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Obsidian Cupid ADC GUIDE

Carry Conquest
10 0 4,739
by TottiGR updated February 25, 2025

Smite God: Cupid

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Cupid Build

Attack Speed Starter

Notes Bumba's Golden Dagger is the best starter right now for an attack speed based build because it will provide you with high jungle camp clear and sustain.

Axe will evolve into Bragi's Harp.

Purification Beads will save you during early game giving CC immunity during 2 seconds.


Bumba's Golden Dagger is the best starter right now for an attack speed based build because it will provide you with high jungle camp clear and sustain.

Axe will evolve into Bragi's Harp.

Purification Beads will save you during early game giving CC immunity during 2 seconds.

Build Item Bumba's Golden Dagger Bumba's Golden Dagger
Build Item Axe Axe
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Attack Speed Full Build

Notes Bumba's Spear it is a really good starter because provides you with good sustain when killing objectives or jungle camps, penetration, power and one of the most important things for an ADC, couldown reduction.

Bragi's Harp provides you with strength, intelligence and attack speed, really compact item for ADC's.

Qin's Sais you should always buy this item if you don't know exactly what do build next because of its passive, it is really strong for killing supports and solo laners (tanky gods).

The Executioner incorporating this item in an attack speed based build it is crucial because it will give you attack speed, strength and penetration to burn objectives and tanky gods.

Titan's Bane provides you with with great amount of strength and penetration being a very cheap item.

Odysseus' Bow is pretty cool for farming damage and dealing high amount of damage during team fights in late game. The only problem that it has is that it doesn't provide of any power stat so you will have less DPS.

Dominance provides you with the essential stats that what an ADC needs: attack speed, power, mana sustain and an incredible penetration percentage on basic attacks.

This build is meant for competitive because your enemies are supposed to be in communication and playing smart so you will be in most of the cases only hitting tanks or junglers that are trying to kill you. Most of them will have more than 200 hundred physical and magical protections and more than 3500 HP so you will need to have bought penetration items for being able to kill them as quick as possible.


Bumba's Spear it is a really good starter because provides you with good sustain when killing objectives or jungle camps, penetration, power and one of the most important things for an ADC, couldown reduction.

Bragi's Harp provides you with strength, intelligence and attack speed, really compact item for ADC's.

Qin's Sais you should always buy this item if you don't know exactly what do build next because of its passive, it is really strong for killing supports and solo laners (tanky gods).

The Executioner incorporating this item in an attack speed based build it is crucial because it will give you attack speed, strength and penetration to burn objectives and tanky gods.

Titan's Bane provides you with with great amount of strength and penetration being a very cheap item.

Odysseus' Bow is pretty cool for farming damage and dealing high amount of damage during team fights in late game. The only problem that it has is that it doesn't provide of any power stat so you will have less DPS.

Dominance provides you with the essential stats that what an ADC needs: attack speed, power, mana sustain and an incredible penetration percentage on basic attacks.

This build is meant for competitive because your enemies are supposed to be in communication and playing smart so you will be in most of the cases only hitting tanks or junglers that are trying to kill you. Most of them will have more than 200 hundred physical and magical protections and more than 3500 HP so you will need to have bought penetration items for being able to kill them as quick as possible.

Build Item Bumba's Spear Bumba's Spear
Build Item Bragi's Harp Bragi's Harp
Build Item Qin's Blade Qin's Blade
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Alternative Relics

Notes Phantom Shell should be bought if their set up doesn't have gods with much CC's and they have walls in their kits like Ymir or Cabrakan.

Aegis of Acceleration it is a really good option because it has low CD. You should always buy it in the games where the enemy gods don't have much CC's or in the case they have many burst skills.


Phantom Shell should be bought if their set up doesn't have gods with much CC's and they have walls in their kits like Ymir or Cabrakan.

Aegis of Acceleration it is a really good option because it has low CD. You should always buy it in the games where the enemy gods don't have much CC's or in the case they have many burst skills.

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration

Defensive Alternatives

Notes Shifter's Shield can be a great choice if they are focusing you during late game fights because will provide you of good defensive stats and high power! It is an alternative to Dominance in the last item spot.

Berserker's Shield is an alternative to Dominance in case you want attack speed and have some protections for late game fights over objetives.


Shifter's Shield can be a great choice if they are focusing you during late game fights because will provide you of good defensive stats and high power! It is an alternative to Dominance in the last item spot.

Berserker's Shield is an alternative to Dominance in case you want attack speed and have some protections for late game fights over objetives.

Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield

Critical Items

Notes In the case you want to go with crits in your build because you are feeling that you are not doing enough damage, you should do both of them to have good critical chances.

This items should be bought instead of Odysseus' Bow and Titan's Bane.


In the case you want to go with crits in your build because you are feeling that you are not doing enough damage, you should do both of them to have good critical chances.

This items should be bought instead of Odysseus' Bow and Titan's Bane.

Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Cupid's Skill Order

Heart Bomb

1 X Y
Heart Bomb
1 4 6 7 9

Share The Love

2 A B
Share The Love
3 15 16 18 19


3 B A
2 10 11 12 14

Fields Of Love

4 Y X
Fields Of Love
5 8 13 17 20
Heart Bomb
1 4 6 7 9

Heart Bomb

1 X
Fire an arrow of love, dealing Physical Damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them.
  • After 3s, the enemy’s heart explodes, dealing Physical Damage to all enemies within the radius.
  • If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, all enemies in the explosion area are Stunned.
Initial Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170
Initial Damage Scaling: 80% Strength + 55% Intelligence
Explosion Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170
Explosion Damage Scaling: 80% Strength + 55% Intelligence
Minion Bonus Damage: 55%
Slow: 20%
Stun Duration: 0.8s
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 0.5m
Explode Radius: 4m
Cooldown: 12s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • Deals additional damage to minions.
Share The Love
3 15 16 18 19

Share The Love

2 A
Lob an explosive bomb at a location that detonates after 0.75s, dealing Physical Damage to all enemies hit.
  • When the bomb explodes, 3 hearts spawn around the detonation location, Healing and restoring Mana to any ally that picks them up.
  • If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, the hearts also provide a temporary Strength and Intelligence buff.
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280
Damage Scaling: 65% Strength + 35% Intelligence
Heal: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Heal Scaling: 7% Intelligence
Mana Restore: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Mana Restore Scaling: 5% Intelligence
Strength: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Strength Scaling: 10% Strength
Intelligence: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Intelligence Scaling: 5% Intelligence
Duration: 5s
Duration: 5s
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 1.6m
Cooldown: 13s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Additional Notes:
  • The hearts persist for 8s.
  • When you or an ally pick up a heart, gain a stack of Lovestruck.
  • If an ally picks up the heart, you Heal for 60% of the value and also restore Mana.
2 10 11 12 14


3 B
Dash forward quickly, leaving behind a trail that increases all allies’ Attack and Movement Speed.

Attack Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Movement Speed: 30%
Lifetime: 6s
Range: 8.8m
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Cost: 70

Additional Notes:
  • You also gain Attack Speed after dashing, which is active for the same duration as the trail and stacks with the trail's buff.
  • The Attack Speed buff only scales with Attack Speed from items.
Fields Of Love
5 8 13 17 20

Fields Of Love

4 Y
Fire a volley of arrows in an area, Slowing and Crippling all enemies inside.
  • The arrows grow for 2s before exploding, dealing Physical Damage and Mesmerizing all enemies inside the area, while Healing all allies.
  • If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, enemies are Stunned instead of Mesmerized.
Damage: 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 / 520
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 75% Intelligence
Heal: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200
Heal Scaling: 20% Intelligence
Slow: 30%
Mesmerize Duration: 1s
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 5.6m
Cooldown: 100s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Cupid Threats

Tap each threat level to view Cupid’s threats


Cupid Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Cupid’s synergies



Hey, this guide is brought to you by TottiGR! I started playing Smite on PC in February 2014. I have been playing competitive since 2016 and I have been a professional Smite player between March 2020 to July 2023. I have played in different teams like JustF6, Gilded Gladiators or Tartarus Titans this last year in the Smite Pro League (You can always check the SmiteVod Youtube Channel where there's my proffesional games recorded). I have peaked 3500 MMR GrandMaster/Masters in Ranked Conquest on PC plataform every season since 2017 (SEASON 4). I also made Smite Masters (LAN) 4 times in 2022 so I really think I have the knowledge in guiding about the ADC role in SMITEGAME. I hope you find this guide as a useful learning resource for playing Cupid as an ADC.

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Cupid's Abilities

Passive - Lovestruck

Cupid falls in love with everything he hits, with more love, more powerful he becomes. He stacks a heart with each attack he hits.

Every time he hits something he wins an additional effect that provides him of more damage in the skills and healing stats.

As soon as he gets the 8 stacks he will also gain more time in the mesmerized effect on his ultimate Fields Of Love and the Heart Bomb when explodes will cause a stun on all target in the area.

Ability 1 - Heart Bomb

Cupid's main clear ability. He fires his famous arrow charged with a heart. The target hit with this arrow will lose 20% of movement speed and the heart will stick on him.

After 3 seconds, the heart will explode causing damage to the target and all enemies in the area. If Cupid totally fell in love (your passive is fully stacked), the explosion will cause 1s stun to the target and all enemies in the area.

Also, minions of all types take an additional 60% damage on both hits.

Ability 2 - Share The Love

Cupid lobs an explosive bomb at a location, detonating and dealing damage to the enemies hitted. After the bomb explodes, 3 hearts will spawn and if you or your teammates pick it up they will heal up and restore Mana.

It is a really important skill for laning phase and teamfights because if you get poked, you can heal up yourself or your teammates while using little mana!

Ability 3 - Flutter

Cupid's main escaping skill. He dashes forward leaving a trail of love that increases all allies' movement speed and himself when above it.

Also, he gains a permanent attack speed buff by upgrading this skill to help him spread the love.

I would rather use this skill to escape from ganks as a defensively way or offesinvely by dashing into the enemies ADC, using the combos explained later in the guide!

Ultimate - Fields Of Love

Cupid's ultimate. He quickly shoots all his love arrows into the air that quickly lands, forming a large radius circle in the ground, preventing enemies from use movement skills, keeping them close to his love, and slowing all the targets in 30%. Then, after 2 seconds the hearts on the arrows will explode causing damage and a hypnotizing (mesmerizing effect) for all the targets affected by the explosion.

Aspect of Love

Heart Bomb's damage is decreased but the enemy hit has reduced Attack Speed and the explosion area heals allies. At 8 stacks of Lovestruck, allies also gain a Health Shield.

In my opinion I would never use the aspect because as ADC, the main ability for trades and pushing waves is Heart Bomb so you will need to prioritaze upgrading this skill and obviously have more power on it!

Example Combos

Example Combos:

Main Combo:

Heart Bomb > Basic Attacks > Fields Of Love > Basic Attacks -> If needed because you haven't killed the enemy, you can use as last skill Flutter for chasing the enemies.

Other combos:

Flutter > Heart Bomb > Basic Attacks > Fields Of Love

Fields Of Love > Basic Attacks > Heart Bomb

Heart Bomb > Fields Of Love > Basic Attacks > Flutter this last skills is just for chasing enemies if they try to escape or in case you are getting ganked just for being safe and not die.[/color]

How to play CUPID ADC

Gameplay Start / Early Game:
  • Start at the purple buff then go to the wave with your support, push two waves so you will get level 2 and then if you have won the pressure go to the central buff, do it and then comeback to lane.

  • In case you have lost the pressure try to contest the central buff fighting the enemies or play passively and go to the right neutral camp that will give you some experience and gold.

  • During the early game phase remember to push waves and then do your right back camps because they will give you an small lead over the enemies. Ward duo site of the map and try to fight over the central buff camp.

  • As Cupid remember to spam your ultimate because it has low cooldowns and it can also help your jungler when he is ganking your lane by forcing enemies ADC's Purification Beads so he will be a free kill to any CC of your teammates.

  • From here you will usually fight the enemy ADC and support during wave pushes in lane with your own support. Most of the fights you should take are around the central buff camp or the experience camp in the right site of the duo lane and depending on yours and their early pressure/clear around your own purple buff or theirs (remember you can burst easily the the purple buff with your starter item).

  • This ADC has a really good fighting kit of skills so you should be always looking to fight 1vs1 the other ADC (if you are ahead). Don't try to risk your life so you can poke the enemy ADC from the distance by using Acid Spray in the enemy ADC and then trying to hit the shots of Viper Shot, this will poke him out and easily convert him into an easy kill for your teammates. I need to clarify that if you don't wave any wards spotted on the map remember you should always take care of it. Just be confident during laning phase, your confidence will play a really good paper on succeeding, so just try it out. If you don't risk you will never achieve :p.

  • An important advice as an ADC main is to be active in communication, always try to tell all the information you can to your team like your own purple, neutral camps and their purple timer (if possible), if there is any one spotted in the wards you placed, if someone is trying to dive you, if they are doing Gold Fury... This type of information will make your jungler and support pathing to gank your lane easier and make you having bigger chances of getting a lead over the other ADC.

  • REMEMBER to always buy wards, warding correctly with aggressive Sentry Wards will determine half of the game around the Gold Fury objective and warding defensively will make you be more aware about possible ganks so you will be safer in lane.

Mid Game:
  • As the match goes towards the mid game, other than the usual farm opportunities you'll be looking to rotate over the Pyromancer for your team and try attempt, contest and steal (if the enemy is attempting to kill them) the Gold Fury.

  • Remember to rotate when there is no duo jungle remain like purple or neutral buff camp and to have the wave pushed before rotating because you will fall much behind in farm compared to your enemy ADC. (DO NOT ROTATE IF YOU ARE 2 OR MORE LEVELS BEHIND THE OTHER ADC!)

  • As for Gold Fury opportunity they will vary on factors such as: your team's overall objective shred, your ADC's current objective shred / build, your team's map pressure, how strong each team's teamfight is, where on the map everyone is (i.e. if one team is doing Gold, the other may decide to do Pyromancer as a smaller trade), if any members of the enemy team are on a respawn timer, etc...

  • It is so important to have warded (with Sentry Wards if possible) the Gold Fury during the Mid Game because it is the principal objective between minute 10 to 20 with the Pyromancer.

  • Stay aware of rotations (jungle and support) during this minutes because your death as ADC will be a really good factor over pulling Gold Fury or even burst it. So your team won't have any chance of contest.

  • Not dying over rotations, map awareness and warding are highly important over the games. You will always need to position yourself beside de midlaner for peeling each other over team fights (call who is doing engage on you, relics and this type of stuff that is going to make an easier way to make your team win the team fight)
  • If you see there is a potential kill in solo lane and your team has the possibility to take the kill and go fire, you should take the background teleport and join the fight by teleporting to solo, after getting the kill you and your team will decide if it is a good option to do Fire Gigant or go back to your lane!

Late Game:
  • As for late game teamfights, most often you will be positioned in the "backline" (behind your team's solo and support - who generally are the "frontline") and will play around your midlaner to deal with the enemy frontline and jungler, while making sure to put out as much damage as possible to the highest threats on the enemy team.

  • Make sure you have able your actives: Purification Beads, Aegis of Acceleration or Phantom Shell before going into the Fire Giant. I really good advice is to use actives as soon as the solo laner, support or jungler engages on you to try to avoid as much damage and crowd control as possible, if you stay safe as an ADC on a late game teamfight, your team will have enough DPS to do Fire Giant or if you kill all your enemies, you can even finish the game.

  • When it comes to Fire Giant opportunities, often there can be stalemates where both teams will try to force a teamfight or look for lone picks in order to gain an advantage, the bes tthing about Neith during late game fights aroung objetives is that you can start a fight or pick someone with your ultimate World Weaver, dealing big damage over the enemie, converting him an easily kill for your teammates.


How to play CUPID ADC

Gameplay Start / Early Game:
  • Start at the purple buff then go to the wave with your support, push two waves so you will get level 2, leveling up Flutter to have an escaping or engaging skill depending the situation you are living, if you are losing the trades you should use it in a defensively way or if you are winning and you see a potential kill in duo, offensively. Later if you have won the pressure go to the central buff, do it and then comeback to lane.

  • In case you have lost the pressure try to contest the central buff fighting the enemies or play passively and go to the right neutral camp that will give you some experience and gold.

  • During the early game phase remember to push waves and then do your right back camps because they will give you an small lead over the enemies. Ward duo site of the map and try to fight over the central buff camp.

  • As Neith remember to be always watching the map because you have a global ultimate World Weaver to help your allies by securing kills or stunning the enemies in difficult situations. It can also help your jungler when he is ganking your lane by forcing enemies ADC's Purification Beads so he will be a free kill to any CC of your teammates.

  • From here you will usually fight the enemy ADC and support during wave pushes in lane with your own support. Most of the fights you should take are around the central buff camp or the experience camp in the right site of the duo lane and depending on yours and their early pressure/clear around your own purple buff or theirs (remember you can burst easily the the purple buff with your starter item).

  • This hunter has a really good fighting kit of skills so you should be always looking to fight 1vs1 the other ADC (if you are ahead). Don't try to risk your life so you can poke the enemy ADC from the distance by using Acid Spray in the enemy hunter and then trying to hit the shots of Viper Shot, this will poke him out and easily convert him into an easy kill for your teammates. I need to clarify that if you don't wave any wards spotted on the map remember you should always take care of it. Just be confident during laning phase, your confidence will play a really good paper on succeeding, so just try it out. If you don't risk you will never achieve :p.

  • An important advice as an ADC main is to be active in communication, always try to tell all the information you can to your team like your own purple, neutral camps and their purple timer (if possible), if there is any one spotted in the wards you placed, if someone is trying to dive you, if they are doing Gold Fury... This type of information will make your jungler and support pathing to gank your lane easier and make you having bigger chances of getting a lead over the other hunter.

  • REMEMBER to always buy wards, warding correctly with aggressive Sentry Wards will determine half of the game around the Gold Fury objective and warding defensively will make you be more aware about possible ganks so you will be safer in lane.

Mid Game:
  • As the match goes towards the mid game, other than the usual farm opportunities you'll be looking to rotate over the Pyromancer for your team and try attempt, contest and steal (if the enemy is attempting to kill them) the Gold Fury.

  • Remember to rotate when there is no duo jungle remain like purple or neutral buff camp and to have the wave pushed before rotating because you will fall much behind in farm compared to your enemy ADC. (DO NOT ROTATE IF YOU ARE 2 OR MORE LEVELS BEHIND THE OTHER HUNTER!)

  • As for Gold Fury opportunity they will vary on factors such as: your team's overall objective shred, your ADC's current objective shred / build, your team's map pressure, how strong each team's teamfight is, where on the map everyone is (i.e. if one team is doing Gold, the other may decide to do Pyromancer as a smaller trade), if any members of the enemy team are on a respawn timer, etc...

  • It is so important to have warded (with Sentry Wards if possible) the Gold Fury during the Mid Game because it is the principal objective between minute 10 to 20 with the Pyromancer.

  • Stay aware of rotations (jungle and support) during this minutes because your death as ADC will be a really good factor over pulling Gold Fury or even burst it. So your team won't have any chance of contest.

  • Not dying over rotations, map awareness and warding are highly important over the games. You will always need to position yourself beside de midlaner for peeling each other over team fights (call who is doing engage on you, relics and this type of stuff that is going to make an easier way to make your team win the team fight)
  • If you see there is a potential kill in solo lane and your team has the possibility to take the kill and go fire, you should take the background teleport and join the fight by teleporting to solo, after getting the kill you and your team will decide if it is a good option to do Fire Gigant or go back to your lane!

Late Game:
  • As for late game teamfights, most often you will be positioned in the "backline" (behind your team's solo and support - who generally are the "frontline") and will play around your midlaner to deal with the enemy frontline and jungler, while making sure to put out as much damage as possible to the highest threats on the enemy team.

  • Make sure you have able your actives: Purification Beads, Aegis of Acceleration or Phantom Shell before going into the Fire Giant. I really good advice is to use actives as soon as the solo laner, support or jungler engages on you to try to avoid as much damage and crowd control as possible, if you stay safe as an ADC on a late game teamfight, your team will have enough DPS to do Fire Giant or if you kill all your enemies, you can even finish the game.

  • When it comes to Fire Giant opportunities, often there can be stalemates where both teams will try to force a teamfight or look for lone picks in order to gain an advantage.


How To Ward As Carry

Normal Early / Mid Game Warding:

I would always try to get this two wards (NORMAL WARDS -> White Colour) because with them you can easily control most of the jungle size around duo lane, avoiding enemy jungler ganks or even support ambushes. You can also control the Gold Fury objetive during the mid game phase of the game and communicate your team anything happening over the duo lane!

Defensive Warding:

Here are warding spots for ADCs if you are behind with gold or experience compared to the other hunter. If the enemy team has your purple timer you should always try to Sentry Ward (GREEN COLOUR CIRCLE) your purple buff and make sure to call your teammates at least 1 minute before spawning.

Offensive Warding:

In case you have a high pressure duo set up (ADC with good clear and fighting capability and a support with crowd control, push and mobility) you should look to invade enemy purple buffs. This type of wards will make an easier way for you and your teammates to come over purple pit before spawning and being ready for stealing it [you will always know who is coming to gank you so you must be prepared]

Fire Giant Warding:

These two maps are efficient ways to use ADC vision to help your team know the position of enemies before starting a fight around the objective.

When you start fighting around Fire Giant, you should always look to ward in the same places as a midlaner because you two (ADC and MID) form what we call as "backlaners" (the roles who are supposed to deal DPS and damage to enemies), you will be sharing the responsibility for this rather than handling it alone, especially when it's not safe for you to step up to place deeper wards. Any wards placed closer to the objective within the Fire Giant pit tend to get destroyed by Sentries more often than not, so they tend to not be reliable.

Remember, minions act as moving wards in the lanes, and are able to spot nearby gods. If your towers are down, keep your minions pushed up as much as possible to provide an extra set of eyes and pressure.

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