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Buy whichever starter you want then the consumables. You can only buy one starter.
Sell your boots for Titan's Bane.
Substitute Witchblade for
Winged Blade into teams with a lot of slows.
Sell Bluestone Pendant for
Pridwen when you get to your last slot.
Sell your boots for Titan's Bane.
Substitute Witchblade for
Winged Blade into teams with a lot of slows.
Sell your boots for Titan's Bane.
Get Purification Beads first if you need it vs your lane opponent or the enemy jungler but usually, you'll go
Blink Rune first. The "Relics" chapter has situational pick-ups.
Tap each threat level to view Mulan’s threats
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Of all the solo laners, Mulan has the best laning phase. Her high yet bursty damage allows her to fight into every match-up early game and she can even out-trade gods like the all-powerful
Guan Yu and
Cu Chulainn. With great setup from
Grapple and initiation with
Divine Mastery, Mulan is impactful in team fights and remains a threat long after the other gods with strong early games fall off.
![]() Strengths → Good setup → Good buff secure → Can immune damage and crowd control with ![]() → Wins almost every lane match-up |
![]() Weaknesses→ Has a lot of interruptible damage → Susceptible to early ganks |
Start off by buying Warrior's Axe,
Bluestone Pendant, or
Tainted Steel and a
Chalice of Healing. Get three
Healing Potions and
Blink Rune.
Mulan doesn't need
Multi Potions because she'll out-trade the enemy solo laner regardless. The extra mana sustain from them isn't needed because
Mulan will get the first Totem of Ku which basically gives her unlimited mana for the next two waves.
Go to speed buff at the start of the game. Clear it as fast as possible and then head to mini harpy camp. Your jungler will be on the bigger harpy camp and will pull them towards you. Don't use Spear Thrust on the minis, hold it for clearing blue buff. After both camps are down, head to blue. Clear blue then go to lane.
Once you get to lane you should use your abilities primarily on the wave because you want to play for the first Totem. You will out clear most gods and you should try to group the wave before clearing it. Once you have Totem, you can play aggressively in lane. Look for poke, fight them for no reason, whittle them down. You will have more mana sustain than them which means you can fight for longer, and Mulan wins all trades early game anyway. If an enemy is under their tower and can't walk up to the wave, freeze the wave and zone them from getting any gold or xp from the dying minions. If you have an aggressive jungler, you can try to invade second blue as soon as it spawns. If you see the enemy jungler on the map or have recently seen them and know they can't get to blue on time, take the blue then run to your blue. It's important not to waste time once you've completed an invade. You just need to secure your own buff to prevent a counter invade then back for
Warrior Tabi. The goal is to get full boots on your first back. If you don't get a kill in lane or invade, you'll have enough gold once you clear the wave that comes after you get your second blue buff.
Warrior Tabi is the best boots option on
Mulan because you want to be able to clear quickly and have enough power to be able to take most of the enemy solo's health after you hit them with
Grapple. Once you get boots, you want to play off of your lane pressure. Get every Totem of Ku, freeze the wave and zone the enemy solo from them, proxy if you can then invade blue and back camps and rotate to gank mid lane or look for a Gold Fury, kill the Greater Scorpion then look for Pyromancer. Do whatever you can do to PUSH YOUR LEAD.
As the solo laner and frontline during team fights, you want to be initiating for your team and pressuring their backline so they're not free casting onto your jungler and backline. As Mulan you want to be using
Blink Rune to get in range for
Grapple or
Divine Mastery so your team can follow up and quickly kill them, or to use
Spear Thrust and play to kill them on your own. The goal is to either initiate for your team and make space so your backline can play up and your jungler can get in there, or to let your team pick someone with your crowd control. You can blink onto the enemy backline, use
Spear Thrust and
Cross Strike, then use
Divine Mastery to dash away from them and towards your team. You're effectively going on someone and if they can't immediately cc and burst you down, they take even more damage while you safely dash away.
Divine Mastery does a lot of damage mid to late-game and she can cancel it so if enemies get out of range, or are blowing her up, she can adjust and continue to dominate the fight.
You can use Divine Mastery into a wall so that you don't give the enemy you're going on distance. You'll dash and do the full ultimate animation in place.
Grapple has immunity frames. When you hit an enemy god, you're immune in the air while pulling them for a short amount of time. This lets you do a lot of things that others can't. For example, you can
Petrify and continue going on her while most gods would have to use an ultimate to immune it or have to look away and give her breathing room.
Spear Thrust does so much more damage when it evolves and gains its second hit. Use it on cooldown on the enemy solo. You don't even have to fully fight them, just
Spear Thrust and walk back away if you have other things to do. Use it on minions who would otherwise die to an auto attack. Use it as much as possible, even if it's unnecessary, until you get the second hit.
You want to evolve Grapple as fast as possible. It's
Mulan's only mobility outside of
Divine Mastery. Just like I said to do with
Spear Thrust, use
Grapple on cooldown even if it's unneeded until you can use it on walls.
You can cancel Divine Mastery right after you knock an enemy up to confirm
Grapple. It's a very good crowd control chain and can result in more damage done than if you didn't cancel the ultimate.
Mulan is an oppressive warrior who, just like her weapons, needs skill and practice to master. She can be punished harder than most warriors when she makes mistakes, but, if played perfectly,
Mulan will be dominant from the moment minions spawn to the moment the enemy titan falls.
"Train your skill in each of your weapons and gain mastery throughout the battle!"
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