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You may have picked a famed "worst god", but it definitely isn't. If you're experienced, Bakasura is basically the god of all gods. This is why I have made this guide, in order to improve our Bakasura abilities and make him move to the top. I'm not saying Bakasura needs to be in the top, because I definitely don't want too many Bakasuras, but I want people to recognize how scary he is.
I do quite well with the build; I know some of you are thinking: builds or gods don't matter, it's the players. Well no, not necessarily. My build I have published for you all, will kick everybody's ***, in a matter of seconds. I've gotten a lot of quadruple, penta kills with just his 3, sometimes combined with his ultimate.
Of course, in MOTD (Match Of The Day) there is Cup Runneth Over, Grab Bag, etc. well, join those and you'll certainly have the most ovary exploding, ******ic, ***********, babies, soul crushing, fun you'll ever have. Yet, you may not want to play MOTD, thus that may be a no.
If you don't have such fun, I don't know what to say. I'm probably gonna go up a very detailed, such as a brightly white checkered 5 ft. so called skyscraper that is modeled to be a toy, and jump off like an angel in the sky, spreading my arms in a 90 degree angle, my legs in the ideal spot; which varies depending on the miles per hour of the wind acceleration, as well as of the ambient temperature, outside. (lol)
IGN: ButtSmecks, Decaq, and Slypig.
For the last build, why tank? I'm not very good with tanks, but if you do play tank with Bakasura, you're gonna get excellent tanking performance (I know very sure that you cannot tank with Bakasura, so please do not try).
Lastly, if you don't know why you need to have Fatalis, it's simple. Combined with the passive, you have crazy movement speed, and Fatalis' passive lets you move backwards without losing speed, so you can juke, all that fun stuff. You may think it's slow at first, but it's stacks, so you have to attack an enemy three times beforeyou can attack super fast.
Of course, you might ask, why is this build so short and simple? It's simple, really, do people really read all of this? Most likely you would get better by time of playing the game, i.e. playing the game, not wasting time on here reading when you can get better.. in the game. I do want to put a bit of info, but not a lot. Just look at the build, use it, take time for your buddy, and play the game! Nonetheless, good luck and have fun.
Warrior Tabi
This item is a good starting item, and for a great usage of movement speed as well as attack speed. Of course this is a most famed starting item, because it is cheap, and can be very good early game for escape, speed, and as well as attack damage due to it's little cost.
This item will increase your critical chance, and as well as the passive for increasing each time you miss, so you can kill your enemies faster. Your attack speed increases quite a bit, and as well as your physical power.
This item will increase your physical power and lifesteal for each successful hit you do the the enemy, as well as the physical power. You would normally get Fatalis before this, but during/in the middle of the purchase, you will be super weak, your attack speed will do nothing but scratch people.
After you get Bloodforge and combined with this, you will attack them so fast, your physical power increasing, you will obliterate them, as stated in the pros.
Standard late game item, it is good for both physical power and critical chance. One of the best items and the most famed. You will need it for your critical chance, and as well as physical power. There is no point in critical chance if you do not have physical power along with it.
Golden Bow
I get this late game because late game I do a lot of damage, and if I want to kill players in a pack, Golden Bow will send a bit of damage to nearby enemies, additionally I can farm easily.
Additionally, you may wonder why, why Combat Blink? Combined with Fist of Gods, you may get excellent performance, as explained below.
Additionally, you may wonder why, why Fist of Gods? I'll tell you why, when you're starting the game, you may finish your build, and need to upgrade, there's Hand of Gods, and Fist of Gods. Fist of Gods stuns in a radius, if someone runs from you, you ca always catch up with them. Of course, you buy Combat Blink first and then you can combine them to chase them in a blink of an eye, and then stun them. They will die if you do it at a correct time, and a correct radius (assuming you can kill them).
Apparently this is a 'quick chapter' and so, I'll be talking about team work today. Surely you don't need a team to completely obliterate the enemy team in a way that they'll cry to their poorly funded, parents like a spoiled contempt peasant. I'm kidding, but if you really like teamwork and all that stuff you can have someone stun.
My ideal team consists of:
My ideal strategy consists of:
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
Copyright © 2019 SMITEFire | All Rights Reserved
As your build looks awesome there is ABSLOUTELY no need to do 3 Warrior's Tabi in a row, and straight after that 3
Also, why does your "ideal team" consist of 3 tanks, 4 mages and 1
Also, you have no BBCode in "Actives" section and you change text color very often. The fact that this guide is a featured guide is really annoying. Put some real work into your guide.
This guide looks like it was done in a hour, or less.
I don't know weather to +1 or -1 this guide...
Why not? There is no need to rely on builds either, such as the amount of skill is the one you should be working on.
It can work in any gamemode, if you have a skilled enough team, which doesn't occur most of the times, but neither does an ideal team. Everything I want ideally, does not happen, there is no need to dis-concur.
Why the **** would I need BBCode? Text is text no matter what ****ty sparkles you put on there, princess. The fact that you need a guide to play Smite is very saddening. I'd rather not, seeing as I can just play the ****ing game.
Sorry, it's not the same as your princess make-up time.
Does it matter? Guides are guides, what matters is that you actually play the game instead of researching for a year before you play the game. And yes, that was sarcasm if you didn't see, princess.
Also, why does your "ideal team" consist of 3 tanks, 4 mages and 1
Also, you have no BBCode in "Actives" section and you change text color very often. The fact that this guide is a featured guide is really annoying. Put some real work into your guide.
This guide looks like it was done in a hour, or less.
I don't know weather to +1 or -1 this guide...
I honestly only like your 3rd build. jk awesome build man
No, I'm sure many people only like that build. It is one of the best, if I may say so myself.
The only problem I see in the build is the Bloodforge at the start. It is an expensive item, a Lifesteal version of Deathbringer. Why do you buy it so early?
Seeing as it stacks up, it's quite useful for jungle. I just build everything for damage disregarding the price and all that kind of stuff. As runner-up, if you get
Nice guide, I just wanted to let you know though that people definitely think that he is good, ever since he got buffed and a cripple was put on his ultimate and the minions from the ultimate were stronger hes been banned in every ranked game I've played. don't worry, people definitely know how OP he is
Oh, I haven't played in quite a while, but if they buffed him, that's nice. Thanks for the information.
Here are some guides on BBCoding and Getting Started.
I honestly don't see many uses for BBCoding in your current guide, but you might be able to find some after looking through the Getting Started link. Overall it's a nice guide, although I personally dislike paragraphs of color.
Oh thanks, quite useful. Even though I know quite a bit about BBCode, I didn't know there was an icon thing, useful. Thank you.
Here are some guides on BBCoding and Getting Started.
I honestly don't see many uses for BBCoding in your current guide, but you might be able to find some after looking through the Getting Started link. Overall it's a nice guide, although I personally dislike paragraphs of color.
This already looks a lot better. There is a lot more thpes of coding that could go in this but this a a great improvement up vote.
What kind of coding do you suppose I can use?