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Vamana solo/jungle

3 1 16,609
by Bizon007 updated December 11, 2018

Smite God: Vamana

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
Choose a Build: Solo
Solo Jungle
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Vamana Build

Starter 1

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Round Shield Round Shield
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

Starter 2

Build Item Round Shield Round Shield
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

relicts to consider

Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell


Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Golden Blade Golden Blade
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield


Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Hastened Katana Hastened Katana
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi

against AA based physical opponent

Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Hastened Katana Hastened Katana
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

against mage healer

Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Hastened Katana Hastened Katana
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

against general

Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Hastened Katana Hastened Katana
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Vamana's Skill Order

Clear The Path

1 X Y
Clear The Path

Armored Umbrella

2 A B
Armored Umbrella


3 B A

Colossal Fury

4 Y X
Colossal Fury
Clear The Path

Clear The Path

1 X
Vamana opens his umbrella in front of him and sprints forward, doing damage to all enemies and knocking them into the air.

Ability Type: Dash, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 14s
Armored Umbrella

Armored Umbrella

2 A
Vamana infuses his umbrella with his armor, reinforcing it while he strikes forth, doing damage to all enemies in a cone.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s


3 B
Vamana spins an umbrella out in front of him, hitting everyone in its path for damage and slowing your enemies' attack and movement speeds. After reaching its destination, the umbrella returns back to Vamana, hitting everyone in its path again.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Attack / Movement Speed Slow: 25%
Speed Slow Duration: 3s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
Colossal Fury

Colossal Fury

4 Y
Vamana grows to an enormous giant for 5s gaining immunity to Crowd Control, Protections, Physical Power, Physical Lifesteal, a stacking shield that cannot exceed 1000 Health, and his Basic Attacks now damage all nearby enemies. His Movement Penalty for Attacking, Backpedaling, and Strafing are reduced by 20% while in this state. Successful attacks on enemies also provide stacking Movement Speed for 3s. When Vamana is in Colossal form, taking damage from gods increases the duration to a max of 9s and Vamana can pass through player made walls. You may cancel his giant form early.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Buff
Protections: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Physical Power: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Physical Lifesteal: 30%
Shield: 0.9% of Maximum Health per .2 second
Movement Speed: 3% stacking 5 times
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Vamana Threats

Tap each threat level to view Vamana’s threats


Pros / Cons


    self heal
    high mobility
    lategame hypercarry

    weak early game
    little ammount of cc
    countered by anti-heal

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xmysterionz (72) | December 14, 2018 4:34am
My suggest is change this "hypercarry" in pros to "high damage". By Hypercarry you mean the god can easily take 100-0 an enemy health/destroy easily any objective and in both cases Vamana can't do the job well. Yes, he has damage, but not as much as a true hyper carry as Kali or Chronos late game.
Kriega1 (143) | December 14, 2018 4:20am
Not sure why you’re building Ninja Tabi on Vamana, something definitely wrong here.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 14, 2018 10:00am
Because he's got a focus on basic attack function rather than abilities or hybrid. CDR items are only listed as options rather than core. You'd probably want the AS over the 20 higher power (which is honestly not that much), especially if you go deeper into offensive focus with something like Stone Cutting Sword. I don't see this as being a horrific item choice...not like he's building DB or something.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 13, 2018 4:03pm
I don't think I'd ever call Vamana a "late-game hypercarry," especially with these example builds that have 0 pen and multiple protection items...leave that claim to the true hypercarry glass cannons like Chronos and Kali.

The builds look mostly good though. Has a clear focus on basic attack function with sticking power ( Hastened Katana), counter-building (Pest, Mystical sorta, and Nemean), and sustain ( Berserker's Shield).

Looks to be aggressive and in their face early, hence the focus on health sustain with Healing and Multi potions and an early Berserker's. There are good item options with some pen (Void and SCS) and other situational protection items...though I think the one that is missing here is Oni Hunter's Garb. Masamune might be another functional option.

Big problem I see is that no late-game options are presented to replace Berserker's Shield, which, as nice as it is, is still a bridge item.

Another concern is health. The first build example has 0 added health. Protections are fine and important for a Solo (and a jungle 'mana), but adding actual health as a stat is important for overall effective health and survival...with an early Nemean for physical and Spirit for balanced protections, a late Bulwark of Hope might be appreciated in place of Mantle of Discord in that example.

But his 5.23 buff means he's going to definitely be more difficult to kill, particularly when he ults, so maybe that'll be enough. I dunno.

In any case, with no replacement for Berserker's, can't recommend the builds at this time. Would like to see just a few more item options and a true final build example or two.
Kriega1 (143) | December 14, 2018 4:25am
Beserkers can just be swapped for void shield or Masamune, if Masamune boots can be sold for stonecutting.
Bizon007 | December 14, 2018 4:04am
Thanks for feedback! I'll make some changes as you said and hope my guide will get better
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bizon007
Vamana solo/jungle
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