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Queen Of Damage 💟

1 1 24,692
by Keysi updated September 17, 2018

Smite God: Discordia

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Discordia Build


Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Spellbook Spellbook
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion


Build Item Book of Souls Book of Souls
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Queen Of Damage Build

Hey, you can use this build in all mods, it's A good build for alot damage in the game, and you cant be scarred when warrior or tank want focus you

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Branmuffin17 (400) | September 19, 2018 3:39pm
Hi Keysi,

Some comments on your Discordia builds, which, for most of the items, looks pretty solid.

1st build:
  • Your first item listed in the full build is Book of Souls. I believe you probably meant Book of Thoth, so you might want to fix that.

  • I see you incorporate Spear of the Magus into all of your builds. I personally don't feel it's a good item for her, as it benefits more from abilities that can hit multiple times and have the potential of easily reaching the 5 full stacks. Her kit doesn't really have that potential without some lucky bounces and a lot of back to back comboing. If you really need high pen for a lot of tanks, your better bet is Obsidian Shard...or if you want more pen but aren't concerned about tanks, Divine Ruin is good, whether or not there are a lot of healers.

  • I feel you're missing an absolutely core item. Can you do well without it? Sure, but Chronos' Pendant really allows her to be a constant nuisance. 20% CDR with an extra second off every 10 means she can spam like crazy, especially with the mana pool you're giving her with Thoth. I personally would get it after boots.

  • Because I feel Chronos is key, I also feel that it's better to get Shoes of the Magi for early poke potential. With Chronos + Spear of Desolation, you'll get 30% CDR, and with either a mana buff, a situational Mantle of Discord, or the Potion of Magical Might consumable, you'll be able to hit 40% if you want. You don't need Focus' CDR, and the extra mana, though it works nice with Thoth, is unneeded.

  • I notice that for most of your other builds (different gods), you have Rod of Tahuti as a mainstay. It IS still a very good item for damage output, but I don't hold that it's a core item. Situational, and if undecided, a solid choice, but having a listing of situational items would be better than just seeing Rod of Tahuti everywhere, in my opinion. In that situational list, I'd expect to see Mantle of Discord, Pythagorem's Piece, Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard, Divine Ruin, and Rod of Tahuti all as flex items.
Build 2:
  • Same thing applies here...I'm perfectly fine not seeing Book of Thoth in this mode or other non-Conquest modes, and you DO incorporate Chronos where I'd also prefer it built, but again, we're seeing that Spear of the Magus, which I just don't think is optimal for her. Get Ob Shard, Divine Ruin, or open a space for Mantle of Discord or another potential protection item...or an offensive item like Pythagorem's Piece or Soul Gem, if preferred.
Hope this info helps.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Keysi
Queen Of Damage 💟
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