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Typical Rank 10 Aphrodite Builds

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by KingMike15 updated February 26, 2017

Smite God: Aphrodite

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Aphrodite Build

Shoes of Focus first For Cooldown

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Core Items (Sell Blue Boots After Shield of Regrowth)

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth

Damage and some Healing

Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

If Defense is Needed

Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor


Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


First off if you already didn't know Aphrodite can be easily killed in some scenarios. If you build her support like she will be nuisance and will be very hard to kill, especially if she has her ultimate up. Now if you go full damage, she can be pretty squishy, just like an average mage. Aphro is in my top 3, and I hope after you see this build and try her I hope she'll be on of your favorites too.


Aphrodite's items are pretty easy to understand for the most part. Before I started maining Aphro, I used to HATE stacking. Now I look for sure like to go Book of Thoth for more power, or Warlock's Sash for being tanky. Now since Shield of Regrowth has transferred over to mages as well, it is now one of my favorite items. It gives you lots things like health, HP5 (Health per 5 seconds), MP5 ( Mana per 5 seconds), and 20% CDR (Cooldown Reduction). Especially its passive, whenever you heal with you get an absurd amount of movement speed. Now of course it can't happen every single time, but definitely most of the time. Chronos' Pendant is a very good item, gives you power, CDR, and more MP5. On Aphrodite I like to have lots of MP5 to sustain myself, and stay in lane, or in a fight longer. Finally Rod of Asclepius (Rod of ***claps in other words), it gives you power, health and more movement speed which is always good, paired up with Shield of Regrowth.



Pros / Cons

  • Great Healing
  • Excellent Wave Clear (3 mainly) Love Birds
  • Fast movement when linked with her 1 Kiss
  • Immunes anything really with her ultimate Undying Love
  • Good Stun Kiss to start your 1+3+2 combo
  • Very Strong Mage
  • Can be squishy on what you build
  • Mana hungry early game
  • Can only heal 1 god only
  • No Escape
  • Can be outdamaged by most of the other Mages
  • All Assassins can blast her, so keep a distance

Full Damage Build

For a full damage build with Aphrodite is one of my favorite things to do. For this build every item I buy personal is a damage item, except Shield of Regrowth, this item is a must when I go with my damage build (Mainly in Arena). I recommend not just in this damage build but every build is to use Rod of Asclepius. It gives you power and its passive gives your allies and you extra healing. Now when in combat it gives you even more healing. Pair Rod of Asclepius with Rod of Tahuti and you will be dealing massive amounts of damage and heals for you and your soul mate. Running Book of Thoth will give you more power if you like to build stacks in Arena (I don't personally).

Support Build

Me personally as an Aphro player I do not like to go a full support build. It is not my thing, but don't let this stop you from helping your team even more! When I run this support build I like to build tanky and use an item that has an aura to give my team a buff. I like to build Aphro with lots of health Warlock's Sash helps with this, when fully stacked at 100 the item gives you 600 health. I like to run Chronos' Pendant for more CDR, and again Rod of Asclepius gives me health and an aura when I heal myself and my soul mate. Gauntlet of Thebes is a must have item for Aphro in season for in my opinion. It is an item that has an aura which is good for the support build. If you really want to be super supportive throw in Sovereignty or Heartward Amulet whichever you prefer. While this build is tanky/supportive, I've been in many situations where I can easily take out my enemies.

The Late Game

Aphrodite has an excellent late game. Once you have her fully built, there's no stopping Aphro, she's powerful and her sustain is even better. Her heals are absolutely incredible, no matter what you build you are healing and doing some damage. Yes Aphro is very weak to other Mages but she can be very special, even if you don't do as much damage as them. As I said her sustain is great, she can stay in fights longer with her MP5 so more healing for her and her soulmate if she has one. Whatever game type you're playing, whatever role, help your team at all costs, bruiser or healer, if they push, you push. Your heals a game changer and especially if you have your very own immunity for you and a soul mate. When you are linked with a soul mate you can support them and keep them in the fight longer as well. Kiss gives your soul mate 70% of your Mana regenerated to them which means they won't run out Mana faster, obviously. In all Aphro is very strong late game, she is a huge threat to the entire enemy team.


In conclusion, Aphrodite is a great all- around god however you build her. She can be squishy but very strong, she can tanky but a bit weak. However you play her you are helping your team out either way because of the healing and/or auras you give them. Me being mostly a Arena/Clash/Joust player she fits my playstyle in any mode. I also like to mix it up I don't like to go full damage or full support, I like to be a balanced Aphro. However you play her full damage, full support it all works, it just depends on your style of play in the game. Thank you for looking at my build, I hope whoever comes across it, I hope have as much fun playing Aphro as I do.

My SmiteFire Build

This is my first SmiteFire build and I would like to hear any feedback that anyone can give me, I would appreciate it. :)


A big thanks to Zilby for making my page not look very bland and non- colorful, I couldn't of done this without your help, Thanks agin Zilby.


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