Here comes the skills, i found this skill order pretty nice, it can look strange at first, but i will explain it later.
Fragmented: This is your PassiveIt changes you into a ghost, really cool yea, but over that, you will be able to go through walls, gain some damage physical damage mitigation, and will not be subject to the slow from the auto attacks.
This will proc after launching eight abilities, you can try to keep it around 5 or 6, to make it proc when you feel it is good time to try to get some kill on youre lane, but don't take to much care about that. It will be better to keep the pressure on your opponent using
Spirit Flail. And anyway the time you will try to get some kill, you will usually use your ult, to jump and for the damage, wich will make proc
Fragmented anyway. What i recommend, keep in mind the possibility you have when it procs.
Tips and Tricks
- If
Fragmented procs, you can do that, run through the ennemy minions right on your ennemy(squeeze 3 of them with
Hand of the Gods), put judgment of theter, and destroy his ***, keep the
Lord of the Afterlife for the finishing blow, or the escape in case its not going good, or the jungler pops up.
Sickle Strike: This is your
1, a straight skill, who hit the first target it encounters and stick into it, making dmg and slowing the target.
I personnaly put one point into this at lvl 2 and then keep it like that untill mid game. We actually only want it soon to catch the slow debuff who will not get longer or stronger with lvl, only the damage will up, and still will be less than
Spirit Flail, and in fact more
difficult to land cause your opponent will usually try to hide behind his minions. We will start to max it later on to catch up the damages as the map roaming will start, and the cooldown is small.
From the moment
you start roaming with you're team, use and abuse of it, as it is low mana, fast cast, and slow with little damage ability.
Tips and Tricks
- Don't spam this early on, use it only if you're sure to land, if you chase with you're jungler for exemple. Even the mana cost is low, save it for
Spirit Flail
- Don't forget you can use this as an escape too when you're chased ! Quickly turn on throw it and run again.
Spirit Flail: This is your
2, an aoe who can be land from a pretty lovely distance. It makes really nice damages early on, you get a movement speed buff, and it boosts
Sickle Strike's slow.
Osiris is set as a warrior, but my feeling is this is usually a tool for hunters or mages. There is a reason we have this, reason may be, Osiris is soooooo squishy, so he needs some long range harass before jumping onto the ennemy. And that's what you're gonna do, early on,
max this out first, and
harass with it, try to catch the minions and you're oponent with it. Take care of course of the minions,
land it, and then retreat a few meters, then come back. You don't want to take unecessary damages. We never say it enough, but early on,
minions f****** hurts ! Again this will be your main tool, so you will have to learn to use it wisely, don't spam it, sometimes it will be better to finish a wave of minions than harass, sometimes not. The cooldown is a lil long 10s, so take care.
Another thing, when you will get to mid game roaming with you're team, always use this after a
Sickle Strike, to
boost its slow.
50 percent slow ! That's half of the movement speed, without
Purification Beads or magi's blessing there is just
no way they will be able to escape you're team. Even they have those actives, if you can make ennemy team use them, it's good job cause this will allow greater crowd controll abilities from you're team mates, so damnit do it !
Tips and Tricks
- Take care of you're mana early on with this one, try to ask when it is up the blue buff to you're jungler, or do it yourself if he is out there ganking somewhere else.
Judgement Tether: This is your
3, it cast an aoe around you with a pretty big area, all the ennemy inside are linked to you, and as long as it is, their damages are lowered, and if they are still inside after 4s(wich is lil long) they will be stunned for 2s.
This is a
situationnal ability, use it to scare you're opponent, or when you chase with you're team, or in a middle of a teamfight. Dont forget the nice damage reduction, its only purpose is not only for stun after 4s ! This ability is indeed really
nice against melee, since they need to be on you to kill you, they will be in range of
Judgement Tether
Tips and Tricks
- This is a nice escape too actually, when you're chased, launch it to stun your chaser, and avoid some damages.
Lord of the Afterlife: This is your
ult, it allows you to jump onto someone, making some nice damage to
all character, activating
Fragmented instantly, making double damage to minions, and lil stun 0.4s to the ennemy. Since 14/5 patch
Lord of the Afterlife you can jump even while slowed and you're immune to CC while leapping to your target.
This ult is perfect to engage in a solo lane when opponent is already half life hiding behind his minions. He will take lot of dmg, lil stun, the ult will kill the minions, so you will be free to launch a
Sickle Strike followed by your
Spirit Flail and that should do the job. However take care, the area is small and easy to miss, if you miss your oponent, the overall damage will be less, and don't overtry to get the kill in that case.
extreme case of safety you can also use it as an
escape, the jump will make you out of range, or jump over walls in the jungle, or even the spirit form will allow you to pass through an ymir
Ice Wall or a
Ring of Spears from an Odin
Of course, use it in teamfights too, jump into a bunch of ennemies from an
unspoted(this point is important for the succes always remember even built lil tanky you're still not a real tank) point of view, followed by you're
Judgement Tether.
Use it especially just
after you're tank blinked into the enemy team, follow him. That will make the ennemy team panic, even the damage is not yet huge.
And remember don't over do it,
if you see your life going down fast, just escape.
Judgement Tether will allow that usually in teamfights, if you pop it just after
Lord of the Afterlife
About the skill order:
I max first
Spirit Flail for the
harass/pushing power it has, followed by
Lord of the Afterlife as it is avalaible of course, 3rd coming
Judgement Tether because it will definitely be more usefull during the laning phase, thanks to the
damage reduction and the escape it provides. I start to up
Sickle Strike lvl 2 from the lvl 12 because i feel that litle more damage is good to take as the damage reduction from
Judgement Tether at lvl 3 is already enough in my opinion. Eventually if you're
facing a mage you may want to up
Sickle Strike first. As a little more distance damage during ganks is never bad, and as mages don't fight in melee usually, you will be less need of
Judgement Tether damage reduction.
Of course Osiris becomes mana hungry if you build him with full CDR. Why not build him like an auto attacking bruiser like Vamana instead of a mix of auto attack and ability spam. The combination of a slow debuff and a runspeed buff makes him able to stick to targets very well, so no need for full CDR.
Crit or static damage is a matter of choice, but I would swap
First i wanted to apologize, i'm not english native speaker, so i made a mistake while translating the patch from yesterday. I correct it, crippled means slowed, i used a translator, which i understand something like root. I corrected the error today. Sorry about that
Pentargonite, about
BUYACUSHUN, glad you liked the guide :), your build is more full dps than bruiser, i would feel too squishy, but i will try it. I'm sure the lifesteal is nice since with the aoe of the basic attack from Osiris. Should bring him enough sustain. But i don't know if you can handle a gank so good or roam safely. Maybe now it is ok with the up of his life base.
I'm interested if you can give me some feedback about how you're doing with this build on the solo lane. I know usually people build him more dps than me, but i feel than his rĂ´le in the groupe is to kill and slow/stun squishys and still be able to handle damages and stay with the team.
Actually after reading back im thinking i should have detailled more the damage items cause many could fit. At least instead of Frostbound you re right. Even i half of the time skip it for quin ´sais or asi. More pen is good too, but Titan s bane acting on a % of pen i already has, and i have none with this build so maybe another pen item would be better.
I will update this soon!
Feedback appreciate! :)
Just test out the Titan's Bane, I think you'll like it more than Frostbound.