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Slightly Supporty Arena Hunter Build

0 3 11,977
by DarkHorse5923 updated June 12, 2018

Smite God: Neith

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Neith Build

A more general build

Notes If you prefer to get attack speed before damage, reverse the order of odysseus' bow and bloodforge. If you want the rage, swap it for poison star or wind demon.


If you prefer to get attack speed before damage, reverse the order of odysseus' bow and bloodforge. If you want the rage, swap it for poison star or wind demon.

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

A more specific build

Notes This is my personal build for Xbalanque and a SUPPORT Skadi. If you want a more attack and kill based Skadi build, go find a build made for specifically her and not a general purpose one.


This is my personal build for Xbalanque and a SUPPORT Skadi. If you want a more attack and kill based Skadi build, go find a build made for specifically her and not a general purpose one.

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet


This build is meant to work in ARENA, and it might work on some hunters better than others. I have tested this build for the vast majority of me playing Smite and can confirm it works very well with MY play style, it might not work with yours. In my experience, it works best on Skadi, Xbalanque, and Izanami (but with the rage). I do not suggest this build for AMC (Ah Musen Cab), it might work, but he plays very differently from the hunters this build complements. Note: do NOT use this build on a high base attack speed hunter, like artemis, amc, or possibly apollo, if you want to use one of them, get a specific build or try build #2.

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Gulfwulf (81) | June 7, 2018 11:08pm
Just for ***** and giggles, I tried out this build on Skadi against medium bots in arena; I then ran a more traditional ability-based hunter build using Warrior Tabi, The Crusher, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Brawler's Beat Stick (enemy team had a Guan Yu both times), and Bloodforge.

My first game I went 9/2/11; my second I went 14/3/7. Granted bots aren't exactly indicative of how a real match goes, but they are useful here to prove my point. I did this experiment because I didn't want the OP to feel as if we were ganging up on them, but this build is NOT an all-purpose arena hunter build. Sure it can work on hunters that have some type of steroid in their kit (bonus points if they also have increased crit chance like Artemis or Jing Wei), but an ability-based hunter like Skadi or Hou Yi would be better off using something like what I did and passing on this. For the record, my total power with this particular build was only 185, but the AS was 2.25.

I cannot in good faith recommend this guide to anyone, especially newer players, as it currently stands.
DarkHorse5923 | June 9, 2018 10:14am
I'm very sorry you feel this way, but looking at you k/d/a in a bot match, it doesn't look like you're very good at Skadi in the first place. Also, this build also depends on your play style, it doesn't fit everyone. Also, there is a "?" that shows alternate choices if you didn't see it. The build on Skadi also doesn't work as a full "kill" build, it's slightly more supporty which is the way I play as her.
Gulfwulf (81) | June 9, 2018 3:00pm
I wasn't going to do this, but since you claim I'm not very good at Skadi, I looked up your SmiteGuru profile. Your KDA with her is 2.46 across all modes while mine is 2.61. So if we're going by KDA to determine how good someone is, I'm slightly better with her than you are. My arena KDA is 2.96 while yours is 2.59. I only mention this to show I do know how to play Skadi and am not somebody who has no clue how she's played. I would probably have a higher KDA, but I don't chase kills. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just using your standard as to how good someone is with a particular god/goddess. I'm always trying to improve, which is why I look at and comment on guides like these.

Anyway, I did bot matches for a few reasons:
  1. I didn't want to troll my fellow players by using a build I knew wasn't optimal for her.
  2. I wanted consistent, or as near consistent as possible, results as I could get outside of gathering 9 other players and doing two scrims. If HiRez's matchmaking was more consistent, I'd try it in live matches.
  3. Bots tend to group up together to both attack the enemy and defend each other. Both matches the full bot team had over 50 kills and it wasn't easy for me to single out a target for melting until later in the game. If you don't think bots are a challenge, I challenge you to try out a practice arena match against medium bots and see how you fair.

Again, my point is what Kriega1 makes as well: this is NOT a useful build for every hunter, and isn't really a useful build for hunters that go with crit because, as Bran pointed out: you have no pen and you can overcap the attack speed for certain hunters like Artemis.

I'm glad you're willing to share your experiences and builds with us, but your title is misleading and your build needs some work. The Crusher is great on ability hunters like Skadi, but pretty much every hunter benefits from The Executioner, neither of which you mention in your build. I would narrow your build down to either a particular god/goddess you've had success with using this build or down do either a crit build or an ability one. Again, as it stands, this is not a good general build for hunters.
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Kriega1 (143) | June 9, 2018 10:19am
Anyone that is building crit and attack speed on Skadi and Neith isn't playing seriously at all. I would rename this build to "fun" or "troll" arena build.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 6, 2018 11:45am
I see you're friends with rrcaseyr, who has also recently posted a build here. Is he the friend that said this build is OP? Just curious.

I'm not here to argue your success with Neith, and you can make most builds work if your skill and playstyle fits the situation.

I will say that Neith is an ability-based hunter, as are some of the others you mentioned ( Skadi in particular). I do feel Xbalanque can work well with ability use in a teamfight mode, but don't feel Izanami is in this category. Reasons she is an ability user include but are not limited to:
  • Her abilities scale very well with power
  • She has a lot of control in 2 abilities, fairly strong healing in another ability, and her escape tied to another.
  • Her passive is effective specifically in combination with abilities
  • She is not best as a basic attacker because there is nothing in her kit that enhances basic attack damage.
You may already know this, and may be trying to pose an alternate build that steps away from the meta, but if you do go this route, I feel it's still lacking in some key stats.

More than anything else, you're severely lacking in pen. If you choose to go with crits, that's fine, but you want to be able to punch through inherent and built protections. You have 0 items with ANY pen in it. This really cuts into your damage potential.

Since you have healing in your kit, you also don't really need a lifesteal item, though sure, it can help if you're boxing. At least Bloodforge has high power, which is helpful for your scaling abilities.

In any case, Neith in an arena setting will likely get MUCH better use by getting power, pen, and CDR. You can have fun with this build as a basic attacker, but you absolutely will see better damage by switching out an item or two and getting some pen. Try subbing out Odysseus' Bow and getting The Executioner instead, or dropping Bloodforge and getting Titan's Bane or The Crusher or Brawler's Beat Stick. Or drop both BF and O-Bow...those are the two you likely need least in this build.
DarkHorse5923 | June 9, 2018 10:23am
The Neith front pic thing is just to examplify the hunter class because she's the most well known, as for Izanami, her specified alternate build is in the "?" mark beside the build. I do agree with you that the shown build isn't the best for her, imo, she benefits greatly from the rage. Also, the reason this build doesn't have pen is because this build is more meant for under lvl 50 players who are not noobs but maybe haven't gotten the item skills to make a specific build for their god. On my personnal up-to-date with the patches I have the crusher on almost all of them because of the bleed and pen. I will take your advice into much consideration considering you're obviously a much higher level player than me (I'm just over 70 at the moment) and will add crusher (but not titan's bane because it currently sucks). But I seriously recommend this build for Xbalanque, this build effects different hunters in different ways, but it seems, from my experience, to work best on him. But it really comes down to your personnal play style, I am in fact friends with rrcaseyr, but he doesn't use this build very often because he plays differently. Probably because he mains assassins and mages, and I main hunters. I also played exclusively hunters for the first couple months of me ever playing smite so I would play differently and have much different strategies from you and other players. Thank you very much for your insight I will take it into consideration.
Kriega1 (143) | June 6, 2018 1:34pm
Why are builds like this still on the site? Especially one that claims to be an "All Purpose Hunter Build" and then has this monstrosity.
boogiebass (46) | June 6, 2018 1:42pm
Lighten up a bit Kriega. The whole purpose of this site is to share opinions and ideas. original poster thought this was a good build and decided to share it with us. Bran, and likely many others, found flaws with the build. Bran pointed the flaws out. If OP, or anyone else reading the comments learned SOMETHING to help them improve their gameplay, then Bran successfully carried out one of this site's goals.

Bran knows how awful my guides were when i first made em. It was thru feedback that i became better as a player.
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Slightly Supporty Arena Hunter Build
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