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Hi My Name Is Xx-Dreamerz-xX But you can call Me Dreams And this Is my Guide On the Remover of Obstacles...Ganesha
After rigorous celebration, Parvati, Goddess of fertility and love, washed the dirt and sweat from her body. It floated upon the surface of her pool, formless and purposeless. With a wave of her hand, it was transformed into a boy, her son, and set him to guard the door as she finished washing. Shiva, the supreme being, returned and found this child doggedly blocking his path. Fearing the safety of his wife, Shiva drew his sword and cut him down.
"This is your son!" Parvati cried. "You must save him!"
Hurriedly, Shiva replaced the head of the child with the wisest creature in the world, that of an elephant. Thus, was Ganesha truly born.
Generous, warm-hearted, and optimistic, Ganesha has assumed authority over the very thing his mother tasked of him - obstacles. For those whose hearts are filled with boastful arrogance, Ganesha challenges progress. Financial difficulties, faulty materials, and unhappiness plague their every action. But, for the honest, the hard working, Ganesha clears the way. A life of good fortune, bright skies, and joyous laughter.
Obstacles can be either placed or removed. So, to Ganesha all mortals pray when starting a new endeavor, that their path will be open and their future bright. That he may grant them success.
Only with reluctance has Ganesha joined the Battle of the Gods. Violence is the last obstacle the elephant-God would ever place. But these are not mortals that threaten existence. They are Gods, and it is time that Ganesha determined who should succeed, and who should fail.
Passive- Good Fortune
Any time Ganesha deals a killing blow, the nearest Friendly God receives credit for the kill and Ganesha receives the rewards for an assist instead. In addition, his assist range is increased by 20' and time before he loses assist credit is increased by 5s.
This Passive is probably the best support passive in the game giving easy hide of the urchin stacks ragnada's mask stacks and more also not stated in this passive is that it works on minion kills aswell so if your carry is building stacks you wont have to worry about stealing them :)
1st Ability - Turn of Fate
Ganesha curses his Enemies with his considerable willpower, damaging them. For each Enemy he hits (up to a maximum of 5), all Allied Gods within 55 units of Ganesha gain bonus Damage.
If you dont understand the passive with each allied god this ability gives 2% bonus to each of those gods stacking up to 10% this will probably be one of ganeshas most overlooked moves and most deadly.
2nd Ability - Ohm
Ganesha begins chanting and rises into the lotus position, where he is slowed slightly but allows him to travel freely in all directions. While chanting, he silences Enemy gods in a cone in front of him and increases Physical Protections for all nearby Allied Gods.
This ability Silences and Provides 60 PHYSICAL protections at maxed rank and if you have high enough sensitivity you can spin circles around you and consistently silence Gods out of their ability's.
3rd Ability - Remove Obstacles
Ganesha charges forward, hooking an enemy with his goad, holding them in place and damaging the enemy before knocking them up. While dashing, Ganesha passes through player-made deployables.
Ymir Wall? Psssh Goes through that! Cabrakan Wall? Yep that too! Any wall this ability can go through the damage of this ability is pretty good and the lock down potential is similiar to Sobeks Pluck with an added MMA feel to it Heh.
Ultimate - Dharmic Pillars
Ganesha summons the Four Great Pillars of Righteousness to imprison his Enemies. Between each pair of pillars a magical field is created, and Enemies who pass through the field take Damage, are Slowed, and have their Protections reduced for 3s.
This is probably Ganesha's Best tool with a 75 second cooldown 55 protection shred and 40% slow Gem of Iso and Spear will def Be good items to pair with Ganesha!
Health: 495 (+95)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.2%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+ 1.55)
+ 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/.5/.5/1.5/.5x damage and swing time
Physical: 20 (+3.2)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 6 (+0.67)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.42
(You probably Dont care about the numbers But im doing it cause it looks good)
+Has alot of health
+Good Team Presence
+REAL Support
+Donates Kills
+Great teamfight presence
- Minimal CC
- Needs a good team to be played well
Free Lane Mode
Silences Her out of her 2 3 and 1 combos and his dash cancels out her dash the only thing terra might beat you in is lane clear.
Ares a Threat Against Many But Not against Ganesha he might be able to stop you from dashing but if you silence him it shuts down both his 1 and His 3
Athena is an easy matchup for Ganesha as if the athena trys to taunt your carry or dash into your carry you can easily silence her long enough so your carry can potentially escape.
Bacchus is an agressive pain for everyone but ganesha has the upper hand with his dash and silence being able to silence bacchus out of his belch his drink and sometimes his ult (Its Glitchy).
Normal Mode
Sylvanus usually is a non factor in most cases not really agressive but still deadly but neither of you really have the upper hand against each other.
Xing tian is a harder to deal with more damaging gaurdian you can silence him out of his root and dash making him less effective but still watch out for his ult!
If you see a sobek closing in just pop your silence out and keep distance he wont be able to be as agressive if you do so.
Nene Kappa is a pain and tanky asf when kuzenbo starts getting health and protections early water grave can be an annoying ult and cancels out alot of your abilitys aswell but still a pretty even match up
*Sigh* With the amount of people building magi's on Khumbhakarna 2nd or 3rd item it feels like you can do nothing to him and with low cooldown on his Mez hes just an agressive fast pain to deal with Keep your distance and poke with 1.
Shields Everywhere everytime you dash onto their carry? Shield frees them from it everytime you ult and expect a kill? Shield your ult does literally half the shields health and they walk free. Annoying
Pssh Just Dash through wall Eazy....But then you remember your carry and its too late because ymir has frozen them and his carry then just ****s your carry in the *** and then you get VGS Spammed...But On a serious not ymir is a major threat you might be able to get away but you can't forget about the person you are support and ymirs freeze is probably one of the CC's in the game just because of his passive and the sheer Utility of it
Out damages you In some cases can out tank you and did I mention he out damages you?
Fafnir is probably one of the least annoying Supports to go against but the strongest
(you may be asking where Cabrakan is but he isnt even played as a support so....Don't even know the matchup yet)
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1. Publishing a guide for a god who hasn't even been released yet. There is no way you're good enough with him to be a teacher to others yet.
In your Pros and Cons section, you say Ganesha has "Minimal CC", but it's the exact opposite. His entire second ability,
You also say that he "Needs a good team to be played well". Well, so does every other support god. That's the idea behind supporting - you need your team just as they need you.
2. Your build is a huge pain to read due to the Potions shoved in the middle. You don't have to include consumables in your main build. You can mention them briefly with your level 1 starting items.
3. Your builds aren't very good.
Also, you build your magical defense too late into the game, going
On top of that,
4. A guide is more than just a build. Currently, you have a few builds, a one sentence introduction, a copy/paste of
There is so much more you can do! Show us that you really love this god enough to be making a guide for him. For example, in-depth build descriptions and alternative items, formatting, ability combos, what relics to buy and when, which ADCs pair up best with him, and how to play him well in Conquest or other modes. If you need an example, I have my Medusa guide here which can give you a good idea.
I do look forward to improvements on this guide as well as your next guides.