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WMH's Morrigan Midlane (S0 OB2)

4 0 3,241
by whatsmyhandle updated January 31, 2025

Smite God: The Morrigan

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The Morrigan Build

Starter Aspect

Notes Aegis + Aspect is a good combo. If enemies are targeting you you can send the clone out and aegis their damage while clone gets away and you can tp out freely or run away.
Reason why I like Conduit Gem over Sands of Time is because you can clear archers in the first wave with the passive + a full conduit proc


Aegis + Aspect is a good combo. If enemies are targeting you you can send the clone out and aegis their damage while clone gets away and you can tp out freely or run away.
Reason why I like Conduit Gem over Sands of Time is because you can clear archers in the first wave with the passive + a full conduit proc

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Gem Gem
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration


Notes This focuses on you poking and bursting with your whole combo in a few seconds. I like Spear of Desolation as your cooldowns are small as it is, but that 1s counts if you get an assist or a kill so you can use your clone to safety or more burst.


This focuses on you poking and bursting with your whole combo in a few seconds. I like Spear of Desolation as your cooldowns are small as it is, but that 1s counts if you get an assist or a kill so you can use your clone to safety or more burst.

Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Book of Thoth (Evolved) Book of Thoth (Evolved)
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem

Optional Picks

Notes Divine if enemy has too much healing instead of Doom Orb. Normally you shouldn't be what is carrying the team healing but any bit helps at times.
Chronos instead of Doom Orb if you feel like you want just a bit more cooldown. This will be enough to have everything up almost all the tim


Divine if enemy has too much healing instead of Doom Orb. Normally you shouldn't be what is carrying the team healing but any bit helps at times.
Chronos instead of Doom Orb if you feel like you want just a bit more cooldown. This will be enough to have everything up almost all the tim

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

God Aspect De-Activated

Aspect of Mischief

Confusion no longer Stealths you but on refire, you swap positions with your clone.

The Morrigan's Skill Order Notes On level 8 do not level anything so you can level ult and dark omen at once on level 9


On level 8 do not level anything so you can level ult and dark omen at once on level 9

Deadly Aspects

1 X Y
Deadly Aspects
2 10 11 12 14

Dark Omen

2 A B
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 9


3 B A
4 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 8 13 17 20
Deadly Aspects
2 10 11 12 14

Deadly Aspects

1 X
Summon the power from all three of your forms, then activate again to deal Magical Damage and Stun enemies in front of you.

Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310
Damage Scaling: 90% Intelligence
Stun Duration: 0.8s
Cone Angle: 45 degrees
Cooldown: 12s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • The buildup for this ability does not break Confusion's Stealth.
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 9

Dark Omen

2 A
Fire a wave of dark magic, dealing Magical Damage and marking enemies.
  • The mark deals Magical Damage when that god is damaged by any god ability or Doomsayer.
Initial Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Initial Damage Scaling: 45% Intelligence
Mark Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Mark Scaling: 45% Intelligence
Minion Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320
Minion Damage Scaling: 60% Intelligence
Range: 11.2m
Radius: 0.8m
Cooldown: 7s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
4 15 16 18 19


3 B
Create a phantom clone of yourself and become Stealthed and gain Movement Speed.
  • The clone will walk to your target location
Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Buff Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Clone Lifetime: 10s
Cooldown: 15s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • When the clone is damaged, it will appear as an illusion. It will change appearance and lose its health bar.
  • The clone grants vision around itself.
  • Taking damage while stealthed breaks the effect.
5 8 13 17 20


4 Y
Select a God in the current match to transform into an exact copy of. Gain access to their abilities and items for 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100s
Cost: 100

Additional Notes:
  • If the God you transform into has an Ultimate Cooldown longer than this Ultimate's Cooldown, use the transformed targets Cooldown instead.
  • You will copy all their abilities and items, all with no cooldown.
  • You will copy their ability ranks. If your level is different to the transform target's it will use the order they ranked their abilities, filling with Auto Skill as needed.
  • If you are in the middle of firing an ability when the transform times out, you will de-transform the moment that ability fire ends.

The Morrigan Threats

Tap each threat level to view The Morrigan’s threats


The Morrigan Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view The Morrigan’s synergies



Welcome Gods and Goddesses. Morrigan has been one of my favorite picks since her release in Smite 1 (2017 whew time flies). She was the only god that I know of that in Smite 1 held "Very Hard" tag in her god description. She offers you so much a kit with which you are only rewarded based of how much you know the game. She is immensely fun for me so I thought I would share her playstyle so you can start learning more how she works and get past the first hurdles of her kit.

Initial Disclaimer and things to come:
- Updates with on item changes; dropped Necronomicon because while it gave us a lot of damage, it was letting enemy gods to deal almost true damage to us.
- I am not an avid build maker, if you have suggestions, do mention them so I can try to add them



Morrigan's passive, Doomsayer is an enhancement over her basic attacks. After 2 AA (auto attacks) the next unbroken AA will be a small explosion which will do 9% of target's Maximum health as Magical Damage.

Quick note: This opens a unique build of auto attack Morrigan, which while is still very viable at the time of making this guide, the rest of the kit doesn't mesh as well with it enough for me to justify it.

Deadly Aspects

Description: Small 45 degree inverted cone in front of you in which you can stun after a windup. Respectable damage and scaling, but requires you to be close range and might put you in a bad position unless careful.

Quick note: This is the only base crowd control that Morrigan has, and while in a short cooldown (12s base) should either be used carefully.

Dark Omen

Description: Semi-long range clear line and poke ability. It will put an omen on the enemy with which the next ability hitting the enemy will cause extra damage.

  • This is your base clear ability. The omen lasts for 8s on enemy gods and this ability has 7s base cooldown. This means you can use it to trigger the omen damage with this same ability.
  • Morrigan passive is also treated as an ability even if it was procced before, so you can hit an enemy god with the passive and then hit them with Dark Omen and it will proc itself when passive procs.
  • This will reset your auto attack chain but the animation is very quick. So you can use it between two autos to give you an extra boost of damage.
  • The projectile of this ability goes the same speed as an auto attack, and it has a decent range (around 30% longer than an auto)

Confusion: Non-aspect version

Go invisible for 3-5seconds and gain a movement speed buff.
  • The movement speed buff is removed if you aren't stealthed, which means if the enemy has abilities that have aoe damage or blind hit you will cause you to effectively used an ability for little effect.
  • Using this ability in patches of grass will only reveal the clone. Directing the clone from outside to the grass will stealth it the same way.
  • This ability can act as a quick makeshift ward, or to get buff timers direct it to corners where enemies might be.
  • The clone has 1hp which means you can use it to take a tower shot in a pinch or tank a neith ult if you line it up correctly.
  • When trying to run away and you have one person melee attacking you, you can send your clone forward and instantly walk back potentially towards safety, it's a nifty trick which can save you once you get the hang of it

Confusion: Aspect version

Make a clone that you can switch to if you're not stunned.
  • This gives a quick way to reposition if enemies are targeting you. Direct the clone in a direction and run in the other one. If they follow you switch to the clone, if they don't just run away.
  • This gives a unique get out of jail card every 15 for 5s. Even in team fights you can position your clone back and teleport to it if enemies are swarming you. Because the buff duration is 5seconds, you can aegis and still have time to teleport out if enemies are on top of you.
  • While you aren't stealthy anymore this aspect also gives you the chance to catch enemies offguard. If an enemy has a jump you can use it in the direction where they might try to run away from and follow up the damage there.
  • You can charge your 1 and use it directly after teleport. This makes a good burst damage that enemy might not expect. You need to charge your 1 after you throw out your clone however.


Become any God in the current match for 10seconds.
Notes: (buckle up this is going to be a long one)
  • This is the ability which causes Morrigan to be hard to play, because you need knowledge of the game enough to make the correct call. Sometimes your team needs extra cc, sometimes you need more burst to get an objective, sometimes you need a tanky way to get away. Judgement's call goes here but it gets easier with time. I will put a list of suggestions and easy interactions in the end.
  • Use quickcast/instant cast; hold 4 and hover over a god and right click to cancel. Then when you need to change into you just need to press 4, instead of trying to click on the right god in a pinch.
  • This will effectively make you a new entity in the battlefield, which means it will cleanse current targeted abilities and crowd control abilities (Ares' Ult, Nu wa ult, Neith Ult).
  • If the ult has a timer (Fenrir Ult, Nu wa ult, athena ult) the 10s timer will be extended until the ultimate finishes and transform you back instantly. This is a strength which can help in a pinch.
  • Nu Wa - for kill confirming, free proc of Dark Omen or for vision of where enemy gods are
  • Medusa - good burst damage and big aoe ult
  • Thor - get out or in of a fight if you have some distance
  • Any Carry when trying to get an objective, or Ra/Poseidon when you need a secure for the objective
  • Any support/solo if you're in a pinch and need to get away or your team needs peel.
While this ability is very spread out and can give very different results, you need some amount of game knowledge to know what works best. This will not come easy, however, it will be easier over time.

Quick Combos

  1. Easy: (2-2) Long range damage, very safe
  2. Medium: (2-close range-1-2) Shorter range, so requires you to be closer to the enemy and potentially take some damage.
  3. Harder: (2-AA-Close range-1-AA-2-AA) This gives the highest damage potential while having Polynomicon. This is the same as the medium combo but requires you a bit more time so the risk increases with the reward

Items and why


Aegis of Acceleration is a great choice with the augment. Once you suspect enemies are targeting you and are about to throw stuns and CC your way, you throw the clone in a direction, Aegis and then try to move in a direction while clone gets some distance, once the aegis runs out you can either dish back damage or teleport towards safety (your team). The alternatives, Blink and Purification Beads are valid choices but they either have too long of cooldowns, or you'll still be getting a lot of damage with Beads' case


Conduit Gem feels a better choice for me for a bursty build. You can clear archers with one passive explosion and a fully charged conduit on level 1.

Item 1

Soul Gem gives a good amount of intelligence for it's price, some lifesteal and healing but also gives some mana regen which for a poke and back off build is helpful.

Item 2

Polynomicon is here mainly for helping our burst damage. At this point you should be around level 9-10, and your ability damage (without scaling) is starting to cap. This also gives some Mana regen and enables the bigger Morrigan combo with AA inbetween abilities.

Item 3-4

Rod of Tahuti more damage + penetration; at this point Solo and support will start to become a problem and this will help to an extent. At this point your burst damage will be high so try to pick fights when you can safely

Obsidian Shard penetration. After building this poke even tanky targets as much as you can. You might not be able to oneshot them but you will do respectable damage.

Item 5+ Flex slots

Necronomicon more penetration and good scaling if you're ahead. Do Not build. After some consideration it seems that enemies would do almost true damage to you. When you're building blaster (full damage) then this will hurt you a lot more.

Divine Ruin antiheal if the enemy team has a lot of healing. Because you don't have huge AoE, you shouldn't be relied to have all the antiheal on the team, but any bit helps

Circe's Hexstone
Circe's Hexstone This is situational. There's plenty of cases where enemies are chasing you very closely and you don't have time to ult away. This will get you some distance so potentially have more safety.

Touching very fast on why we are dropping Necronomicon for Book of Thoth. Main reason is some damage and convenience. At that point your 2-1 are maxed out so you are going to stack in a few waves. A lot of your items already have some mana to help here. You can substitute it over a cooldown item or a damage/hybrid item or more penetration and its value lessens because as game goes longer you can just stack Intelligence potions to make up for more damage, but at that stage of the game your whole combo will certainly do ~50% of squishy health (more with Poly) and good damage to tanky targets too.

Pros / Cons


  • Very rewarding and can change a teamfight if you get the perfect combo. You can effectively use enemies' gods against them or choose to fix one of your team's weaknesses
  • Good burst damage with 1-AA-2-AA-AA Passive
  • Good poke damage with Dark Omen
  • Even though you are squishy, you can always switch to solo/support and be tanky for a given amount of time.

  • You don't have a jump/dash. While you have a movement speed buff there's a certain gods whose mobility feels like you can't get away from them
  • Poke and burst at the right moment is not a playstyle for every person
  • Can feel overwhelming with the amount of choices every game, it's a hard god to master. Press <Tab> a lot to see what enemies are building and their power spikes.
  • You only have 2 damage abilities. After level 9 the poke damage will only be increased by items and same goes for your non-ultimate damage after level 14. This doesn't mean you won't feel power spikes of items, just that you won't have easy reliable increases from levels.

Aspect vs Non Aspect Discussion

Aspect. It is OP pretty much as it stands. Getting an almost instant premeditated leap is a great thing for both jungle and mid (and support). It lets you be safer against certain bursts (sobek pluck, thana ult, fenrir combo) while not having many downsides. You can still use the clone to reveal sorroundings and bushes. When playing jungle, you still gain the movement speed and it's enough on ganking correctly. On mid you can use it to bridge the gap or poke and go back to a safe distance.
The non aspect version also becomes useless against targets that have AOE (Zeus, Ra, Thana, Anubis, Nu Wa to an extent, Loki 2-3) and because you lose Movement Speed and get revealed you pretty much spent mana for nothing. There is a world where you get to perfectly proc Spear Of Desolation + Chronos Pendant and be able to go invisible again but it's changes your playstyle to hyper defensive and calculated for not much more results. You can guarantee the combo here much easier but you lose on too much.


As mentioned initially, Morrigan requires you to have immense game knowledge to work the best she can. She is squishy, relatively immobile and requires a poke and burst at the right time playstyle. However her strengths and ability to steal enemy strengths temporarily can shift the tides of a match easily. This potential for outplaying are what makes her so much fun and rewarding to play in my opinion. She is difficult to learn but going up in the learning slope is rewarding every time.
Start and play around with her, and hopefully this guide helps.


Version 1: 01/21/25: Added gameplay videos for abilities, added item breakdown and reasoning
Version 0: 01/21/25: Base Version

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