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Hey, this is my second guide and, this time, I will be focusing on Odin. The Allfather is part of the Warrior class, but I don't recommend using him in the solo lane. While Odin has the ability to solo, his real power comes from his ability to jungle very effectively. Early-game, if built correctly,
Odin is one of the deadliest gods in the entire game.
As a jungler, your main objective is to clear camps and setup quick lane kills on unsuspecting enemies. Odin's kit really allows him to flourish as a jungler. His jump-and-shield, or the "Bird Bomb" combo, is incredibly effective early-game, capable of taking out an enemy's health very quickly. His slow is nearly impossible to dodge in the jungle. His ultimate, when paired with Blink, can surprise even the quickest god in the game, and allows your team to focus enemy gods easily.
Overall, Odin is a very potent jungler, who's main drawback is that he falls off later in the game. However, with this build, he should not be falling off as much anymore. His matchups in the jungle are fairly balanced, with only the likes of
Fenrir or
Thor being difficult to deal with.
The Good
Very flexible in the jungle, being tanky or more damage-oriented, depending on the game
Kit allows for decent crowd control in team fights in the late game
Raven Shout combo is extremely deadly early game
Very low cooldown on abilities, especially when using an item with cooldown reduction
Abilities don't use a lot of mana once you hit mid-game
Good wave-clear starting from the mid-game
Very good jungler
Decent solo-laner and support
Passive synergizes well with kit, giving you physical power every time an enemy dies in your Ring of Spears
Very good gank potential
Strong early-game and mid-game and pretty strong late-game
The Bad
If not built correctly, can fall off late-game
Main damage ability also serves as an escape, so you always need to time moves properly
Mana hungry early game
I will be talking about Odin's core items in this section. The flexibility of this build allows you be creative with your build to fit the needs of your team.
Warrior Tabi
+40 Physical Power
+18% Movement Speed
Obviously, you're going to have boots on your character 99% of the time, so for Odin, I recommend
Warrior Tabi, as it gives a lot of early power, which
Odin needs.
Jotunn's Wrath
+40 Physical Power
+150 Mana
+10 Physical Penetration
+20% Cooldown Reduction
With this item, I tend to interchange it between this and Breastplate of Valor. If I am doing a lot of damage and I feel like doing more and if I feel like I will be safe enough, then I grab this first. It's cooldown also allows me to put out more damage much quicker as well.
Breastplate of Valor
+75 Physical Protection
+300 Mana
+20% Cooldown Reduction
Like I said above, I interchange this with Jotunn's Wrath, depending on the match. I'll grab this when I feel I need more defense early, against the likes of
Awilix or
Mercury, who do lots of damage. Regardless, whether I get this or
Jotunn's Wrath first, both end up on my build, one after the other. This way, I ensure damage, protection, and full cooldown reduction as early as possible.
Titan's Bane
+30 Physical Power
The reason this item is essential is because like the other items above, there is no other item that does what this does as good as it does. This item gives good penetration to Odin's strikes, making him deadly, both in and out of the ring.
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