January 30, 2017
Bran's PS4 Adventures (Elo Hell?)
Views: 4358
So...how can I increase my PS4 ranking with
And in that (last)
Ne Zha match, we almost pulled off a 4 v 5 win...our only magical god was a no-show.
Now let me explain. Yes, I realize we have 3 assassins and 4 physical gods. I'd called Jungle, and then the Loki guy chose but (so nice for once) didn't auto-lock (OMG wow!)...so I stayed as
Ne Zha because F him, and waited to see what else would transpire.
Poseidon chooses and locks. Then nothing for a while.
The time's ticking down, and
Anhur chooses, but the "Glad" person is still blank. So I start thinking, hmmm, maybe I'll be saved from this match (like another match isn't going to have autolockers and whatnot, lol to me).
Lo and behold, in the LAST FREAKING SECOND,
Serqet chooses and locks in. I have ZERO TIME to choose another god. *sigh*
And see, it's sort of nice for a change to play a jungler. When I play on PC with the clan, everyone else usually chooses damage gods, and I get stuck with tanks, which honestly is starting to get boring for me. But hey, I'm a team guy, so I'll fill what needs to be filled, and hell, if we need a good damaging god, better to rely on better teammates, because
this is what happens when I go jungle on PC. Thanks masterricu and drunkzilby for not getting mad at me. BTW I still hear ricu saying "Rat we need you over here where are you?!?" in my
dreams nightmares.
Anyway, didn't do too shabbily in that
Ne Zha match. Yes, my build was maybe a bit weird...wanted
Winged Blade for the health and added move speed,
The Crusher because seriously Kenny, they allowed me to take down all of their towers, then
Brawler's Beat Stick because
Neith and
Ra, then realized oh I don't have
Deathbringer for the ult damage. BTW, I'd also recently watched
Duke Sloth's Youtube post, so I was thinking pen in the back of my mind.
But some of those other builds...honestly, sure our
Loki actually did a lot of damage (more than me, ugh, but I was busy taking down towers dammit), but...
I mean WTF?!?!?!?!? Honestly I'm embarrassed he did more damage than me, but kudos to him in a way for making it work for him.
Ymir with
Hastened Fatalis,
Medusa with only 10% move speed,
Ra with
Telkhines Ring and
Mail of Renewal, etc., etc.
Joust as Odin
Joust as Freya
Conquest as Nike
I mean, sure they are beginners, and they will make beginner mistake.
But how would they learn, if nobody teach them ?
They will learn by themselves after many many games.
The process can be faster if they seek for knowledge on sites like SmireFire or Reddit, but we know only a minority of players come here.
On PC, since we can type, communication is easier and with good tact, we can directly improve a beginner performance.
But on console, what option do you have ?
You can talk to them, but if they don't have micro or they don't speak english (because servers are not set by language yet), it's useless.
"So, does anyone have a mic? Can you hear me?"
"Hey Thana, you should start at speed buff camp. *pings camp on minimap*"
"Hey Art, you called Carry, you need to be in the left lane..."
"Guys, someone needs to go mid...you have 3 people in Solo."
"We got 4 kills, help me get Fire Giant...follow meeeeeeeeeee...*sigh*"
I'm not even going to bother trying to help with builds when they barely listen to me as it is.
So every once in a while, I get someone else with a mic, and usually, usually those people know better what they're doing, so that's nice. Those are the ones that friend me afterward, like in those 3 games queuing with 2 others.
Also, in one game a couple of days ago, someone was speaking to someone else a lot in a language I couldn't pinpoint...
And a couple of weeks ago, someone was speaking Spanish, and their baby was fussing in the background, and then the baby was screaming for "mama mama" and I practically yelled into my mic "DUDE YOUR BABY IS MORE IMPORTANT TAKE CARE OF YOUR BABY DAMMIT" and then they disconnected their mic.
Does that mean that every player can hear you, no matter if they have a mic or not ?
Like, your voice being part of the game sound (unless they mute you manually) ?
I don't think it was theirs.
I started to play my smurf again, just to get back with the basics of Conquest.
Some games, I am paired with very beginners.
Hey, it's fine, that's what I'm expecting.
Team mates are bad, enemies are bad, that brings hilarous situations (4 players on duo lane, 1 mid ... and minions should be enough to take care of solo lane, right ?), and it's fun :).
I'm trying to guide the players that have obviously no clue what they should do.
I usually spot them when they are going straight for the lane, and suggest them to team with another player to clear a buff camp.
I'm not going further into the calls, because I'm not at that point.
I try to carry the best I can, but with 3 feeders 1 DC and the smurfs on the other team, it's not an easy task.
So ... all in all, I think I still learn, while having way more fun that against level 30 tryhard players.
However, Smite MatchMaking is probably just random at that point, I cannot understand otherwise.
Because all the other players were level 30, except me, who was level 10.
Oh ... and their ADC was Aror from Team Eager, as
Granted, he usually plays support, and he was not carrying this game, but still, he knows way more much than I about Conquest.
Also, the console crowd is absolutely different from the PC crowd...tons of people can easily pick up a console, and this being a free-to-play game, I'm not surprised I'm seeing the types of players (YOLO attack their tower before the minions even spawn) I see.
And that
But seriously Bran, I'm a bit disapointed about your first game.
Their team consisted of a fed
You are a (less) fed
I honestly think you should have been able to take Baka down and profit from that.
I mean, at that point, the other enemies are not worth considering, so you could just counter build against him.
He didn't have any pen, no beads and went for the crit build.
Finally, I would suggest to work on your farming skills.
With a score of 12/6/12, you have only 863 more gold than
You should be more efficient in your farming if you want to carry easier.
Farming is the key to success in normal level play too...in that linked Rat Jungle game, I was horrifically outplayed by the enemy Rat...lost so much farming, and honestly that's one of my many weak points. BUT I have other excuses, I think, in this situation. =P
Usually, I do the best farming-wise when I'm specifically Jungling...meaning, I choose a god specifically to play Jungle, I build specifically to be a Jungler (e.g.
So, I don't remember all of the details of that
Hey um, where is the enemy duo? Oh well, free farming, sweet. Guys, just an FYI, missing right lane.
Okay, our mid's dead. Why are 3 enemies attacking mid? Sylv, I'm fine, you can go help...I'll take down this first tower and rotate.
WTH Baka damn why are you so strong? Oh. I see. Fed.
Okay guys, I can't be in all lanes, and why isn't anyone covering Solo? Dude, I'm covering mid cuz I don't know where the heck you all are and it's being pushed down...nope, can't hold that solo against 3 people.
F'ING BAKA. GOT YOU THAT TIME. (I remember this one...I retreated at Solo phoenix area, he was definitely gunning for me, I timed my ult perfectly so he jumped right as I started, and I blasted and stoned him when he landed, then proceeded to burst him with
Welp, that's that.
Anyway, other than early game in-lane (and yes, farming close camps in-between waves), I pretty much am in constant scramble mode trying to get to another tower that's being pushed...I pass by many, many jungle camps, INTENTIONALLY...because my priority is covering the towers.
And yes, Bull, you're right, I could have counter-built. Probably should have gotten
That said, I wasn't fine in that match, and that's my fault, but I mean, that's a crazy snowball Baka that I wasn't going to be able to slow down very much in any case.
What you say makes me wonder if it would have been better to maximize your farm and let them take the towers.
That may sound stupid, but in that situation, they were already ahead, so the team tower gold was not a game changing.
They would have destroyed the tower sooner or later anyway.
As long as the phoenix stands, it's not a major threat.
Since you were the only hope, maybe it would have been better to bet on the late game, and trying as hard as you can to reach it ASAP.
Yes, that means losing the towers.
Yes, that means your allies will feed. (But at some point, they give little reward to the enemy).
So, what would have happened if you were just farming and going for the easy kills (they had 4 dummies after all) ?
It only needs 1 shutdown on Baka during late-game to change the game.
Do you think it would have worked ?
I don't know, that Baka was tearing me up for the most part...but yeah, if I could have gone
Thing is, even then, it was difficult...even with the rest of the team being poopy, they were, for the most part, sticking together, and Baka was everywhere, so I was having problems securing anything...my last 2 or 3 deaths were me hurting multiple enemies and getting a kill, then dying myself. I hit 3 people with my ult and got them all below 1/2 health, but couldn't finish them all off.
Also if you want to play dps more often just ask :P
I'm always down to support my fair share. Albeit, I think drunkzilby is only capable of playing support