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Nike SPL Builds

3 3 23,516
by DV-8 updated September 7, 2023

Smite God: Nike

Build Guide Discussion 14 More Guides
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Nike Build


Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Arondight Arondight
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

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Vini_sds (13) | March 2, 2020 7:32am
Hey, DV-8.

I'm happy to see another Nike enthusiast around here!
She's still my top played Warrior (2000+ worshippers), but I have to say that after the rework she lost her fun factor for me. Her "lose lane, win game" aspect (Thanks to her passive, To Victory!) is now gone, since the passive nerf. The HP5 loss with Plan of Action being removed also hit her pretty hard.

So, talking about my opinion on your build paths, mostly about item choices:
Stone of Gaia should be banished from any build for any character in the game. Anything that this item do, another item can do better. The passive also doesn't do it any favors, being extremely situational.
Shifter's Shield is an interesting item, but not for Nike. If you're not picking any of the sustain shields (Glad/Berserker's), you should get either Breastplate of Valor or Blackthorn Hammer after boots.
Bulwark of Hope is a good item, but I'd consider it more situational against burst mages.
Midgardian Mail shouldn't be on an example build, since it's a counter item.

About your item choices:
It HURTS MY FEELINGS that you put the following items as "Average Viability":
Oni Hunter's Garb;
Hide of the Urchin;
Spirit Robe/ Mantle of Discord.

Seriously, DV-8, I think it's a HUGE oversight of yours to do so. These items are great for any Solo Laner, I consider Urchin core on any solo build (Physical or Magical), and Oni Hunter's might be the best magical defense item in the game. I honestly think you should reconsider your position on this.

Some other points that I'm not going too deep in:
• You mention that you can replace Warrior Tabi late for Reinforced Greaves, but you should get Elixir of Speed and buy other protection item instead;
• You really should consider Shield of Thorns as it increases Nike's zoning capabilities.
DV-8 (35) | March 3, 2020 4:23pm
Hey, Vini.

Yeah, Nike is my most played god in the new season so far (mainly doing research/testing for this guide), and I appreciate the feedback from a seasoned Nike player. I'll try to address all points in order.

Oh, and also before I start, I'm not a big fan of my example builds either. I'd agree that they need adjusting, but I am fairly happy with my item categorizations.

Stone of Gaia

You say that you feel this item should be banished, and that anything it can do, another item can do better. I build it for the HP5 and large Health pool. I don't know of another item that provides that amount of Health sustain. While this item can be limited by anti-heal, so can Gladiator's Shield. The healing reduction won't be applied to you at all times, and you can always sell this item later if the enemy team builds multiple forms of healing reduction. You yourself said that the HP5 loss from Plan of Action hit Nike pretty hard. Wouldn't you look for an item to compensate?

Shifter's Shield

I think Shifter's Shield is a really underrated item right now. It's a pretty solid bruiser item that allows you stronger initiation with Rend before going in and taking damage (Rend chunks while over 75% Health with Shifter's due to its high scaling). I feel it is a solid option to have at your disposal.

Bulwark of Hope

Why do you consider this good only against burst mages? I feel it has solid stats that would be pretty relevant in most situations.

Midgardian Mail

While I'd agree that my example builds are... not great... I think it is okay due to the fact that every team should have an ADC. If not, they're going to have a hard time taking objectives. Midgardian is often built late as an attempt to limit the ADC(s). That being said, I do plan on changing the example builds soon.

Oni Hunter's Garb

I can see the argument for this having High Viability. It has good functionality within Nike's play style and is fairly inexpensive. I don't know that'd I'd go as far as to call it the best Magical defense item in the game though. A good item though for sure. I will reconsider this one.

Hide of the Urchin

I can't say that I'd agree in saying that this is a core item on solo laners. Yes, it does provide some of the best raw stats in the game, especially when fully stacked, but it doesn't do much else. The main reason I have it under Average Viability is the value that you lose when building this from behind. Again, it's a great, well-rounded item that can reinforce your build, but I don't feel that it is necessary in all situations.

Spirit Robe / Mantle of Discord

This is another one that is hard for me to dispute. It really boils down to the fact that I personally haven't found a need to purchase these very often within my games. I will consider changing these as I see how the meta evolves.

Reinforced Greaves / Elixir of Speed

You usually need a large amount of gold before you can buy the Speed Elixir and replace Boots. In the cases where you back and don't have 3000+ gold, you could at least change your boots for the time being for added defense.

Shield of Thorns

This was a Relic I considered and tested. It just didn't feel as effective to me as other Relics did. Yes, you can zone an ADC for about 5 seconds or so, but I feel that Nike's kit allows her to that anyways.

Again, thanks for the comment. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
Vini_sds (13) | March 8, 2020 12:49pm
Hey, DV-8. A little late, but here I am to reply to your comment.

Without further ado, let's begin.

Stone of Gaia:
First, we need to clarify some things about healing and HP5. As the 7.2 Patch Notes explained:
Fixed an issue where % Healing, % HP Missing Healing, was not being affected by Increased Healing effects.
For clarity reasons, the intended effects of healing interactions are:

• Healing Increase Should:
-Increase all Ability based healing;
-Not Increase any type of lifesteal;
-Not Increase HP5.

• Healing Reduction Should:
-Decrease all Ability based healing;
-Decrease lifesteal;
-Not Decrease HP5.

So, anti-heal effects will reduce your ability healing, your healing from consumables (potions/chalices) and your lifesteal from items.

Glad/Berserker's sustain is considered lifesteal.
HP5 items (Thebes, Gaia, Sov) won't be affected by anti-heal.

However, even with Stone of Gaia having this "advantage" of not being countered by anti-heal, there are some reasons why I hate this item:
• It has no defenses;
• It has no power;
• It's too expensive to be a bridge item (2250 gold) and isn't a justifiable item to be core (For instance Breastplate of Valor is only 50 gold more expensive and has way better stats overall);
• The solo lane meta at the moment is very aggressive, and HP5 doesn't benefit from such playstyle;
• Gaia's passive is useless (Sure, it's going to work against Tyr and Kuzenbo, but that's pretty much it, and the cooldown is ridiculous).

If you still want HP5, the only items I'd consider viable are either Sovereignty and Gauntlet of Thebes. However, they're support items.
If you want a big chunk of health, get Blackthorn Hammer.
If you want sustain, get either Glad or Berserker's.

I still don't see any reason to buy this item, honestly.

Shifter's Shield:
It's not that this item is bad, the problem is that we have better options when it comes to physical protections or power.
BoV, Void Shield, Urchin all provide more in the defense department, while Blackthorn and Masamune will provide power with survivability.

I consider Shifer's a good option for Assassins and for bruiser builds, but in my opinion Nike should never go bruiser, she should always go full tank to be a backline harasser.

Bulwark of Hope:
Because of the passive. Sure, it has good stats, but I'd only consider it against gods that can 100>0 me in one ability.

Midgardian Mail:
Well, situational items have this name for a reason. They're SITUATIONAL and their stats are usually weaker than core items (Compare Bov to Contagion, Crusher to Brawler's, Deso to Divine, etc.)
For example, Void Shield is a better item than Midgardian Mail to finish a warrior build.

Oni Hunter's Garb:
It might have been an overstatement, so let me rephrase it:
If you want to be full tank, there's no better magical defense item than this. Damage Mitigation can't be countered. This is why I like to pair it with Spirit Robe, so I can stack mitigations.

Hide of the Urchin:
We'll agree to disagree then, because I can't see a tank build without either Urchin (solo) or Thebes (support).

Spirit Robe/ Mantle of Discord:
To be honest, I always end up building Spirit Robe if I'm getting Oni Hunter's Garb, but I can't remmember the last time I built Mantle on Nike lol.
However, I think you should consider at least one of those.

Reinforced Greaves:
Sorry, I can't get behind this at all. You'll lose more gold selling Warrior Tabi and getting Greaves than selling boots and going straight into a 7th item. There's absolutely no reason to get Greaves if you don't have gold for your 7th item after seeling boots.

Shield of Thorns:
Fair enough, since she already has Barrier Formation, but if used correclty, you'll be surprised about how much damage you can reflect to the enemies, and not just for ADCs.
There's a reason why Zapman (ADC player for PK and world champion) cries so much about this relic lol.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 3, 2020 7:41pm
I often will show counter items as part of an example build also...I see no problem with that. I do explain usually in the notes that those are potentially situational and you can sub out something else for them if you don't feel the need for it. But yeah, Midgardian is a solid item and I always expect to be able to get some use out of it.

I will say that for tanks, it may sometimes be a fine balance. The high amount of shred items mean your defenses can be beaten down, and at the same time, I don't like going TOO much for pure protection items (basically Urchin and Bulwark would fall into this category for me) because you're already not supposed to be the main target. It's just, you're usually the CLOSEST one. Smart players that are able to choose from multiple targets typically will want to go for the higher damage dealers, so you don't want to build so much selfish protection that they'll just ignore you.

So with Nike, who has high survivability due to her ult, along with that big shield, I would think that utility items that also help your teammates are a bit more priority, e.g. anything that does anything besides just provide prots and health. CDR, auras, counters are all solid choices IMO.
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boogiebass (46) | February 2, 2020 9:34pm
Have an upvote
DV-8 (35) | February 2, 2020 8:23pm
The build is a bit of a mess as of right now, and I'm sure I'm missing a few items.

However, I did make a pretty significant discovery recently. There is currently a bug with Nike's ultimate and the way that it interacts with Pridwen's passive. The Pridwen passive shield does not activate, and therefore the damage explosion and slow effect are nullified as well.

If the item interacted with Nike's ult shield properly, it could be a solid item option. However, as it stands now, it will not be included in the build.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 3, 2020 9:51am
Hey DV, nice to see you contributing again!

One thing I think could be improved is her early game potential. As long as you don't get interrupted, rend provides very high scaling and so I think Blackthorn is a viable early game item for her. I also think midgardian is maybe only situational and best when facing a basic attacking solo.

If you get blackthorn after boots, you can maybe rush urchin next, and then build/counter-build from there. Alternatively, Berzerkers or Glad shield should also still work well.

DV-8 (35) | February 23, 2020 8:43pm
Super late reply, but I decided to turn this into a guide. Some of these topics are touched upon in the guide, so let me know what you think!

As for Blackthorn Hammer after Boots, I'm actually not a huge fan of this. Although it does offer a large Health pool, I don't think it trades as well when the enemy builds Protections. That being said, I like it as more of a third item.

As for Berserker's Shield, I considered including this (and even had some fun experimenting with some Ninja Tabi - Berserker's Shield builds), but ultimately decided against it in the end. I feel that Gladiator's Shield translates better into the mid and late stages of the game comparatively. Nike's abilities can usually tag multiple enemies (Example: Rend, Sentinel of Zeus), and she typically doesn't spend too much time dishing out basic attacks. In this line of thinking, I would opt for Glad Shield over Berserker's in most cases.
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Nike SPL Builds
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