At This Chapter i will tell you how to Play, Counter and Deal Against Other hunters (ADCs) in Conquest, Deul. or even in a Random 1v1 Situation, I will be Updating and Adding new Hunters as soon as possible.
Difficulty :
Now i know a lot of People would say that
Neith is OP, Well...not really, her True Damage is Her
Spirit Arrow especially if she Hit it with one of her
Broken Weave that would deal 100% of the Damage. Her
Back Flip is annoying as well, BUT...For
Ullr Neith is EASY, once she jumps she got nothing else to do
i usually keep poking her until she jumps, or get really close so she jumps then i Attack, Ullr got Mov Speed buff and a leap, you can use any for chasing.
her Early game is good Thanks to her
Spirit Arrow otherwise, She is normal Hunters.
so Basically all you have to do Is to AVOID her
Spirit Arrow as much as possible. once she use her Back Flip she is all Yours, Her basics are hard to land, she is ability based, and by ability based i mean ONE ability based, no Good damage else Than her 1, also even if she hit you with her
Spirit Arrow you can Still jump so its not a problem, and don't get close to any of her
Broken Weaves
Difficulty :
Anhur is a Strong Hunter in General, he is Something Between Ability-Based and Basics-Based, he can be building with Pen and Power ( To Maximize his
Impale Damage ) Or attack speed, Power, and Crits, like any Other Hunter. His High Damage is in his
Impale, especially if he use his combo,
Shifting Sands >>
which will deal a lot of Damage, stun for 1.5 Seconds ( at max Rank ) which will allow him to do few more basics, also if you are on low health he will use his ultimate
Desert Fury.
Ullr Got more abilities than Anhur, in a Normal
Ullr Vs.
Anhur, i would say
Ullr would absolutely win, you got more abilities, you got 2 escapes/Chases, you got more attack speed than him, i recommend getting Purification Relic against him, because if he manged to Stun you in his Impale combo especially on his Pillar, AND he use His Ult, you are going to be in a very Sticky situation, if you are already on low health, you are basically dead.
if he didn't use his Ult then don't recommend to use Purification, unless you are already on very low health or he is Going Crits, ( 1.5s Stun should be able to do like 3-5 hits, if he Critted in one or 2, you are REALLY in a bad situation.
Difficulty :
Hou Yi is a really Strong Hunter, he is one of the My Best hunters, His Kit REALLY relies on his
Ricochet, if you can't hit your Ricochet you can't do much for him, it has a normal Damage, BUT...this ability Can BOUNCE Walls up to 2 Bounces, each time it does 40% more Damage, so if you hit 2 bounces it suppose to be 80% additional Damage.
he is the MASTER of Joust Map, the Map has a lot of Tricky Corners and bounce Places that Can really be helpful for him, That's why he was and still
Rated A+ in duel Tier list.
Okay now For
Ullr This is
SKILL VS SKILL match, now the reason i think Hou yi is situational because if he didn't Land double or triple bounces he will be like any other hunter, which will be SUPPER easy for
Ullr to Finish, But if he Can Land all His Double and triple bounces on it Depends on the situation, the damage is so high and it stuns for 1 second, also his 2 will deal additional Damage for each 10% of your missing health, if you lost 50% of your Hp, he will deal additional 25% of his Damage...this is so Broken if he did one triple bounce...basically he will 1 hit anyone.
Tho i still Believe
Ullr Should win this
-don't waste your Leap
Glory Bound on Chasing, so you have something to avoid his Ultimate
-i Also Recommend Buying Purification as one of your relics, in case he stunned you while you were in a sticky situation .
NEVER stand still, Keep Moving in Random Directions, to Make is
Ricochet Harder to Land.
Difficulty :
Apollo is one of the
Hard Late Game Carry, he is Kinda Weak early game, good Mid game, and
STRONG late game, in a Normal
Ullr Vs.
Apollo it Depends more on the SKILL !!
Basic attack Based gods are ALL strong, very strong, and they Require
LESS skill than Ability based, how Ever, Good Ability Based Players can have HUGH Advantage of The Weak or Normal Early-Mid game, and Control the Field.
-Take Advantage of your Strong Early and mid game to Win or even control the game Before he reach his Full build and start rekking People.
-You Can also Build Basics based so you both would be strong late game, tho you would still be beating him in mid game
-if he Reached late game, try to stun him then do your comobo, His basics will deal INSANE Damage so be careful, don't try to box him a lot in late game without CC on your side.
-Try to
"Go-Hard" in early and mid so you can Control his mid game, or even Prevent him from reaching Late game
-Other than that, you need a good teamwork, or a good luck to Shut him down late game.
Difficulty :
Just like
Artemis Has a
GREAT late game, Unlike apollo, She has EVEN
weaker early game, Now In Mid game, She Probably be Maxing her 2
Vengeful Assault which will give her insane 80% Attack speed, and her passive gives her 15% Critical Chance without any item, you can have 1 Criting item on her and you will get 35% Critical Chance.
Ullr or any ability based Hunter, Crits are really a problem, once they reached late game, they will be really hard to 1v1, Unless of course you are good at jukes, or they are bad at Aiming.
-You need to control the game in Early and Mid game, once she reach late game she is really deadly
-Highly Recommend Purification as First or second relic, Her ult
Calydonian Boar Stuns for 1.5 Second late game, with crits....Ya Dead mate.
-Get her out of lain as much as possible, even if you didn't kill her, prevent her from XP and Gold, to Slow her Process for late game
-As i said before for
Apollo, you can also Build Basics based, and you will be strong Mid to late game.
-if she reach late game, you need a CC guy with you other than your
AXE Stun, CC Shuts
Build: Brooch > Trans > Jotunn's > Hydra's > Heartseeker > Titan's/Crusher
AXE STANCE: 1 >> AA >> SS >> AA >> 3 >> AA >> 1 >> AA it will deal a lot of Damage, tho, requires a good Ping.
Thanks for the idea by the way !!
if you are facing Other than warriors, Assassins / Mages then this is Super easy ( For Pro Ullr Players ) you can actually Win Early and Mid game, and Late game you won't be even in lain you will be Rotating so no problem. Feel Free to ask any Question here or In-Game ( Nikvundle ) :)
Your guide covers vast majority of the information needed to play
The only change that I think might be a decent option in said build, would be to replace
I don't have much experience with full auto-attack based builds but I can only say that I tested the first one, and due to
Other than that, I see that you already included some coloring which helps in reading; but even though it wouldn't have to be any advanced coding, a thing which would make the whole text even more visually attractive would be to write any abilities' (and maybe items') names in double brackets [ ], so that for example Bladed Arrow looks like that
But all things considered, good job with this guide, upvote from me.
second: i actually thought Before that
and i actually Didn't Know how to show the item's and stuff with [] , so i should write it like this