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Offensive Athéna - All mode [EN & FR]

3 1 19,919
by Phoenyxx updated October 5, 2023

Smite God: Athena

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Athena Build


Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Sturdy Stew Sturdy Stew

1. full Build - no Stack

Notes It my prefer build you can change The Alternate Timeline by Pendulum of Ages if you want more cooldown and damages but i prefer The Alternate Timeline because it make revive and some protection for be invincible


It my prefer build you can change The Alternate Timeline by Pendulum of Ages if you want more cooldown and damages but i prefer The Alternate Timeline because it make revive and some protection for be invincible

Build Item The Alternate Timeline The Alternate Timeline
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

For Conquest use

Notes For conquest use Bumba's Dagger for camp then Bumba's Hammer for damage and cooldown, then same build that u choice 1. , 2. or 3.


For conquest use Bumba's Dagger for camp then Bumba's Hammer for damage and cooldown, then same build that u choice 1. , 2. or 3.

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer

2. Full Build Alt - no Stack

Notes For this I use Pendulum of Ages for the cooldown.

I use Perfected Rod of Tahuti because it make reduce 1.5s you ability for defeat some enemy.

I dont try Calamitous Rod of Tahuti, you can try and give me feedback.


For this I use Pendulum of Ages for the cooldown.

I use Perfected Rod of Tahuti because it make reduce 1.5s you ability for defeat some enemy.

I dont try Calamitous Rod of Tahuti, you can try and give me feedback.

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Perfected Rod of Tahuti Perfected Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

3. Full Build - Stack

Notes It an alternative version with stack I use it on conquest only but for it make sure to remplace Sands of Time by Bumba's Dagger for the starter and so Bumba's Hammer for final and not The Alternate Timeline


It an alternative version with stack I use it on conquest only but for it make sure to remplace Sands of Time by Bumba's Dagger for the starter and so Bumba's Hammer for final and not The Alternate Timeline

Build Item The Alternate Timeline The Alternate Timeline
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Athena's Skill Order

Preemptive Strike

1 X Y
Preemptive Strike
1 15 16 18 19


2 A B
2 3 6 7 10

Shield Wall

3 B A
Shield Wall
4 8 11 12 14

Defender of Olympus

4 Y X
Defender of Olympus
5 9 13 17 20
Preemptive Strike
1 15 16 18 19

Preemptive Strike

1 X
Athena powers up for a dash. While dashing, Athena will pass through minions, stop and hit the first enemy god she encounters, dealing damage. If she hits an enemy, Athena gains a stack (max 3), reducing the next source of Basic Attack damage from any god that hits her. Athena may also gain these stacks by hitting an enemy god with Reach, once per attack.

Ability Type: Dash, Slow, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 15s
2 3 6 7 10


2 A
Athena releases a shockwave of power from her shield, Taunting enemy gods and decreasing their Attack Speed as she forces them to fight or chase her.

Ability Type: Cone, Taunt, Damage
Taunt Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Attack Speed Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 18s
Shield Wall
4 8 11 12 14

Shield Wall

3 B
Athena summons a group of Athenian warriors who do damage and Slow upon arrival. After 2s, they strike again, dealing additional Damage and Slowing.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Initial Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Secondary Damage: 70 / 135 / 200 / 265 / 330 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 15%
Radius: 15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Defender of Olympus
5 9 13 17 20

Defender of Olympus

4 Y
Athena picks a single allied god anywhere in the world, and launches herself up into the air, landing next to that god 3.6 seconds later. During that 3.6 seconds, both Athena and the allied god gain Damage Mitigation, and the allied god also gains Movement Speed. Enemies nearby when Athena lands take damage.

Ability Type: Teleport, Buff, Damage
Damage: 330 / 405 / 480 / 555 / 630 (+90% of your Magical Power)
Ally Mitigation: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Movement Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 120s

This guide will be updated, as the meta evolves.



Goddess of Wisdom




Strengths :
  • Amazing crowd control
  • Ubiquity : with ult you can come help anyone ealsily (conquest)
  • Dash slows enemies
  • Can return the team fights easily
Weaknesses :
  • Dash needs to charge...
  • Cooldown is slow with out good building
  • Ult damage is pretty weak




Forces :
  • Contrôle incroyable
  • Ubiquité : avec l'ult tu peux venir aider n'importe qui facilement (conquête)
  • Le Dash ralentit les ennemis
  • Peut facilement retourner les combats d'équipes
Faiblesses :
  • Le Dash doit charger ...
  • Le temps de recharge est lent sans de bon équipements
  • Les dégâts de l'ultimes sont ***ez faibles


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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoenyxx
Offensive Athéna - All mode [EN & FR]
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