few noticeable issues with this strategy:
Announce, as early as possible, that you will be jungling.
This means you say it right in the pre-game lobby.
If you feel like your teammates have no clue what this means to them, explain that the left laner will have to play 1on2. Ask him to pick a character who can handle such situations (Hades and Ao are good examples).
Your teammates will try to explain that there is no jungler role in SMITE.
Jungling in SMITE is something you usually don't. This means telling your team you'll do it will get you called troll, n00b and probably some other names. You need to be ready to deal with that.
General META suggests that teams usually get 2-3 buffs early on from their side of the jungle.
This means that, depending on the early-jungling capability of the teams, you will find some buffs empty on your first two jungle trips. This is bad, as it severly reduces the amount of exp and gold you can gain quickly. Ask your teammates on right lane NOT to take the speedbuff, but go for a gold camp instead (gold camp will have respawned by the time you arrive at right lane).
In the first few minutes, you are EXTREMELY prone to ganks. And even later on, a well-placed ward can ruin your day.
One major point of this strategy bases upon deception: If the enemy knows you're jungling, he can easyly gank you. Keep your head low in the first few minutes and try not to be seen or heard at any costs. Later on, check enemy builds to ensure nobody is using wards. If so, buy wards yourselves and clear your dear jungle off those pesky eyes.
This strategy conflicts with the two first golden rules.
The Golden Rules of Gaming dictate:
Rule #1: Don't rely on a stranger in your team, assume him to fail.
Rule #2: Assume the enemy is smart and not going to make any mistakes.
Jungling contradicts those two rules, because you assume your left laner to defend his lane 1on2 (which isn't a given) and you as well rely on your enemies not realizing you're in a vulnerable position right behind their lines.
There's not much that can be done about it at this point.
Jungling with Ne Zha is quite straight-forward: Auto-Attack the main minion of a camp. The only reason Ne Zha can jungle, is his powerful passive Auto-Attack combo. You can entirely focus on attacking the main minion, as the two side minions will die by your AoE strikes.
Occasionally, the minions will randomly circle around you, or the main minion may spawn on the side of the camp. In this case, keep hitting him, but realign every 4th strike to hit all minions of the camp, that's what AoEs are for.
Ganking as Ne Zha comes quite natural, given you're an assassin type god. It's your DESTINY to gank and kill people.
I disadvise to gank without your ult being ready, as it's your only reliable tool of escape and a major role in your kit (namely as finisher). This means you shouldn't gank before level 4 at all.
Since your main location factor is jungling, you will usually have good access to two lanes at any given time. Always keep an eye on those two lanes to keep track of the enemys, their positions and their health. If your ult is ready and you see someone on low health outside of his tower, don't hesitate and gank him. Same applies if you see somebody on really low health (aka someone you can kill with your ult alone), even inside of his tower.
You can even gank a lane where the enemy(s) have full health, assuming your lane players are in good shape as well, you have high health, a few buffs and a level advantage.
Try to never gank against a numeral disadvantage and as well don't gank against a CC-heavy god when something that could kill you is nearby (f.e. a Ymir+HeBo lane).
First off, the mentality:
You musn't die. If you die, you will fall behind. You don't want to fall behind as jungler. Don't risk your life to get a kill. The only exception would be using your u lt to towerdive-onehit someone, if you're confident in your aim.
As well, don't hesitate to kill. You're the jungler, the ganker and a carry. As egoistic as it sounds, you get strict priority when it comes to kills. Don't wait for your allies to kill the enemy, just do it yourself. Don't hesitate to risk 'wasting your ult' on somebody who would gonna die eitherway.
Second off, the goal:
Killing an or multiple enemies. This is a primary goal. But just ganking them is a goal in itself, as it will often leave them on low health, forced to do a callback. This gives your teammates lane superiority.
Third off, the action:
Generally, you should initiate the gank, unless the lane has a powerful initiatior (like Ymir, Sobek or Hades). Announce your gank with VSG* (replace * with 1, 2, or 3, depending on the lane). If you want your teammate to initiate, add a VAA and/or ping the enemy. Often they will get the hint and move in.
Whatever the case, do NOT initiate with your 3. Often you can simply walk up behind enemies without much retaliation, no need to waste your only mobility tool. Just get close, then unload your 2 on somebodys back. In many cases you will get a kill before the enemy even retaliated.
In case they DID notice you, drop your 1 on your target, in order to get a speedboost. Close in, launch 2, whack away. Often they will now drop escapes or CC+running, maybe sprint or a safe recall.
NOW it's the time to use your 3. Pick the weakest enemy, pull yourself towards him, keep attacking.
If there's an enemy in range and on low health, but you don't think you can kill him with autoattacks (f.e. because he's springting away), don't hesitate using your ult to secure the kill.
As well, be aware of counter-ganks. If the enemy suddenly starts focusing you and you're in danger of dieing, consider using your ultimate to simply dash off, leaving them to your lanemates. There is no shame in trying, only in dieing.
If you arrived in Late Game... well, either you screwed up, your team screwed up or the enemys are one of those few that won't surrender easyly.
By the time teamfights regulary occur, you should already be (close to) level 20, with a noticeably gold advantage and hopefully fed.
For now, focus on getting every Gold Fury and Fire Giant. This is your primary lategame objective.
Keep roaming the jungle, clearing buffcamps (by now without using any skills) and gank whenever you see a single enemy (or a weakened one nearby a teammate) or any opportunity at all. As an lategame assassin, you can often drop enemies with your first four attacks. If an enemy is underlevel'd and a squishie, you may even drop him WITH THE FIRST CRIT (which may very well be your first autoattack on him whatsoever). Utilize that incredibly potential and kill anything that doesn't stick with it's team.
If everyone is bunched up for a teamfight, consider your situation:
-Are you quite ahead of the enemy team?
-Does the enemy team lack CC?
-Doesn't your team have a better initiator?
If any of the questions apply, gank the entire enemy team, preferably from behind. Focus on taking down whatever vulnerable target they have in their back. Usually you should be able to drop that carry or mage who doesn't have an escape faster then they can react.
Depending on the enemy's team reaction, proceed:
If they didn't notice you (and that does actually happen at times), kill the next target.
If they DID notice you and now turn around to focus you, consider whether you can outdamage their entire team (which is viable if you got Golden Bow already. That AoE splash kills). If you don't think you'll succeed, check whether your team is engaging by now. If they are, STAY IN THE FIGHT. Preferably use your ult to get yourself a safe position for the next three seconds, whilst your team steamrolls the distracted enemy. If you die now, it's fine. Yes, at this point you're free to die, because you did your job: You killed a target and are in the midst of a teamfight. If you die now, your passive will cast a powerful AoE (equal to a supportive ultimate) across the entire teamfight. Your team must be really bad not to win the fight in your AoE.
In case your team didn't engage at all, try to escape, by means of your ultimate, your 1's speedboost or whatever mean you may find. Often this won't work, but whenever you manage to kill somebody out of his whole team and escape sagely, you will feel awesome.
Ne Zha's teamfighting potential skyrockets, if he joins a teamfight that is already running. If your team (or theirs) got a noteable initiator (Odin, Hades), wait until the fight starts, then approach from behind and kill stuff whilst everybody is fighting. Focus groups of enemys close to each other, given your AoE will deal loads of damage to all of them (exspecially applies if you have Golden Bow).
Starting with Hand of the Gods is a must, not only because of it's early jungling capability, but as well because of the objective-securing on high ranks. Since Ne Zha got no innate sustain, you will need the 5 health pots as well.
Leaves you with 1000 gold for your first item.
Given you need early offensive capability, you will need either Warrior Tabi or
Death's Toll. The sustain of latter one is HIGHLY noticeable in the jungle (effectively increasing your hp regen from 10 to 15 per second (10 from potion, 5 from one autoattack per second). Accordingly, I STRONGLY recommend starting out with
Death's Toll.
As next item, we obviously need boots. Again, you need damage and that rank 3 penetration early on, accordingly I would insist on getting Warrior Tabi next. The only other viable choice would be
Boots of Celerity eitherway.
As third item, you need lifesteal, for both jungle sustain (that isn't reliant on health potions) and duelling capabilities. There's no reason for you not to use them, so I suggest taking Devourer's Gloves. Alternatives would be Soul Eater or Eye of Retaliation, in my oppinion Devourer's simply outdoes both of them (Soul Eater is simply weaker, whilst Eye's passive is useless to a squishy assassin).
Next up is a core item of any DPS build, even more so a crit-reliant one like Ne Zha (due to her 15% crit bonus during her 2): Deathbrigner
If you feel like you need more whoomp early on, you might get Deathbringer before Devourer's Gloves, though I advise against that (as you can't solo Gold Fury well without lifesteal).
Next up, it's all about maximizing your damage. Rage will turn your attacks from "occasionally spiking crits" into "constant stream of crits" and make your attacks MUCH more reliable for yourself and more lethal for the enemy.
Golden Bow synergizes well with Ne Zha's playstyle and gives you a great boost to jungling and teamfighting capability. Now you can nuke multiple nearby persons at once. Additionall you should now be able to onehit jungle camps (at the very least the gold camps), by critting the middle main minion.
Lastly, you need something to replace Death's Toll. I found
Fatalis to be a VERY powerful item at this point. Together with the other items and your 2, it will grant you ~ 2.6 Attackspeed, which is just over the cap and accordingly will 'max out' your critting DPS. Previously, you could melt an enemy with four autoattacks. Now you do the same... in under two seconds. The speedboost of Fatalis is nice for your roaming, too.
Golden Bow and
Fatalis are items that aren't strictly necessary for the build and could be replaced with others. F.e. you could take Eye of Retaliation instead of the Bow in order to improve your 1on1 capacity. Or grab a
Voidblade to punch throug those bruisers. Eventually even get a true defensive item to increase your survival chances.
Against tank-heavy teams, getting The Executioner over
Fatalis is a good idea.
It's up to you and your playstyle (and probably the enemy team composition) to figure out which items suit you best.
One slot is reserved by Hand of the Gods, but what about the second ability slot?
I would dare to claim it's all about preference and the enemy team composition.
If they have a lot of CC, get Purification Beads.
If they got burst ultimates, get Aegis Shield.
If they field chasing ultimates or you need more mobility, get Sprint.
If you want to troll an enemy team without CC, get Safe Recall.
All of these abilities have their reasons and it's up to you when you get which ability and when you spend money upgrading it.
With this build, you can overthrow the generic meta of SMITE by playing a successfull and self-sustaining jungler role, with a lot of roaming and ganking potential.
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A snowball build generally tends to involve items that have stack abilities, in Ne Zha's case it would be items like
I would recommend
Hope this helps. I didn't read the guide because... wall of text.
Keep up the good work.
Experimental start items: Jumba Mask, Potion of Physical Power, Hand of Gods, 2 Health Potions.
Tha fatalis should be switched out for a voidblade because the extra attack speed is not necessary and the void blade will become more beneficial in the long run, an execution in my opinion would be better to have then the golden bow because of the penetration that it gives against tanks, and personally if they have a large amount of magic damage I would get a bulwark of hope Over the rage, rage is good damage potentially but the added protection from bulwark and the extra health is In my opinion a stronger choice.
Hmmm, I see your points.
And of course, one needs to be viable in one's build in order to counter-build the enemy. As I've mentioned, the last two items are pretty much free to chose.
Voidblade is a fair pick on any Assassin, but I don't see the reasoning for it on Ne Zha. Voidblade gives some physical protection, but not enough to compensate for the amount of damage you will take when you're out of my place either way. The penetration aura isn't great either, given it would require you to stay nearby enemies as long as possible to fully utilize it's penetration. This counts double if your team's bruiser/carry/tank is building one as well.
Though yes, Executioner sounds like a good idea against a tank-heavy enemy team and would probably replace Fatalis very well.
Bulwarak against a mage-heavy team could save lives as well, though in most cases I would personally prefer offense over defense against mages, as magic damage is the easiest to avoid in first place.
Even though, you really shouldn't switch out Rage, it's a core item for a full-critting build. Unless you build Brawler's Beatstick and Golden Bow to compensate, a build that is too situational (because of BB) in my oppinion.
Thanks for the feedback, in any case.
I never really felt the need for hog on Ne Zha my self, usually start "jungling" from lvl 4 when I play him. Then all I need is my one health pot and Death's Toll to sustain through the jungle.
If you are playing with good players and go full jungle you will only be ahead in gold btw, not exp (because jungling gives you more gold, but less exp than sololaning). The reason for not going full jungle is that you steal some of your teammates gold and exp by doing it and leaves them behind of the enemy team. That way the enemy team only needs to focus a little on physical protection and it should be gg for them.
Doing the enemy jungle on the other hand is a really good way to give you and your team the upper hand and leaving the enemy team behind in both exp and gold. Of course you can take your jungle if no one else clears it, but doing the entire jungle every time it spawns can really hurt your team if they are getting behind on gold and exp compared to the enemy team.
A very good written guide, keep up the good work! =) +1
Ps godpack ftw
Of course, you effectively deprive your team of jungle buffs. But on the other hand you do same to the enemy and in the end this game focusses on making you the carry of your team. Don't forget that you'll have a total of 3 persons who will be 'advanced' even in a game with zero kills overall (jungler, midlaner, left laner).
Lastly, you DO get more exp then a midlaner, if you get all jungle camps. Yes, technically the camps give more gold and less exp, but later on you can clear 2-3 camps in the time where a lane clears 1 minion wave.
As I've said, it's sort of gamble strategy, consisting of positive and negative aspects.
Thanks for the useful feedback.
but you only got it for one match
Anyway, I just don't like Golden Bow, this will make her passive less useful somehow. I like to change it to brawler's beat stick or soul eater for more life steal
I have a question (stupid one) how to rent a god? I know I already bought God Packs but I need to rent to help my friend.
You're welcome. Aaaand welcome to Smitefire, as well.
Btw, there is no need to BUY gods, you can actually play fine just with renting them (as long as you don't want to get skins).
Thanks. I used favor to purchase my god. Relax jack. It gives me motivation and incentive. I would never dump favor on rental.
If you are playing with good players and go full jungle you will only be ahead in gold btw, not exp (because jungling gives you more gold, but less exp than sololaning). The reason for not going full jungle is that you steal some of your teammates gold and exp by doing it and leaves them behind of the enemy team. That way the enemy team only needs to focus a little on physical protection and it should be gg for them.
Doing the enemy jungle on the other hand is a really good way to give you and your team the upper hand and leaving the enemy team behind in both exp and gold. Of course you can take your jungle if no one else clears it, but doing the entire jungle every time it spawns can really hurt your team if they are getting behind on gold and exp compared to the enemy team.
A very good written guide, keep up the good work! =) +1
Ps godpack ftw
Now THAT is what I call a guide. Well done, man! You wrote clear in depth details and covered multiple subjects. Take notes guide creators. I signed up to post this comment and will now be active on the community also! I just purchased this god a few days ago and have not given him a go yet on a non practice game. What timing. Thanks for this.
You're welcome. Aaaand welcome to Smitefire, as well.
Btw, there is no need to BUY gods, you can actually play fine just with renting them (as long as you don't want to get skins).