The Early game
Skadi starts the game like every hunter. Clear red buff with the mid laner into purple buff clear with the support into lane. If the support shares the small creeps you should hit level 2 after a few meelee minions. If he doesn't, both of you should hit level 2 after the first wave. Rush to lane after clearing purple, as you are already missing minions. Nothing wrong with you, it's just the way the start is. Now it's very important to get a feel for exp gain in the first level as whoever hits level 2 first gains a massive power spike and will try to run down the level 1 hunter.
Play the lane out, clear camps inbetween waves, ward. You should also be warding. Don't forget to ward. Skadi is a very juicy target in the early game so don't be surprised if you see the enemy jungler snooping around your lane. But that's no problem, as we can back away in time thanks to our wards. Buy boots before your power item as they provide safety with movement speed.
The Mid game
You're around two or three items into your build. Now is the time to pay attention to the gold fury, depending on the state of the game of course. You're starting to feel your damage but you're not quite there yet. You're still confined to your lane outside gold fury fights and the occasional joust in mid. When to rotate is a very complex topic that you kind of get a feel for as you play.
The Late game
It's finally here. You're around level 17-18, you've finished your fourth item and it's time to rally the troops and march towards the fire giant. Four items in is a great place to be as a hunter as you've had the meat of your build and are only waiting for the dessert. Skadi's Permafrost completely covers narrow jungle paths, making for favorable teamfights around the fire pit.
In a teamfight the mid laner and the support are your best friends. Usually both carries want to sit near the support so they can all peel for each other. You never want to be caught alone as you are vulnerable to getting picked. It's very important as an adc to live through teamfights, as without your objective damage the team struggles to push for sieges.
In a perfect scenario, you want to kill their carries first but a lot of the time you don't have access to the enemy backline as the adc. A lot of the time you are hitting what's in front of you. Whether you're one shotting their mid laner or shredding through their solo laner, as long as you're putting up damage you are being useful to the team.
As the adc you are the main character in a phoenix siege. The enemy team will do anything to stop you from doing your job and your team will try it's best to protect you. What's your job? Hit the phoenix. Kaldr does damage structures so that's cool.
Phoenix defenses are a little bit different. Skadi doesn't have a particularly strong base defense kit, but Permafrost can be pretty disruptive. The main objective of the defending team is to eliminate the oppossing adc, greatly reducing the other team's sieging potential.
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