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Wrath of Terra

3 1 57,607
by ClemFandango updated March 20, 2018

Smite God: Sylvanus

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Sylvanus Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Full Build

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Alternate 5th Item

Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Alternate 6th Item

Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus


Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


This build comes with a focus on Joust and Clash.

Power on Sylvanus works well with the scaling on his abilities at 50% on Wisps and an impressive 125% on Wrath of Terra. The ult can hit a whole team and hit hard, it's just the damage is spread over 5 seconds. It's especially effective on targets you cut the protections of with Verdant Growth.

With these items you get good damage, strong healing and high speed without sacrificing much survivability.


The early mana sustain from Verdant Growth is great, but I'd call Mana Potions a must, especially because this build is otherwise lacking in mana.

Sylvanus can do well with a lot of the starter items. Out of the defensive blessings I prefer Guardian's Blessing for the additional gold towards the luxury items included in this build.

Specialist's Blessing is a great match for Sylvanus too. The mana sustain and movement speed are really useful and this build is otherwise lacking in early cooldown.

Consider Hunter's Blessing for the improved wave/camp clear as it works well with your AoE basic attacks. However, I think the clear is less important in game modes outside of Conquest

Main build

Pick up Gauntlet of Thebes early to start stacking an excellent defense item. Hide of the Urchin is a worthy alternative in high action games.

Shoes of the Magi give you a strong start to the scaling of your 2 and ult, with the 10 pen taking the edge off the enemies defenses.

Mantle of Discord brings you up to 120 physical and magical protections in combination with Thebes in addition to the handy 10% cooldown reduction. You'll get plenty of health from other items in the build and the passive is great for Sylvanus who can get a bit stuck in the thick of a fight.

Shield of Regrowth rounds out the health pool with a further 10% CDR. By this point with the passive speed boost your immobile treant will have turned into a speed machine. The total +25HP5 from items is nice too.

The heart of the build: Double Rods
Building both Rod of Asclepius and Rod of Tahuti gives you a high power man on a tree, with both of their passives offering a great boost to healing. Wisps benefits immensely from these items. The health and movement speed on Asclepius are important too.

At full build, level 20 Wrath of Terra is doing 100(+67.5) magical damage per tick, for five ticks.

Alternate Items

As one of the downsides of this build is a lack of mana and mana sustain Shoes of Focus are a decent choice. But don't do it. Get pen boots.

Relic Dagger performs much the same role as Shield of Regrowth, but you get your relics up more often instead of having bursts of speed. Winged Blade works well as a replacement if you're getting slowed alot and otherwise dealign with crowd control, but you do give up a bit of %CDR.

Spear of the Magus is a great, cheaper alternative to Rod of Tahuti. Spear provides similar damage as well as pen for other magical damage dealers, but significantly less healing. Avoid picking it up if someone else on your team already has it. If you feel like you could use more survivability, but still want to bruise, you can sacrifice some power and pick up Void Stone instead.


Meditation Cloak adds survivability (especially handy with the increased presence of executes in the game). Rod of Asclepius will boost the healing effect, but you'll actually mostly want med for the mana replenishment with this build. Don't be afraid to use it for mana instead of health.

Blink + ult initiations are a Sylvanus standard. This is my usual level 12 pick up.

Magic Shell surpasses med for general survivability, but I'd prioritise med.

More speed and less slows with Heavenly Wings is usually a good time for Sylvanus and time.

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KyStrangler502- | September 28, 2018 9:27am
ClemFandango I just want to say that I check this site almost daily just to tweak my builds and get advice or just different ideas. I have literally never seen ab guide that was this about the "why"s and "how"s. I know it's not a totally complete guide, but this was super helpful in figuring out exactly what type of roles I could place my Sylvanus in. It also helped me understand not only his power acaling, but also cleared up some unanswered questions I had about how power scaling woeks with healing. I look at this site every day, but this build rifht here me want to create an account just so I could let you know how much I appreciate this build/mini guide. Super helpful. Keep up the good work brother and stay hooked on that "Smite Diesel!"
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 20, 2018 3:10pm
Hey ClemFandango,

Nice non-Conquest take on a bruiser Sylvanus. You have great, to-the-point commentary on the item choices and alternatives.

Since you talk about Specialist's Blessing as an alternative to Guardian's Blessing, the added movespeed and CDR may allow you to delay picking up Rod of Asclepius in the 3rd spot...and fit in an early Void Stone if facing more magical threats/have more magical gods on your team. This would fit nicely with the idea of Sylv as more of a bruiser. Of course, that build would be a bit situational, but if you think it's viable, you may try fitting it into your build list at the top.

What I like best is that you focus on getting a bit more offensive function out of him without going overboard and doing one of those stupid glass cannon builds. =)
boogiebass (46) | March 31, 2018 10:43am
Agreed. Replacing rod of Tahuti or spear of the magus with the other situationals you mentioned (void stone/ relic dagger/etc) effectively turns you from bruiser to support.
ClemFandango | March 21, 2018 4:19am
Hi there, thank you for the feedback!

That's a good point about Specialist's Blessing. I've added some alternate full builds to demonstrate potential situational variety.

I'm glad you like it, I tried to strike a good balance.
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