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Sun Wusolo

10 1 37,582
by Kraziub updated October 26, 2013

Smite God: Sun Wukong

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Sun Wukong Build

Starting Items

Build Item Tabi Tabi
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Rest of Core

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade

Situational - Dominantly Physical

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Situational - Dominantly Magic

Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Situational - Too much heals

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick

Situational - Got ahead and want more damage

Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker

Sun Wukong's Skill Order

The Magic Cudgel

1 X Y
The Magic Cudgel
1 4 6 7 10

Master's Will

2 A B
Master's Will
3 15 16 18 19

72 Transformations

3 B A
72 Transformations
2 8 11 12 14

Somersault Cloud

4 Y X
Somersault Cloud
5 9 13 17 20
The Magic Cudgel
1 4 6 7 10

The Magic Cudgel

1 X
Sun Wukong's Magic Cudgel grows in length, and he slams it down, damaging all enemies in front of him. Minions and Jungle Camps take an extra +20% damage.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
Master's Will
3 15 16 18 19

Master's Will

2 A
Sun Wukong strikes around him, damaging, Slowing, and Slowing the Attack Speed of all enemies hit.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Movement Slow: 30% for 3s
Attack Speed Slow: 30% for 3s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 11s
72 Transformations
2 8 11 12 14

72 Transformations

3 B
Sun Wukong transforms into an Eagle, Tiger, or Ox, and charges forward.

Eagle: Is the fastest of the three forms. Immune to Slow and Root effects.
Tiger: Mauls the first enemy he runs into, Stunning and causing damage.
Ox: Knocks aside all enemies in his path and causes damage. Immune to Slow, Root, and Knockup effects.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Tiger Damage: 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Tiger Stun: 1.4s
Ox Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Somersault Cloud
5 9 13 17 20

Somersault Cloud

4 Y
Sun Wukong leaps onto his cloud for up to 5s, leaving a Pet behind to fight. While on the cloud Sun Wukong is invisible and regenerates Health. He may leap off before the duration expires, dealing damage. The Pet inherits 100% of Sun Wukong's Health and Protections and 50% of his Basic Attack Power. The Pet is killed instantly if hit by a hard Crowd Control excluding Banishes and Knockbacks. If the Pet dies, Sun Wukong is revealed on his cloud.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (100% of your Physical Power)
Healing: 3.5% per second
Radius: 25
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Hello People of Smite! This is a guide for the elusive species known as Sunus Wukongus. More specifically in the solo lane. Sun Wukong is a physical melee bruiser that can be placed in either the solo lane or the jungle. My preferred role for Sun Wukong is the solo lane. Sun Wukong is a major threat in the solo lane with amazing poke potential and kill potential.

Pros and Cons


When Sun Wukong is below 50% health, he gains +10% critical chance and +20 protections, plus another 1% critical chance and 1 protection for his current level.
Basic Attack Progression: 1/.75/1/1.25x damage.

Skill Priority: 2nd
Sun Wukong's Magic Cudgel grows in length, and he slams it down, dealing 90/140/190/240/290 (+50% of your physical power) damage to all enemies 55 ft infront of him.

The core move for Sun Wukong. It's your wave clear, your poke and your clutch tower dive secure. It's a relatively simple skill with high base damage. I recommend turning on instant cast for this ability.

Skill Priority: 4th

Sun Wukong strikes around him, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+50% of your physical power) damage and knocking up all enemies.

Sun Wukong's main form of crowd control comes in the form of knock up. This skill can be used as an interruption to abilities that are channeled such as Clear The Path and Overhand Smash. It can also be used as a follow up after the tiger stun on 72 Transformations. Also used during teamfights to disrupt enemies and secure kills. The damage is moderate. I recommend turning on instant cast for this ability.

Skill Priority: 3rd

Sun Wukong transforms into an Eagle, Tiger, or Ox, and charges forward.
Eagle: Is the fastest of the three forms. Immune to Slow, Root, and Knockup effects.
Tiger: Mauls the first enemy he hits, stunning it for 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4s and causing 100/170/240/310/380 damage.
Ox: Knocks aside all enemies in his path and causes 50/90/130/170/210 damage. Immune to Slow, Root, and Knockup effects.

This skill is amazing. It gives Sun Wukong strong versatility in the form of 3 choices. A high damaging stun that can easily set up kills. A teamfight charge to knock back the enemy team to set up for your allies, or the bird of GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE I NEED TO GET OUT.

You utilize the bird either to chase or catch a running enemy. This is your main form of escape.

The tiger is the most often used of the three transformations for securing or initiating kills. Using it will make you move much quicker and you will stun and damage the first enemy you hit. This includes minions. The damage on this skill is great, and the stun is strong. Go tiger at point blank range to guarantee the stun on the enemy followed by Master's Will and The Magic Cudgel. Use it to secure kills.

The ox is the least used for me. The knock back can be used for large teamfights to knock away enemies, but you're better off using tiger or bird most of the time. However you can still use the ox to save your teammates since it can hit multiple enemies.

Skill Priority: 1st

Sun Wukong leaps up onto his cloud, leaving a decoy of himself behind to fight. While on the cloud Sun Wukong regenerates 5% of his health per second. He may leap off before the duration expires, dealing 140/190/240/290/340 (120% of your physical power) damage to all enemies in a 20 ft radius. The decoy inherates 50% of Sun Wukong's current strength and defense.

Oh boy. This one is a doozy. The decoy is great for playing mind games on the opponent, especially when you land next to it. This can also be used in teamfights to take a small break and regen health before you jump back into the fight. The leap does massive damage, and is a decent gap closer. Overall a strong ultimate for a strong god.

Item Choices

Starting Items


The Tabi is there because movement speed is good, and you want to rush the extra damage and CDR as fast as you possibly can. The Hand of the Gods is there for the early game wave clear, and jungle camp securing in case you want to invade or the enemy invades. The 5x of each potion is for your in-lane sustain allowing you to farm more effectively allowing you to snowball ahead of your solo lane opponent.

The Core

focused voidbladewitch stone


Ninja Tabi over Warrior Tabi due to Sun Wukong being very skill reliant, needing them up at all times. Ninja Tabi offers you more use of your most versatile skill, 72 Transformations which in turn allows you to make more escapes or secure more kills.

The focused voidblade gives you penetration and physical defense so mid game towerdives are less painful, and have a higher chance of success. The focused is picked over the regular due to his one having a radius larger than the Voidblade aura.

Now you might be thinking, "Witch stone...?" Yes, witch stone. This item is by far really underrated. It gives you decent protection, attack speed and allowing you to run with movement speed. However the true great part is the passive. The aura allows your team to have more sticking power in teamfight, and it greatly hurts the ADC and junglers trying to get off damage during the teamfight. It also makes you more immune to ganks by the mostly AD junglers out there. Overall witch stone is a valid pick up.


magi's blessing

Breastplate of Valor gives you even more CDR to allow strong versatility in teamfights, while expanding on Sun Wukong's shallow mana pool. It also helps you tank the dominantly AD junglers and strong AD carries such as Apollo and Neith.

Sovereignty makes the list due to its defensive aura giving your team more stick power in teamfights combined with witch stone. It's a solid defensive choice if your tank is not picking it up.

Runic Shield offers you the option to survive the major burst damage magic gods tend to have while keeping an offensive edge with the physical power buff. It's an overall solid pick up for Sun Wukong.

Bulwark of Hope the life saver. The passive of Bulwark will save you so many times you'll love it. It makes really clutch escapes and mitigates a lot of damage in teamfights. It also gives a strong magical defense boost. Great pick up in the mid-late stages of the game.

magi's blessing is only a good pick up when your enemy team has a team full of hard CC such as stuns and taunts. Only pick this up if you're getting CC chained into death.

Items I avoid

You're probably thinking, "Dude, you crazy," for not including these items as core or close to core on Sun Wukong. I don't include these items for a few reasons. It might just be because of play style, but in my opinion these items are pretty underwhelming when it comes to Sun Wukong.
First off lets look at his passive, Undefeated Body.

When Sun Wukong is below 50% health, he gains +10% critical chance and +20 protections, plus another 1% critical chance and 1 protection for his current level.

This gives him 30% critical hit chance and 40% protections at max level when under half health. This makes him either incredibly tanky or a very strong hitter while abusing criticals. I chose to make him more tank to support his team rather than taking a lot of farm himself. Due to being in the solo lane he already has great farm. Even with his tank items he still has a lot of damage on his abilities.

Jotunn's Wrath is not picked up because it gives no defenses on itself. If you need the extra cooldown reduction just go for Breastplate of Valor. It'll give you more tankiness and cooldown reduction. Breastplate of Valor also gives more mana to keep you in fights longer.

I avoid Deathbringer due to the fact that it doesn't help you absorb more damage from the enemy team. By no means is it a bad item, you can pick it up as a 6th item for some extra damage, but I prefer building more defense to stick in fights, and secure objectives by tanking them for your team. You can also tank towers for late game dives for your team too if you get defense items.

Malice is avoided for reasons stated above.



Well you already have one active item, Hand of the Gods. But what do you get for your second? It all depends on the current state of the game and what you need the most. You get to pick one active so choose wisely.

The Ideal Choices

eye of providence

Removes crowd control effects and makes you immune for 3s. This also reduces all god cooldowns by 5 seconds.

Purification beads makes it onto the list for the ability to increase your chance of survival in team fights and to lower cooldowns so you get more sustain with Somersault Cloud and more crowd control with Master's Will and 72 Transformations. Pick this up if the enemy team is CC heavy or has an Ares.

Makes you invulnerable to damage for 2s, preventing you from taking action. After the invulnerability fades, you gain a 20% damage reduction buff for 4s.

Aegis Amulet is a strong choice if you're behind or underfarmed. It allows you to bypass bursty team comps and lets you reduce your cooldowns by 2 seconds. You can stall our for a 72 Transformations or Somersault Cloud to extend your life. I recommend picking this up when behind or if your enemy team is incredibly bursty.

Weakening Curse
Reduces all enemy gods ground speed by 40% in a 55 foot radius around you for 5 seconds.
Their healing is also reduced by 100% for the duration.

Enfeebling Curse
Reduces all enemy gods ground speed by 40% in a 55 foot radius around you for 5 seconds.
Their attack speed is also reduced by 30% for the duration.

Pick this up when you need more kill secure in teamfights or chasing. Pick up weakening curse if your enemy has healers such as Hel and Chang'e. It'll greatly reduce their teamfight capability while at the same time slowing down your opponent.

Enfeebling curse reduces the teamfight capability of auto-attack centric gods such as Chronos, Anhur and Freya.

eye of providence

Allows you to place a sentry ward every 60 seconds, allowing you to see normal enemy movements and wards in a 85 feet radius where you place it. This ward can see through walls. It remains for 3 minutes or until killed.

If your tank doesn't pick this up you definitely should. This'll make you immune to ganks if you have enough map awareness. It'll also be used in the transition into mid and late game to ward up gold fury and firegiant making sure your opponent cannot take them while people are up. Combined with Hand of the Gods you can secure objectives easily.


Early Game

In the early game try to duo or trio the right mid camp while the rest of the team steals an enemy speed or blue. This nets your team a small exp/gold advantage and it denies the enemy jungler farm. If you can't convince your team to do this just 5 man the mid camp and go to lane. If the short lane is on the side the jungler is going, go help him.

Once in lane just use your The Magic Cudgel to poke down the wave and basic them down. Use Hand of the Gods on the archer minions whenever you can. Use The Magic Cudgel to occasionally poke down the enemy solo laner. If the enemy solo laner is out of position, and poked enough use a 72 Transformations tiger into a Master's Will right into The Magic Cudgel to deal massive damage and potentially secure a kill.

Also don't be afraid to blow Somersault Cloud to regen health so you can stay in lane. Do it so you can get more farmed.

Mid Game

Transitioning into the mid game is rather easy for Sun Wukong. At this point you should have your core items or most of your core completed. You will be very tanky with Undefeated Body and your core items. Just continue farming your lane trying to take the enemy first tier tower. Rotate whenever you can to secure a kill or take a buff camp. Once the first tower goes down feel free to roam across the map.

Late Game

During the late game stick with your team and try to take objectives and win teamfights. Their are 2 options as Sun Wukong during the start of a teamfight. Either you wait for your tank to initiate, or you initiate yourself with either Somersault Cloud, Master's Will or 72 Transformations ox or tiger form. Using somersault cloud you enter the teamfight from behind and start channeling your ult while out of vision. Your decoy will jump in while you wait above. At this point your team should be going in. After a couple seconds go right down and start wreaking havoc with Master's Will and 72 Transformations with The Magic Cudgel used to do damage. If in trouble to disengage use 72 Transformations bird form.

Using Master's Will is pretty straight forward. Just walk in and knock everyone around, and hope your team goes in.

Same goes for 72 transformation ox form. Using tiger form you choose a high priority target and immediately target them while your entire team beats on them.

Solo Lane Match Ups

Bring the pain!

This one is a tad annoying. Make sure to avoid the archer minions to not get pulled right into a Driving Strike. Slowly poke him down to waste his mana on Mitigate Wounds. Just play overall careful and attempt to outfarm him.


Most squishies are easy to face in the solo lane, Hel is no different. Just clear the wave with The Magic Cudgel, be sure to also poke Hel down at the same time if you can. When the opportunity arises use your 72 Transformations tiger form to get in a stun and attempt to secure the kill.


Chan'e is a rather interesting match up. You outpush her for the most part in the solo lane. Her poke is pretty damn strong though. Don't bother poking Chang'e down due to her strong heal. Wait for your jungler to come around to attempt to burst her down to secure the kill. Also be aware of her jungler due to Waxing Moon. A Waxing Moon followed by the jungler's combo will bring you low or kill you depending on your health.

I don't have a Tyr quote :D

Tyr is a straightforward match up. Use The Magic Cudgel at an angle to hit the entire wave and him while at the same time avoiding his Fearless. If he uses Fearless to clear the wave early on use Hand of the Gods to clear his wave followed by 72 Transformations tiger form to stun him into your minions. Following this up with Master's Will and The Magic Cudgel will most likely secure the kill.


Ra is squishy in the early game. Take advantage of this. Use any opportunity to poke using The Magic Cudgel and securing the kill with 72 Transformations. Walking in a random pattern also helps you to avoid Searing Pain and Celestial Beam.


Vamana is a semi-even match up. He'll outpush you in the beginning, but you have much stronger poke. You can continue to apply pressure to him pre-5 and while his ult is down. Just play safe and whenever he ults use your 72 Transformations to get away as the jungler is most likely around the corner.


Zhong Kui is a rather easy match up. The entire match up is about denying him his souls. As usual clear the wave with The Magic Cudgel, try to poke him in the process. When he uses Expose Evil and moves to the side of the lane follow him with Master's Will and a quick 72 Transformations ox or tiger form. Tiger form preferred. Make sure to do all this before he gets his Exorcism off. If you did it correctly he should not be able to harvest any souls because you delayed him, and the cards expired. Continue this so he cannot grab any souls for himself, or his soul gain will be very slow. Also be careful when using 72 Transformations, his Book of Demons can be used to stun you right out of it. Be sure to be very close to him when transforming so he cannot react in time. When he uses Recall Demons just fly away using 72 Transformations


Sun Wukong is a very strong solo lane god capable of soaking up much damage and dishing it right back out. He can initiate with strong CC and at the same time do decent damage. Sun Wukong is a strong pick up in most team comps. Hopefully after reading this you try Sun Wusolo lane. Bye for now

Screenshots and stuff



Guide published
added 6 solo lane match ups
added active section
added risky build
added items I avoid section
zhong kui to matchups

More things soon

End note
come at me natsu

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yggdrassil1001 | March 18, 2014 1:04pm
Personally, I think this build is really good. I would make one change and that is to add The Executioner, but that is because I like to do additional damage, unless I have to play more tanky. All in all though, this build is remarkably good
duelviper | January 22, 2014 6:22am
oh and for tyr you could go for I'll Show You Courage since he is the norse god of courage
duelviper | January 22, 2014 6:20am
what you should do with an odin is when he traps you in his cage use either your ox or bird form an run around the edge in a circle you can usually outrun him either form as for normal laning just poke often an when he jumps to cut you off just 2 him into the air and run past him or even ox/tiger through him
Tyrtryopo | January 13, 2014 2:46pm
What is the the opinion of Mystic Mark on Wukong? Also any tips against Odin in the solo lane one just beat me hard with his slow and damage on the spin he has.
Raventhor (158) | November 10, 2013 8:15pm
I don't have any comment on the guide, I just had to comment that that is the worst title I have ever seen :P
JararoNatsu (51) | November 8, 2013 9:25am
I would like to see, in your Abilities section, more on how to use the ability. For instance, does SWK have any good combos? How difficult are they do use? When is a good time to use them? You have some good stuff there but build upon it.

Your BB Coding is quite good. The guide is layed out quite nicely.

In your match-ups sections, just saying that the counters are "annoying" is insufficient. Why are they counters to SWK? Make that known.

I haven't played him too much so I am not certain on the build. It seems viable from what I can think of, though.

Other than that, this guide looks pretty good. Very good job here and a +1 from me.
Kraziub (2) | October 29, 2013 11:21pm
I'll test it

I'll add those...eventually

err sure?

I'll test it

I'll test it
VorikVolens (1) | October 29, 2013 1:33am
So I have come back with another question. It seems like Ankh of the Bear + Deathbringer + Eye of Retaliation would be really powerful. He gets an absurd amount of power and defense as you get him low. What do you think of it as like a core?

Other items you could throw in situationally would be Voidblade, Witch Stone, Jotunn's, Bulwark of Hope, Hide of the Urchin(?), Mail of Renewal, etc.

Some quick math with Ninja Tabi/Ankh/DB/MoR/EoR/Voidblade put him at 263 protections under 50% HP. Which means he'll get 25-49 power from EoR and 40 from Ankh, putting you at over 300 power with 40 armor pen and 50% crit with DB passive.

Basically think of him as a Hercules with armor instead of health, and more sustained damage?

All in all I guess I'm just wondering your opinion on Mail of Renewal and Ankh of the Bear on him.

Also, please make a note of the Teleport Active in your guide.
Kraziub (2) | October 26, 2013 10:35am
I'll go over deathbringer and jotunn's soon

I'm still working on the match up's section. The thing is I have to face them first to get a good understanding of the match up.

Yeah, I'll do that
VorikVolens (1) | October 26, 2013 1:47am
Awesome BBCoding, this guide has to be the best here. There's a couple things I'd like to point out, though:

1. You talk a lot about the items that you do recommend, but I read little to nothing about items that you don't. You should add s "Don't pick up these" section or something and give reasons as to why you think Asi, Winged Wand, Stone of Gaia, Mystical Mark, Titan's Bane, Hydra's Lament, Eye of Retaliation and other popular solo items are a bad choice. I personally think Eye of Retaliation, Jotunn's Wrath and Deathbringer are all fairly core on him simply because they synergize so very well with his passive and role. I'd like to hear your reasons for not including those items anywhere in the build.

2. You could add a few more lane enemies, such as Loki, Chronos, Anubis, Guan Yu, Hades, Mercury, Odin, and Zhong Kui.

3. There are a few errors here and there in terms of spelling/grammar, go through it fine a fine tooth comb to weed them all out. The most jarring one for me was the semi-colon in the first paragraph, that needs to be a comma. Or better yet, change the sentence to "Sun Wukong is a major threat in the solo lane with his amazing poke potential and kill potential."

That's about it, I +1'd but I'd love to see these changes, especially the item one. It blows my mind that you don't even mention Jotunn's Wrath and Deathbringer. Eye of Retaliation I can understand because it's underrated, but it really is amazingly synergistic on Wukong.
UnknownPandr (35) | October 25, 2013 11:43am
Very nice guide! This really had to be the best Wukong guide I have seen so far. I cannot wait to see the completed guide...
Talenhiem (33) | October 25, 2013 6:17am
damn... that's nice BBCoding! +1
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