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This is an Arena build.
xbalanque is a very powerful hunter. Like any god that dishes out physical damage, xbalanque has a problem making a dent in physical protected tanks and warriors.
As the old saying says, "What does not go with force, goes with more force". In Smite it is "What does not go with hits, go with critical hits".
This build is dumb simple - 4 critical hits modules. Forget about mana! forget about health! CRITS! CRITS! CRITS! CRITS!
Protection Reduction
Some might think and even whisper, Penetration. I thought so too, until I did the math:
Actual Defense = (Protection × (1-%Reduction) - Flat Reduction) × (1-%Pen) - Flat Pen
Let say you get The Executioner - 12% reduction, Titan's bane - 33% penetration, warrior's bane - 22% penetration, browler's beat stick - 20 pen and Ichival - 10 pen.
The actual defense for a 150 protection is 50
The pen build has a raw damage at level 20 is 207. Actual damage is 137.
The crits build has a raw damage with crits at 82% is 720 and actual of 284.
Bottom line is that not only 4 crits items do more damage to tanks then pen build, it far deadlier to squishies.
Ninja Tabi - Movement speed and attack speed. I like it when my god attacks fast.
Odysseus Bow - 40% attack speed. xbalanque becomes a machine gun and mows down minions.
Rage - 20% crit chance. Chance increases with every basic attack that does not cirts.
Deathbringer - 20% crit chance. Crits damage is 1.5 times basic attack. Get those crits coming faster and hit harder.
Malice - 20% crit chance. When the basic attack crits, add 75% of phisical power to the overall damage.
Wind Demon - 20% crit chance. 20% movement speed if crits. Not as good as the prior item, but nice to have.
I don't use xbalanqe's abilities much. I'd rather spam basic attacks and use the mana for xbalanque's 1.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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More or less Ducks covered most of what I wanted to say about this. You have no early game and your mid-late game are pretty weak as well. But yeah you ABSOLUTELY 120% NEED at least 1 penetration item to ever consider a build "Anti-Tank" think
In fact you should always have at least one penetration item to deal with natural protections that are built throughout the game.
Even though you specifically stated that this is an arena build it just doesn't really hold up.
I'd like to see what you do in response before I vote so I'll hold off for now!
first of all, this build isn't anti tank. you lack penetration. also, you always do need pen.
the build starts of really weak, you become really abusable early and easily boxable. sure, you got the attack speed but that's just plain attack speed. you will get out cleared.
also, with so many crit items, the build just becomes incredibly expensive and very easily counterable by
i would say you should throw in an
personally, i like
keep in mind this build is still very expensive, hence why triple crit is rarely used unless your super fed.
iil hold my vote for now.