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The Annihilation Build

52 6 45,274
by LegitLiquid updated April 9, 2022

Smite God: Chang'e

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Chang'e Build

The Annihilation Build

Notes With this build you'll be able to cast abilities super fast and with devastating damage from all of the penetration while stealing their life away as you dance across the battleground.

You have 40% cooldown (plus extra with the Staff and Spear passive) you have some lifesteal and the defense at the end ensures that you won't die.

Basically you'll do a ton of damage with cooldown and survivability. This might just be the perfect Change build

In every mode I try I do great!


With this build you'll be able to cast abilities super fast and with devastating damage from all of the penetration while stealing their life away as you dance across the battleground.

You have 40% cooldown (plus extra with the Staff and Spear passive) you have some lifesteal and the defense at the end ensures that you won't die.

Basically you'll do a ton of damage with cooldown and survivability. This might just be the perfect Change build

In every mode I try I do great!

Build Item Gem of Focus Gem of Focus
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

With this build you'll be able to cast abilities super fast and with devastating damage from all of the penetration while stealing their life away as you dance across the battleground.

You have 40% cooldown (plus extra with the Staff and Spear passive) you have some lifesteal and the defense at the end ensures that you won't die.

Basically you'll do a ton of damage with cooldown and survivability. This might just be the perfect Change build

In every mode I try I do great!

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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 12, 2022 9:10am
Curious, what do you think about interchanging Charon's Coin and Obsidian Shard? Brings in some MP5 since you don't have much of it in the build outside of the starter/upgrade. Also provides some added utility from the MS as it's stacked.
LegitLiquid | April 13, 2022 5:26am
That's a really good suggestion, I'll have to try it out in a few games and see how well I do. Also if there's a ton of healing on the enemy team switching Obsidian Shard with Devine Ruin is good. You get an extra boost of antiheal on top of what your 3 already does
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 13, 2022 7:58am
Gonna comment on the above, and then on the other comment from Kriega's.

If you DO need Divine Ruin, unfortunately, it may be more important for you to switch it out not with % pen, but with flat this case Spear of Desolation. In most cases, you're going to want your major % pen unless 4 of your enemies are not building protections for some reason, in which case you can probably get away with 2 flat pen items. I know that is contrary to your purpose of getting max CDR and the bonus CDR function from Deso, but that concept of build substitution is important.

That said, Divine Ruin isn't always that great / needed for Chang'e, IMO. Outside of her ult, she has to be in fairly close range to deal her damage unlike other mages that can nuke from a larger distance, so in many cases she's not going to be able to apply that anti-heal to her preferred'll be to whomever is closest to her. However, it's not a huge issue because she already has anti-heal function in her 3. So overall, I think you're mostly safe just keeping Deso, and in extreme cases picking up Divine instead.

As for Kriega suggesting Deso first, I thought about cost of Deso and SG also, and that is a decent point. However, to help you be a bit more aggressive early, the flat pen that Deso provides is going to be useful, and that stat is almost always recommended as a priority in the early game for mages over an item like SG.
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Kriega1 (143) | April 12, 2022 6:30pm
I can't trust a build that rushes Soul Gem 1st item tbh.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 12, 2022 6:32pm
That was actually my other thought, I just didn't put it down. Was going to say, Deso first, SG second prob.
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Not a rapper | April 12, 2022 8:30am
19-3-10 and 43k player damage this build is insane. Good ****
LegitLiquid | April 13, 2022 5:27am
Glad you like it, yeah every time I run it I go positive. I even got a Godlike with it the other day lol
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The Annihilation Build
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