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Dominance in case they are too tanky, Wind Demon for a more offensive killer build. Crits in this season are OP
The berserker shield is useful for its pasive, since you gain attack speed and power when you are low, as an ADC (and more with apollo) you want that extra attack speed to heal more with the gauntlet.
Tap each threat level to view Apollo’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Apollo’s synergies
In early, you want to farm and harass the enemy duo, try to time your passive to land all the fast basic attacks on players and not on minions. This will give you a good pressure in early game, combined with your sup damage (check synergies). Also, remember the passive of the guilded arrow, giving you an extra 20% attack speed after securing a marked minion. Combine this with your passive and you have the fastest attack speed in early game. Avoid recalling if its not necessary, ypu need that devourers gauntlet asap to start stacking.
Recall only when you have the ammount of gold for the devourers + tier 1 boots (only if you manage to steal enemy purple buff and scorpion, at least twice. Then, come back to lane with your devourer and boots ready to start stacking and harassing the enemy duo lane. At this point, you pretty much won your lane, all you have to do is keep pushing and warding, ganks on duo with a feed apollo are doesnt end well, if you see it complicated, dont be shy, push that 4 button and get out of the lane, remember you can use it as an escape too. You could either rotate to other lanes or just go to fountain.
Play under the tower, farm the minions, you have better push than most of adc, ward purple and mid duo camp. Secure the scorpion, and dont play risky, just wait for your jungler to help and if he doesnt gank, keep on playing passive until you see a gap to kill the enemy adc/sup. Dont play TOO shy, this will only let the enemy adc to do whatever he wants in duo, meaning he can get your red and let his sup rotate and also give problems to mid lane. Just dont play it risky, but let the other team now you are a threat.
As and ADC you should be the one providing damage and shredding tanks, dont feel bad if you are not getting kills, remember its a team based game. Stay away from the enemy jungler and tanks, they will try to stop your burst damage. Focus on that left click spam, you are not an abbility based god. You need to land those basic attacks and use that extra attack speed of the passive + Berserks Shield. Dont dash offensive in a teamfight, maybe only to secure a kill on the enemy adc/mage. Dont focus tanks, if a tank is chasing you, you can outrun him, focus on dealing damage to the enemy mage and jungler. The adc will stay away, dont chase him, you are not the assasin that can one shot him.
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