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Savage Scylla ~ Joust 3v3 Burst Build

7 0 60,767
by TheJokerLee updated September 13, 2015

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Scylla Build

Example Build

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

First Backs/Core

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Crazy Damage!

Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Against Squish Team

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Starter Items

Build Item Sorcerer's Staff Sorcerer's Staff
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Scylla's Skill Order

Sic 'Em

1 X Y
Sic 'Em
3 8 11 12 13


2 A B
1 2 4 7 9


3 B A
6 15 16 18 19

I'm a Monster

4 Y X
I'm a Monster
5 10 14 17 20
Sic 'Em
3 8 11 12 13

Sic 'Em

1 X
Scylla sends two hounds forward, damaging, rooting, and crippling the first enemy hit.

At max rank, two additional enemies nearby the first target will also be hit.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Root Duration: 1.75s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
1 2 4 7 9


2 A
Scylla creates a magical field that Slows enemies. After 5s it detonates and damages enemies, dealing 30% increased damage to Minions and Jungle Camps. Scylla may activate the ability again to detonate it early.

At max rank, enemies in the area also have their Magical Protection reduced, and targets hit by the damage retain the debuff and are Slowed for 1s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Max Rank Debuff: 15% Magical Protection Reduced
Radius: 20
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
6 15 16 18 19


3 B
Passive: Scylla gains MP5.

Active: Scylla summons a Sentinel to the target area, granting vision of enemies for 5s. Scylla may activate the ability again within 5s to move to the Sentinel location.

At max rank, the vision is granted through line of sight blockers, and placement range increases.

Ability Type: Ward, Leap
Passive MP5: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
Vision Range: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Summon Range: 70
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15s
I'm a Monster
5 10 14 17 20

I'm a Monster

4 Y
Scylla reveals her true nature, becoming immune to Crowd Control for the next 6s, and gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack during this time. If she kills an enemy god with the attack, she gains another 6s and may attack again.

At max rank, the movement speed bonus doubles.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage Per Hit: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 35 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 70%
Range: 60
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Hello and Welcome to my FIRST Build Guide

Please give constructive criticism for my build guide so that I know what to work on to edit/update this guide or when I make another ;D

Strengths and Weaknesses


+One of the BIGGEST bursters in the game
+Really great escape ( Sentinel)
+Has Multi-Target CC with Quick Learner and Sic 'Em
+Mostly AOE Damage
+Her Ultimate, I'm a Monster can be reset infinitely
+Her Sentinel is also a ward

-Squishy early game without Warlock's Sash stacked up
-Her ultimate, I'm a Monster, can be hard to hit and is easy to escape from
-Her Sic 'Em can also be hard to hit as well

Abilities/Combos/Point Skipping


Quick Learner

----This is Scylla's Passive, basically when Scylla maxes out an ability, she gets bonus Ability Power stacking up to 4 times. Also any abilities Scylla has maxed out will be granted Another Effect

-- Sic 'Em At max rank, two additional enemies nearby the first target will also be hit.

-- Crush At max rank, enemies in the area also have their Magic Protection reduced, and targets hit by the damage are slowed for an additional 1s.

-- Sentinel At max rank, the vision is granted through line of sight blockers, and placement range increases.

-- I'm a Monster At max rank, the movement speed bonus doubles


--This is Scylla's most used Damage Ability and Waveclear
you are going to want to max this first maxing it first will also buff it's slow effect.
Use this ability to Zone Out other gods from trying to kill/hurt and ally orthrow on top of yourself/ally turret to keep the melee's away.

Sic 'Em

--This is Scylla's form of Hard CC. At max rank it will also root and damage up to 2 other nearby enemy gods.
Use this to stop a chaser, peel, or start your main combos


--This is Scylla's escape/gap closer. It can also be used to have Vision on enemies you have no vision of
(For Example: Inside the two middle hallways of the lane that take you to the jungle)

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WARNING: this ability is considered a JUMP, so Awilix can actually use Gravity Surge to pull you out from under the ground.

I'm a Monster

-- Scylla basically goes full Savage Mode and does a huge amount of damage! This ability actually scales Very well and does a lot of damage early and even MORE Lategame. She is also CC IMMUNE during her ult.

If you Absolutely Need to use I'm a Monster to escape with the speed boost, then do so if you already used your Sentinel.


Pre-LvL 12

, ,
--This Combo is going to be your basic combo with Scylla, do not ult if you are not going to kill someone

Post-LvL 12

--This combo is for after Level 12 where you have 4 Points on Sic 'Em.
The reason being, your root should last long enough to Insta-Ult someone without having to aim.
(TIP: Have your ground marker settings ON so you can see where your ult will land before even activating it)

This should really instant kill any squishy late game or get them low enough to just Crush to finish them off.

Point Skipping

----Point Skippng is when you skip points out on certain levels to get away with being restricted from being able to max an ability really fast.

Scylla's passive gives her bonus Ability Power per a Maxed Ability. This makes you want to max out abilities ASAP even if it means skipping your 2nd or 3rd point on your I'm a Monster

Basically what you want to do is during the early game, put 2 Points on Crush and 1 Point on Sic 'Em. Once you hit LvL 4, the game won't allow you to put anymore points on Crush, to do this and still have your I'm a Monster at level 5, you need to not put any points in any abilities NOT EVEN your Sentinel which you haven't put a point in yet. Then when you hit level 5, the game will allow you to put 1 point on your Crush and another on your I'm a Monster. Then at level 6 you will put a point in Sentinel

SO since you don't have your escape until level 6, you will have more of a reason to focus on farming your stacks on Warlock's Sash and Book of Thoth

After all this you will Max out your Crush, then Sic 'Em also skip out on maxing your I'm a Monster to max out Sic 'Em

This process is demonstrated very well on Smite's "Know Your Enemy" on Scylla

SKIP to 5:18 to get to the section on Point Skipping



warlock's sash

Warlock's Sash

----This is the item that you want to rush. Since it is 3v3 and the Joust map is actually pretty cramped along with having to fight 3 people in 1 lane at the same time, it is going to be hard to survive in there as a little Scylla. So this being said, starting with Warlock's Sash is actually pretty good given the fact that you do get a tremendous amount of HP which is a type of sustain along with a lot of stacking damage with some bonus mana!

Book of Thoth

----This item you are also going to rush after Warlock's Sash. (and YES before Shoes of the Magi) This item will basically give you a lot of damage right away! You get 100 Ability Power right away along with more stacking Mana and Ability Power! With Burst Mages like Scylla, I find that Double Stacking actually works really well. You also DO NOT want to purchase this Item first instead of Warlock's Sash, this being because you really do need the HP before damage! (Why would you want to get damage first if you cant even live long enough to deal it!?!)

Shoes of the Magi

----Okay Okay there are 2 questions I am going to answer to explain the item and it's placement in this build.

  1. Why Shoes 3rd?

  2. Why Shoes of the Magi over Shoes of Focus?

The answers to both are quite simple AND retain to my personal preference and how I like to play Joust match-ups.

  1. Shoes 3rd I buy simply because the joust map itself is pretty small. Also I usually buy Shoes 2nd in Joust anyway, BUT Scylla's Sentinel allows her to escape sticky situations without the use of movement speed. Of course things like Silences and Cripples exist, but most Cripples in the game come with a Slow so even if you had Shoes you wouldn't be getting away AND your early game as Scylla you should be in the back line just farming so getting Silenced shouldn't be much of a problem.

  2. This build is Strictly a High Burst build. This being said, getting CDR like Chronos' Pendant or Shoes of Focus (in this case) really doesn't go with the High Burst part of the build just because all of the other damage items in the this build come with a very High Burst-like passive. Getting Penetration will literally give you more damage on hit.

But if you were to go Chronos' Pendant then substitute it with Soul Reaver

Rod of Tahuti

----This item is basically a MUST HAVE in any Burst Mage build just because of the ridiculously high amount of Ability power it gives because of the 25% added Ability Power that comes with the passive. You generally want to get this item as your 3rd real damage item just because if you were to get it too early, you wouldn't get as much bonus Ability Power as you were to get it later. +PLUS other passives for other High Damage items are way better for you in the early game than the passive of Rod of Tahuti

Obsidian Shard

----This item is another really great item for a Burst Build just because of its decent Ability Power along with the really good 33% Penetration. The reason I didn't put it in the Core section of the build is because of the fact that in Joust sometimes the enemy team for some stupid reason believes that they can go a full squish team without a Guardian or even a Warrior. Also with the new patch on Shoes of the Magi you already get the Penetration you need to go through their Natural Penetration. That being said, this gives more of a reason not to need THAT much Penetration on an Assassin, Hunter, Mage team composition. SO if you do happen to encounter this type of enemy team, I would purchase a Bancroft's Talon OR a Chronos' Pendant instead of Obsidian Shard just to do even MORE damage and punish them for being stubborn and not wanting a Tank.

Soul Reaver

----This is the Icing on the Cake! This is the late-game item that will make you ONESHOT the Squishies. Just make sure you have the passive up and just use I'm a Monster on the enemy Ah Muzen Cab and just watch him literally get eaten! This item also does really well on Chunking the Tanks. Overall its just gives you that push you need for more people to be scared of you.



These two Actives are going to be the ones that are going to aid you the most.
If you are going against a High CC team, get a Purification Beads for some defense from CC.
If you are going against High Burst, like maybe another Scylla and she is using her I'm a Monster on you a lot, then get Aegis Pendant

Other Options for Actives

This item is okay if you wanna close gaps really well without the use of your Sentinel so you can get out or if you want to jump across the map using Sentinel and Greater Blink at the same time to kill someone. I really don't use this active for Scylla over Aegis Pendant/ Greater Purification

I really do not know why anyone would choose this active over Aegis Pendant, in my opinion being able to move while being invincible is pretty good. People talk about the CC Immunity that comes with Greater Aegis, but not being able to move is like being CCed anyway. I don't know if I'm not understanding something about this active, but when I find a reason to buy this over Aegis Pendant I will add it here.

This item actually is pretty good on anyone. The only time I would get it is if there is a Fed Hunter on the enemy team that is building Lifesteal and Critical Chance

Make sure that if the enemy Hunter as an Asi, that you wait for them to get low enough for the effect to kick in and have them fight you. Just be careful they can still hurt you, but since their lifesteal is gone and if they crit you they are killing themselves, you should be able to take them down.

Use this item if there is an enemy Aphrodite, Hel, Ra, or Sylvanus
Don't buy this against an enemy Chang'e just because how small her heals are make it really not worth a whole active slot.


The main reasons why I wouldn't buy these actives are following.

  1. It doesn't fit your role as the Burst Mage.
  2. If you absolutely need this active (*cough cough* Greater Meditation*cough cough*) then you aren't playing how you are supposed to.
  3. It isn't fit for the joust map.
  4. It unnecessarily gives you a boost that Scylla already excels at.




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So Scylla is a very fun God to play, and with a little bit of skill shot practice you will be able to devour anyone in your path!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about how to play this God or about the Guide, please make a Civil Comment!

Also this Guide is not finished fully, these are still mainly the basics. Later on I will be frequently updating and adding more information.

Have Fun and EAT EM ALL


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Darkest9 | October 19, 2015 1:34pm
Just one thing - lower the size of the pictures on the Abilities. They look like **** because of the low resolution. I do a max of 70 on my builds so I wouldn't go any higher than that.
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