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Your life is my life. Support/Mid

15 8 18,580
by DeadShadow781 updated December 5, 2021

Smite God: Anubis

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Anubis Build


Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation


Notes 1 Thebes
2 Breastplate
3 Pythagorems
4 Void Stone
5 Typhons Fang
6 Spear of the magus


1 Thebes
2 Breastplate
3 Pythagorems
4 Void Stone
5 Typhons Fang
6 Spear of the magus

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

So this is another 2 in 1 being focused on support/mid.

The main strategy for the mid is to spam ult kills with spear of desolation because every kill lowers your ult by 6 seconds and it can be insanely low. Your power, lifesteal and cooldowns are very high so you have survivability as a mid lane.

For the tank your main role is to hit your wraps and do good scare tactic damage for some reason everyone runs away from anubis in the duo lane. Guess the fact he can take your life isn't so inviting after all eh?

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boogiebass (46) | December 6, 2021 10:02pm

One of the most important lifesteal items for Anubis is Bancroft's Talon.

For the mid build, you should build Bancroft's Talon instead of Soul Gem. There might be other improvements to make for the mid build (items and item order), but I'll let @Bran handle that feedback.

The Support role isn't good for him, there are other characters that handle this role much better.
Kriega1 (143) | December 7, 2021 11:48am
Banc isn't a must on Anubis, but building Soul Gem on Anubis isn't ideal, as well as not upgrading Shroud to Sacrificial.

Not to mention only 10% pen, always going Blink over Aegis, and no mention of situational defense in Mid.

Typhon's is definitely core on Anubis though. and you want 20%+ pen.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 7, 2021 12:00pm
Oops forgot about Sacrificial XD
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 7, 2021 11:48am
Straight wouldn't recommend Support role. While he does have some CC in his stun (skill shot) and the slow in his Grasping Hands, he's just not set up to be in this role. Your better option, if you want to offer a secondary role to mid would probably be Jungle, though that's still situational / off-meta. At the very least, you should put Mid as the first presented role. So I won't comment on the Supp build.

Before I go into the Mid build, I do want to comment...DeadShadow, you seem to do this with all of your builds. Why oh why do you not put items in your suggested purchase order? Either it's in correct order but your notes are incorrect, or your notes are correct and your items as shown are not. I just don't get the reasoning behind this. Really suggest putting them in suggested purchase order visually, as many won't consult notes and it's just sloppy (no offense).

With regard to the Mid build:
  • Lifesteal: I think better care needs to be given to the consideration of his lifesteal potential combined with his passive Sorrow. Sorrow allows, given full stacks, up to 100% additional lifesteal. Not sure if build creator knows the magical lifesteal cap of 65%. In order to not potentially overcap, you'd then be looking at a total lifesteal value from items at half the 30-35% range. Right now, if we consider that you get Vamp shroud at the start and go by the purchase order in your notes, it would be Vamp, Typhon's, Pendant, Magus, Soul Gem as first 5 items. In that, you're getting 44%. It drops down to 39% if/when you sell Vamp Shroud late-game, but it's still more than you need. As Boogie identified, I would drop Soul Gem and get a different item if you insist on going with this build in general.

  • Bancroft's Talon: Boog, yes, this is a common item for Anubis, but it's not core. You can easily go with another lifesteal item in its place (e.g. in this example I'd consider Spear of the Magus a suitable replacement), and just still get Typhon's Fang to round out his lifesteal. Bancroft fits well due to Anubis' likelihood of taking damage when he engages, and with its ramping power and lifesteal stats synergizing with that. But Magus is a good alternative to provide its passive team damage bonus, and also fits for earlier use due to its flat pen.

  • Penetration: This is lacking. This build provides 10% + 20 flat pen. Pretty low. Seems like an oversight. Where's Obsidian Shard or Charon's Coin, or Rod of Tahuti?

  • The brief writeup from build creator for mid says "your power, lifesteal and cooldowns are very high," but I'd argue that the power level isn't exactly high. Your current build provides 565 power. It's not too bad, but could be a lot higher. In that, we could consider the currently popular "library" build, combining Book of Thoth + Book of the Dead combination. If I were to propose an alternate build (that deviates quite a bit from yours in that it doesn't have max CDR for example), it might look like Book of Thoth -> Spear of the Magus -> Typhon's Fang -> Book of the Dead -> Rod of Tahuti -> Soul Reaver or Chronos' Pendant or Pendulum of Ages (if you want some late-game CDR options). With Pendulum as your 6th, your total power (calculated from Smite Builder) is 894. Pretty huge difference compared to the proposed build, while providing higher base % pen, and still provides some survivability due to BotD's passive.
TL;DR, based on the above, don't know that I'd recommend this build. I feel it unnecessarily overcaps on lifesteal potential, lacks some pen, and overemphasizes the need for cooldown at the expense of other important stats.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DeadShadow781
Your life is my life. Support/Mid
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