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Buy whichever starter you want then the consumables. You can only buy one starter. If you get Tainted Steel, buy
Multi Potions instead of
Healing Potions.
Sell Bluestone Pendant for
Pridwen when you get to your last slot.
Sell your boots for Mantle of Discord.
Sell Bluestone Pendant for
Void Shield when you get to your last slot.
Sell your boots for Mantle of Discord.
Tainted Breastplate is a better item than
Tainted Amulet but if you need more magical defense when you go to upgrade your starter, get
Tainted Amulet.
Sell your boots for Mantle of Discord.
Get Purification Beads first if you need it vs your lane opponent or the enemy jungler but usually, you'll go
Blink Rune first. The "Relics" chapter has situational pick-ups.
Get Battle Stomp/
Uppercut at level two if you want to poke or kill the enemy solo laner when you get to lane, and don't mind having worse clear. If you want to commit to killing or out-trading the enemy solo, putting a second point into
Overhead Slash/
Hamstring at level three is best. You would then get
Twin Cleave/
Bladestorm at level three. Get it at level four if you choose to put a second point into
Overhead Slash/
Hamstring at level three.
Tap each threat level to view King Arthur’s threats
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King Arthur is a solo laner who plays around pressure, trading, and his unrivaled ability to easily fight multiple gods alone if they're unable to lock him down and blow him up. Arthur's 7 abilities, 3 of them being movement abilities, and his ultimate, which makes him untargetable for a couple of seconds, allow him to constantly deal damage while making it hard for enemies to retaliate. Once King Arthur gets some defense online, he's a force to be reckoned with.
Start off by buying Bluestone Pendant or
Tainted Steel and a
Chalice of Healing. Get two
Healing Potions and
Blink Rune.
Multi Potions can be useful if you plan to fight the enemy solo laner early on because the heal stacks on top of your Chalice. The extra mana sustain from them is really nice with
Tainted Steel.
Go to speed buff at the start of the game. Clear it as fast as possible and then head to mini harpy camp. Your jungler will be on the bigger harpy camp and will pull them towards you. You will use Overhead Slash on both camps. After both camps are down, head to blue. Clear blue then
Blink Rune to wave.
Once you get to lane you should use your abilities primarily on the wave. If the enemy lane opponent goes anything but Bluestone Pendant, you will either match their clear or out clear them. The goal is to get full boots on your first back. You want to back once you clear the wave that comes as the second blue spawns.
Reinforced Greaves is the best choice on King Arthur as he doesn't need the extra power from
Warrior Tabi to trade with the enemy or clear well. Although you can fight at this point, it's best not to unless the enemy makes a mistake and gives you pressure. You want to chill out until you can buy
Stone of Gaia. After you get that item, you can do whatever you want because you'll out trade everyone besides
Cu Chulainn.
As the solo laner and frontline during team fights, you want to be initiating for your jungler and pressuring their backline so they're not free casting onto your team. As King Arthur, you want to be going into fights with your ultimate charged up or close to it so you can immediately ult a squishy, use all your abilities on them, and then ult them again. You should target one person, either their mage or their adc, and use all your abilities on them. While spamming your abilities on whoever's closest is easier and more fun, taking someone out of the fight is much more important than poking 2 or 3 people. In certain situations, you can use your charged ultimate on the support so the squishies have no protection for a couple of seconds but it's not something you should be focused on doing. The % health damage the ultimate does just makes ulting tanks, not a complete waste. Blinking in and immediately using Excalibur's Wrath on someone in the enemy backline is great for initiating as it lets your team push forward while one of the enemy carries is in the air doing nothing.
While this rarely happens, if for some reason everyone dies except King Arthur, the enemy solo, and the enemy support, Arthur can easily take the 1v2. In extended fights where there's no huge damage to kill him, Arthur just presses all his buttons and slowly kills everyone.
Comboing Uppercut into
Overhead Slash guarantees the extra melee damage on Overhead Slash. You can also do this when securing a buff. Knock the enemy up with
Uppercut and then finish the buff with the damage from
Overhead Slash while the enemy is in the air.
Hitting the whole wave and the enemy god with Bladestorm is an easy way to quickly build up energy. It also groups the wave so you can kill the minions easier.
Using Excalibur's Wrath as soon as you get enough energy in lane is important and holding on to it for too long is a huge damage loss. You want to cycle through them. Since it does 25% max health in physical damage, the enemy solo will really feel it. This ability chunks everyone.
When against Jormungandr it's important to remember that you can't use
Excalibur's Wrath on him so you should instead ult whenever you get enough energy for
Sundering Strike. Sometimes you might want to hold onto a charge if you think you're going to be ganked.
Auto-attack canceling between abilities is a must on King Arthur. It always keeps you close to the enemy, you will build energy faster, and it results in a lot more damage.
Invading the enemy's jungle as Arthur is especially effective because they can't fight you without committing to a 2 or 3 man rotation. If the enemy team does this, your team can get the Gold Fury uncontested.
Using an auto-attack before using abilities gives you a lot more range and you can cancel the auto-attack slow by using your abilities halfway through the lunge animation. This also lets you move a lot faster when chaining together your movement abilities.
King Arthur dominates the laning phase after the first few levels. Arthur should be played into weaker laning gods where he can abuse his pressure and make a lead. While gods with cripples destroy the king, he destroys everyone else.
"Wield the power of Excalibur to hack and slash your foes with powerful combos."
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This means the best way for someone with high base damage to get their damage off is through building cooldown to hit them more often and defences to stay alive and hit that damage.
This means the best way for someone with high base damage to get their damage off is through building cooldown to hit them more often and defences to stay alive and hit that damage.
I'm not sure I understand this. What exactly makes Chaac and Achilles have higher power scaling than Arthur? Their lvl 20 stats are practically identical (Other than the fact that Chaac and Achilles can gain attack speed). I'm just confused what you are using to measures their power scaling. Just a newb trying to educate himself here.
It is some ****...take warrior axe then sunderring axe or sigil it will be better...litterally broken in lategame unlike to blues pendant
And void shield is good but take it at the time you replace your boots
But its a good build
In the notes of the "Core 5 items" there's a huge confusing typo that I kept rereading thinking I was stupid "so going spirit over mantle instead of oni hunter's garb over genji's guard is best"; this was confusing because you never mentioned differences in going
I definitely think
Maybe on your match ups where you list Amaterasu as minor note that if she can get through to late game she makes way more of an impact than you will as King Arthur.
Final point, this is all theoretical so doesn't really matter but I think the new
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With the threats, for a starter Poseidon and Ares are not common solo lane match ups; They are still a threat to him in any game so of course they should be listed but Poseidon and Ares solo aren't common nor good solo picks at all. Next I would address that unless you're playing arena you're picking a god to try and win, any god that can do your role better and win their game instead of you winning should definitely be notable. The same way you talk about Sun Wukong who is even, yet Ama can afk farm and then win the game. I never said to make her a major threat, I just said though that it should be written.
And I understand that the passive scales better later into the game but so does Void Shields as it has percentage pen? and I did say it was just a theory I wasn't trying to criticise your building.