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Take pots if you're going to fight mid, if you're going to poke and stay safe, don't take pots so you can speed to full boots faster.
Da full build, replace boots with anything you're feeling.
Max 1 first, then 3. You can arguably skip ult levelling since it's usually used for it's engage rather than damage, but that's up to you.
Tap each threat level to view Mercury’s threats
read the guide, do what i ****ing say, you'll probably do fine, jungle is an easy role in this game as long as you know when to ****ing rotate and if you don't then who's problem is that? here's a hint, when people are ****ing low, you brainlet.
your early game is a bag of ****ing ***, don't go for **** early unless it's a guarantee ****ing kill, and i'm talking like you're blinking in to grab someone under your tower and they're already half health type guaranteed. no "it'll probably work out" ********. **** you, if you die you're not ****ing listening.
once you get full boots and stone cutting then you can begin to blast infinite ***, but you need to get that **** first.
you're like level 5 AT LEAST at this point and you have the boot and the sword
oh **** the dude has a boot and a sword, stick both in an enemy's orifice to win the game.
but no, really, you're ****ing insane at this point already, try ganking mid or duo and remember to do camps on the way unless the camp means you won't make it in time for the kill.
****ing junglers that do this **** where they are like 5 meters from a fight where everyone is low but they're doing a ****ing camp instead are literally the most garbage dog**** players on the planet wake UP MAN LOOK AT THE ****ING MAP WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LOOK AT THE ****ING MAP OR LIKE AT LEAST AROUND THEM JESUS ****ING CHRIST
i digress, your combo is blink/ult into the squishy, 3 to grab em, mash 2 like a ****ing mad man and left click them, if they use an ability to get away use your 1 to snipe them. if they beads your ult, wait for the beads to end then grab, if they beads your grab start charging your ult to put the ****ing fear of god into them.
i'm explaining this but the concept is simple, just do ****ing damage to them, just hit them with something, try to left click them but ultimately just kill the squishy, it's probably their mid/carry, just kill their mid/carry as fast as humanly possible then dip out.
it's not really complicated.
you're like level 10-15 at this point and have rage, maybe some other **** like the beginning of wind demon/wind demon built.
once rage is stacked and you're living like larry from all the gold you just got from nuking people, pick up whatever items you need and start trying to snowball into a level advantage
it's over, you have level 20 and full build
it's over for them, you jump the backline from the side every single team fight and instakill at least two, your team generally mops up the rest, hopefully. if you're in front of a team, threaten with your ult to keep them from committing to anything. shiny **********er invokes fear like none other.
split push when you can, but generally stick around your team waiting for team fights so you can swoop in from the sidelines and kill like 3 before anyone even notices you.
smite 8.6 the mercury incident.
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