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Rama - Destroyer Build [1v5](S4)

3 0 61,587
by PoisenXD updated February 1, 2017

Smite God: Rama

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Rama Build


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Rage Rage


Don't push too hard, play it safe, unless your teammates are going to attack and farm stacks. Practice shooting your ultimate it is the most satisfying kill in a game.

Rama Montage:


Astral Quiver Rama's Astral Quiver generates an Astral Arrow every 12s. Also, every basic attack that Rama lands will reduce the amount of time to generate an arrow by 2s. Astral Arrows are used with his other abilities.

Astral Strike Rama switches to a more powerful arrow that pierces and slows enemies. This ability consumes 1 of Rama's Astral Arrows and deals bonus damage with every shot. Damage from this ability is reduced to 75% for each enemy hit after the first. Rama cannot toggle this ability if he has no Astral Arrows.The slow can be stacked up to 3 times.

Pick Me Up Passive: Any time an enemy is hit by an Astral Arrow there is a % chance that an Astral Arrow pickup will appear on the ground (Only procs on the first enemy hit by Astral Strike). The pickup adds one Arrow to Rama's Astral Arrow count.Active: Rama gains increased attack speed.

Rolling Assault Rama performs a roll in the direction he is currently traveling. After performing a dodge roll, for 5s Rama's next basic attack will consume an astral arrow that cripples the target and deals bonus damage. Rama incurs no movement penalty during this shot.

Astral Barrage Rama launches into the air and shoots 3 powerful arrows at the ground, each successive shot increasing in damage: 50%, 75%, 100% and decreasing in AOE size: 30, 20, 15


Warrior Tabi This is kinda better than Ninja Tabi it will give u some extra damage.

Devourer's Gauntlet or Transcendence its important to build stacks.Here u choose would you like some lifesteal or more basic power and mana.

Ichaival This is good option because if they have tanky gods u reduce their defense.And also u need some attack speed.

The Executioner Stacked with Ichaival will give u good power to kill fast with few basics.

Deathbringer Critical is awesome to have so definitely buy it.Crits here are between 500 to 700.

Rage Buy this for more critical chance.

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Mythstrom | August 21, 2017 3:51pm
I actually disagree. I really like Rage now. How can you pass on 35% crit???
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 21, 2017 4:02pm
Hi Myth, a couple of things to note about this build and the comments by RonPerlas and Mvanguardknight. This build was created on February 1st, and the comments were made within 1 month of the publish date.

You'd have to consider the state of Rage at that point. Need reference? It's here. We'll assume this February 1st build was in response to the patch that was implemented on the this point, this is the passive for Rage:

Earning a kill or assist fills you with rage, increasing your Critical Strike Chance by 20%. This buff can stack up to 3 times and lasts 8s.

Except in some unique situations, sorry, but that passive was ****. Hence why it was reworked again, to the state in which we now see it.

Either way, I think this build is a bit outdated, but only slightly. The combination of Ichaival getting enough of a nerf, with slight buffs to Devourer's Gauntlet and The Executioner, made it okay to skip and go straight into Exe. Rage is definitely great now (especially for gods with attack speed steroids in their kits), but it absolutely should be purchased ahead of Deathbringer. So we probably would look at a build like this:
RonPerlas (3) | March 1, 2017 10:06pm
I agree, get rid of Rage because it's a bad item, x)

overall, the build looks alright.
Mvanguardknight | February 17, 2017 12:54pm
You may want to replace rage with wind demon. Wind demon gives you some more attack speed and with death bringer you still have good critical chance.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PoisenXD
Rama - Destroyer Build [1v5](S4)
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