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Most optimal start as you can get boots really early to have pressure and rotate around the map a lot easier.
Be careful to not get too poked around midlane at lvl 3 as you don't have any potions.
Get beads if there is too much cc on the other team.
You can not get Hand of the Gods and get multipotions instead for more pressure around midlane.
Buy full boots once you have 1600 gold.
You can switch Shifters and Arondight in the order as you wish. Sell boots for Elixir of Speed and Ancile or Void Shield.
The 30% cooldown reduction is optimal as it allows you to be able to hit 40% after getting the 500 gold power potion around lategame.
Sell Jotunns once you upgrade Bumbas Dagger to Bumbas Hammer for Ancile or Void shield, sell boots for Elixir of Speed and Titan's Bane.
Sledge - All around good item, provides good power so it doesn't f up the normal build, good hp. SWITCH FOR VOID SHIELD/ANCILE. Scenario - You find urself dying a lot.
Brawler's Beatstick - Decent power and good flat pen for hitting squishies, antiheal most importantly. BUY AFTER BOOTS (SWITCH FOR JOTUNNS IF GOING FOR THAT BUILD). Scenario - the opposite team has a heavy healer or someone who lifesteals (Anubis, Hel, Aphrodite).
Magi's Cloak - Good hp, irrelevant prots, only good for the passive. SWITCH FOR SLEDGE OR VOID SHIELD. Scenario - the opposite team has a heavy cc (Da Ji, Ares). This usually isnt something that should trouble Ravana as he has CC immunity in his 2.
Mantle of Discord - Good prots, CDR. SWITCH FOR SLEDGE OR VOID SHIELD. Scenario - ur feeding.
The Crusher - Decent power, good flat pen, good atk speed for building passive. GET RIGHT AFTER BOOTS OR SWITCH FOR JOTUNNS (BUILD 2). Scenario - you want early pressure.
Bloodforge - Amazing power. Scenario - ur fragging.
Heavenly Wings - Helps for chase/running away. Scenario - There's no reason to get beads (no CC on the other team).
Horrific Emblem - Attack Speed and Movement slow which helps for boxing/chasing/running away. Scenario - theres no reason to get beads / there are too many autoattacker threats.
Tap each threat level to view Ravana’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Ravana’s synergies
A normal combo with ult would be 4, auto, 3, auto, 1, auto otherwise just 3, auto, 1, auto.
I do not recommend using your 2 for damage, save it for when you are being CCed or need dmg immunity (Thanatos ult/Nu Wa ult/Poseidon ult/Tsukuyomi 2 etc).
Really safe god if played right.
Good diving potential with ult.
No real escape other than ult.
In team fights, look to dive the mage or ADC with your solo/support. Let the solo/support dive in first, wait for the enemies to use their abilities on them since they are tankier then ult in or blink in.
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Builds seem solid to me. Think