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Shrödinger's guide (Arena maybe others)

18 1 37,136
by Luckyman42 updated August 19, 2022

Smite God: Bastet

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Bastet Build

Notes the transcendence and soul eater needs to be stacking, but it is guaranteed a full 40% cooldown and a lot of damage.

Jotunn's vigor and Asi give you lifesteal if your health drops below.

if you want you can

Start with Bluestone Pendant and Transcendent.
Next Joutnn's or Soul Eater.

the Razor Whip abilities (2) have sustained damage so with the crusher and bluestone you can make a really massive sustain.


the transcendence and soul eater needs to be stacking, but it is guaranteed a full 40% cooldown and a lot of damage.

Jotunn's vigor and Asi give you lifesteal if your health drops below.

if you want you can

Start with Bluestone Pendant and Transcendent.
Next Joutnn's or Soul Eater.

the Razor Whip abilities (2) have sustained damage so with the crusher and bluestone you can make a really massive sustain.

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Vigor Jotunn's Vigor
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi

I think the best way to use Bastet is with her abilities. So needs to decrease the cooldown. you have sustained damage and lifesteal so I think the best combo is:

(3) send a kitten to the enemy
(1) jump
(2) swap with your Razor Whip
(1) jump back

And don't forget your Ulti can throw walls. So if the enemies are close to your base.
try to catch someone with it when you are in the base and you can easily kill it (I recommend you aim the tank.)

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Ahimenes | September 11, 2022 10:43am
Asi? Why? Isn`t it CD-build?
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 11, 2022 10:57am
Agreed. The build is missing enough % pen. In an arena (and maybe others) mode, Asi should be doesn't fit the build at all. You could even argue that Soul Eater isn't needed for Arena, though maybe it will help a bit with sustain in Conq or Slash (or even Joust perhaps), and the CDR fits the build at least.

Heartseeker and Titan's Bane should be considered. The Crusher is situational and Brawler's Beat Stick should be an alternative.
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Shrödinger's guide (Arena maybe others)
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