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If you went for the Safe Start build, Warrior Tabi and
The Crusher are switched.
If you need antiheal in your build, replace The Crusher with
Brawler's Beat Stick. With Pele however, the attack speed from
The Crusher is too good to pass up, so it is suggested to replace
Warrior Tabi with
Ninja Tabi.
Void Shield is 300 gold more expensive than
The Sledge, so you would want to build and start stacking
Soul Eater first instead of delaying it even longer.
These can also be replacements for Soul Eater if you don't want it in your build.
I cannot stress this enough. Always start Magma Rush on Pele. It's what you did in S7, and it's only gotten better in S8 since you get to Mid lane at level 2 anyways.
Tap each threat level to view Pele’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Pele’s synergies
Always level Magma Rush first! The damage from
Magma Rush is criminally underrated, and if you use it correctly, you'll always have some
Magma Rush juice available to clear the camps faster than with
Pyroclast, and even faster than most other junglers.
From there, you start normally. Clear Speed Buff, one or both Harpy Camps and then Blue Buff (and then coming back to clear a Harpy Camp if you skipped one before Blue Buff).
Next, at level 2, you will be levelling Pyroclast.
At this point, as you approach the Mid wave, you'll have 2 options:
1. You've more than likely out-cleared the enemy jungler, and will be at Mid faster with the combination of Magma Rush and Combat Boots start. With the help of your Mid laner, this should result as the Solo-side Mid Harpy Camp going fully to you two.
2. Pele has insane level 2 kill potential and doesn't have as many issues as other Gods do from fighting into a wave, thanks to Everlasting Flame. If you've picked up Blink Rune first, and the enemy Mid laner is immobile (and preferably not full health), you can look to get an early pick on the enemy Mid and then clear camps from there.
Your next move will be situational.
If you've taken a beating from Mid lane, you may wanna stick around in Mid to assist wave clear, head to back Duo-side Harpy Camp and recall. Keep in mind with a Combat Boots start, you'll be able to buy full Warrior/Ninja Tabi very early, which is a power spike you want to take advantage of. After exiting fountain, clear your camps again but then look for ganks in any lane.
If your trip to Mid lane was pretty uneventful, help Mid clear any extra Harpy Camps and then potentially look for a gank in Duo. After ganking Duo, recall for full Boots.
Pele is a very dive-oriented God. 9 times out of 10 you're looking to target the enemy Mage or Hunter.
Blink Rune is almost a must-have for Pele in teamfights. Not because she has issues initiating with her kit, but because it gives her kit (especially Volcanic Lightning) more versatility.
Assuming you've used Blink Rune to get yourself into the teamfight, a huge part on how your fight will play out will be on how you use Volcanic Lightning:
I've taken more damage than expected but want to stay in the fight:
You use Blink Rune to engage but then take heavy damage. In this situation you don't need to retreat immediately. Volcanic Lightning synergizes amazingly well with your passive
Everlasting Flame. Combo them both with CC from
Eruption and damage from
Pyroclast and you may end up healing more damage than you take, while also dishing out massive damage. Note that this strategy will rely heavily on how much antiheal the enemy team has purchased and how much of said antiheal has been applied to you.
I've taken more damage than expected and want to retreat:
You use Blink Rune to engage and yet again take heavy damage. This time however, you don't feel comfortable or don't see any reason of staying in the center of the teamfight. Volcanic Lightning can also be used as a disengage tool. From here, you'll still want to play around your amplified basic attacks, but defensively.
Eruption makes for amazing self-peel and the Knockup combined with your amplified basics can flip a dive onto you on its head and get you a safe kill.
I've engaged onto a God and they've used their movement ability to get away:
You use Blink Rune to engage on a squishy target, but they use their movement ability to get away. Given that it is safe and logical to do so, you can follow up their movement with Volcanic Lightning. A lot of times, doing this will net you a kill, and with the mobility from
Magma Rush, you'll be able to get out and back to your team as well.
I've engaged onto a God and want to kill them as fast as possible:
Often I will use Volcanic Lightning after my main combo of
Eruption > Basic >
Pyroclast > Basic >
Pyroclast > Basic to kill a God as quickly as I can so that I don't have to worry about being collapsed on. You may be overkilling with your ult, but now the teamfight would be a 4v5 in your favour.
A big reason why some players bought Hydra's Lament on Pele in S7 and why Bumba's Hammer is so great in S8 is because of how easy it is to weave basic attacks in between abilities. Pyroclast has a nearly nonexistent cast time and
Eruption will guarantee you a free basic attack after casting.
Your main combo with Pele will be Eruption > Basic >
Pyroclast > Basic >
Pyroclast > Basic, with
Volcanic Lightning > Basic being used before or after the combo if it is needed.
The timer for Everlasting Flame to proc is visible. If you're about to clear a Jungle Camp with
Everlasting Flame about to proc, consider waiting for the proc to get a quick, but massive heal.
You can also easily trick enemies into wanting to fight you, by engaging on one with slightly-below-half health, but an Everlasting Flame proc ready. This will of course depend on whether the enemy in question has antiheal.
As of writing this guide, each returning piece of Pyroclast will damage downed lesser scorpions, resulting in extremely fast lesser scorpion clear. You can use this to speed up your clear or steal it from range from an enemy.
The returning fire of the pieces of Pyroclast will bend depending on where you're standing. Moving side to side by following your enemy will help secure an extra bit of
Pyroclast poke.
Most of the damage from Volcanic Lightning's amplified basic attacks is not from the basic attack itself, but the ability-damage cone that emits from it. This cone will proc off of basic attacking minions, structures and even some Gods pets. Is a low health enemy hiding behind a tower? Just basic attack the tower. Is Hera running away with Argus by her side? Just basic attack Argus!
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