March 31, 2019

Awaken, Awaken, Awaken, Awaken

Views: 2736 Devampi
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Blog title inspiration Batmetal song

Hi all, guess who decided to try to return to smitefire again. Since i have been gone for pretty much more than a full year (seeing as my last message was beginning of november 2017) a lot here has probably changed (for one the whole look). So i wanted to start of by congratulating all new vets, editors, mods(?) and admins that have gotten promoted during my hiatus. Also since it's been such a long time i think a short reintroduction is in order.

So I'm Devampi and I'm from the Netherlands. I started playing smite several days (1-3) before it officially launched (RIP Ymir skin). I played till somewhere halfway beginning season 2. I started playing smite because i loved mythology during that time. I quickly found smitefire and ended up becoming an active member in the community. As my understanding and experience grew by both playing and reading, I became quite a helpful member.
The reason I stopped playing was because of the huge influx of toxicity after release and then the mess that was the start of season 2 (balance and the game refusing to log-in and more technical problems). I pretty much started with playing conquest and got slowly pushed to only playing assault cause it wasn't as toxic yet. I stayed around smitefire for a while longer however after dropping the game. However, after a while I dropped activity partly because life. However now I'm planning to return to the game mostly as I have been following some conversations on the discord server that got me interested.

This will be my short (re)introduction. However this won't be the end of this blog. I have still several other things to talk about. For the people that are interested make sure you’re in a comfortable spot, because it's going to be a long one. First I'm gonna have to put a small disclaimer in place:
I may have started of this blog on more of a high note and I'm planning to end it on a high note, however it will include several low notes.
Since this is going to be a pretty long blog here is a small summary of things I'm going to talk about:

What has been going on im my life during my hiatus and future plans

Smite expectations

Smitefire stuffs


It's been a while and there are probably still some old people around from one of my temporary returns or even my own time at the site. You may have been wondering how stuff has been going and new people can use some bits as an expansion of my introduction. I don't really know how much I talked about it during my last return or how much y’all still remember. That’s why I'm going to start quite a bit back.
As I said in my reintroduction I stopped around season 2 during this time I was doing my finals and starting college. On top of that several months after starting college my pc decided to break down leaving me unable to play the game too.
During most of my hiatus I have been playing LoL. It actually started with my school friends starting to playing dota during the first time. This was around the shutdown of downgate so some SF friends were also playing Dota. Only when I found some friends and had some friends switch to LoL during 2nd year of college I started playing it more regularly as time allowed. Since some stuff happened in real life like me doing a board year, moving out of my parents house and starting a different job and working more. Nowadays I'm almost done with college as i’m doing my internship right now.
That's pretty much what a summary of what I did: play other games (include things like Witcher and other SP games) and do study stuff. If you have any more questions post them below and i will answer them. This also applies too the other segments in this blog (just make sure to make it clear about which segment the question is.)
Also just for giggles my original introduction is findable here.


Now that that's out of the way let's talk about Smite. As I mentioned before I left smite during a pretty low point (at least for me) in the game. Let’s just say that even assault got so much more toxic that LoL which is known for being more toxic in generals ARAM was 10x less toxic). Combine this with SF also reaching a low point cause, #darkageofsmitefire, which I'm not planning to talk about really (so asking questions about it are probably not getting answered.

Why am I returning? Mostly because talk on discord got me curious, which I joined during one of my returns and stayed sort of active on. The only thing that I don't know is for how long I will be playing Smite or around. Mostly because of my last impression and the low chance of playing it with friends. Most of my current friends aren't planning on switch from LoL to another moba and my SF friends either quit or are in timezones that I’m sleeping instead of playing). However, I’m planning to go in with my most "fresh" mindset. A lot will/has changed, which will take some relearning. Which I’m willing to try.

Only one thing that is going to make it more difficult is that during my time in LoL I switched to the support role. Knowing from last impressions and what I heard here and there is that I'm already pretty sure I’m not gonna like it in smite at all.
Firstly, Smite has a big "push the wave" encouraged game style. The best way of denying your opponent gold is by either killing them (in most cases the hard way) or pushing the wave into the tower to remove their “passive” gold. The “passive” gold makes zoning a lot harder and you also need to already have a better duo waveclear lane for this to even attempt it. For me this removes quite a bit of tactics in lane.
Secondly, most of smite supports are tanks, which isn’t a big problem as it’s one of my preferred playstyle. However, it’s only one and normally I like alternating playstyles to not get bored of a role.
I’m going to end this by saying that I could probably write quite and essay over why I won’t like Smite support role but do like LoL support role. This is why I hope to quickly find a role to enjoy (or right now a god/role to help me relearn the game), Instead of either dropping the game quickly again or get stuck in assaults like just before I quit.


Another problem I will probably be having with Smite is the amount of mobility and self peel (that I remember smite had). I probably just have to ask how viable is AMC (if he hasn’t been reworked with some kind of escape that aren’t his easily destroyed hives) or how many of the new gods have been made without a gap closer.
These are some things that leave me wondering how quickly I will keep/stop playing the game. Smite won't immediately become part of my “main” games which are like 3-4 atm (LoL, Stellaris/paradox games, a story game I’m attempting to finish, Total war). In addition to which role I will end up enjoying (I'm thinking solo for some reason since that's kinda my off position in LoL and seeing how much Chaac I played during S1).

To finish this part of course a summary of the major changes is welcome or new stuff like game modes (new gods aren’t as important). I will probably be reading the Conquest guide anyway since i have been gone for way to long.


Well it seems we're already 2/3 through the blog here. Well i think the next part is probably going to be the longest so it's probably only halfway.

At this point in time I haven't spend much time thinking about which frequency I will be logging on here. I will probably determine this with the activity and more importantly the place of activity. I was mostly a forum user back in my days and either there is a new unread system, because there weren't a lot of new yellow unread flames like last time when you're gone for a year. This could mean I won’t be checking as much since I will only react to guides I find interesting and that's after I regained some understanding of the items again. So depending on discord (which I will stay more active on cause it’s open anyway) and the activity this will become a thing To be seen later. Also my stay here could be somewhat short because a low rate of activity is going to prompt a forgetfulness kind of attitude after a while.

I'm quite curious to what changed on smitefire function wise. Have we gotten some cool stuff like mobafire has had for "decades" or things like that planned? Cause we at least got the slick UI now.

Even though I asked for the cool options I won't be using them anytime soon. My guide that is going to turn 4 years old (damn it's been a long time) isn't going to see any updates. Unless people can convince me to keep it up I'm considering to archive it. This could probably mean it disappears for good. I just don't have the time currently or anytime soon to fix several things. Also i still want to keep examples in it, however I will need to see what's relevant and what needs to be changed and how. This takes relearning the game and that will take some time on top of needing to rewrite a whole section. Finally I remember it was kinda a mess and it will probably stay like it unless I rewrite everything.

I don't know if it's possible, however I’m planning to clean up my blogs by removing unnecessary ones that don't really add value (pretty much my countless I’m back and immediately disappear blogs). And probably bring a much needed bio update.

Lastly i wanted to talk about my title. I think I can safely say that whoever was the oldest veteran on the site right now, has been placed one spot lower (unless like last time FS is still lurking around). However don't let my title mislead you right now. I may have some useful knowledge, however most of it is going to be pretty general knowledge, since it's is genre knowledge. So honestly a small warning is that take some points with a grain of salt for the coming time.

oldest vet

Just to show the people that are interested here is a helpfull blog I made in addition to my mess of a guide. There may be even a chance I will delete my guide and make it a blog series if they are editable I haven’t checked (or make a guide with all the links can become a thing probably, if allowed)

Thanks for reading this long blog all the way through. I honestly hope I didn't forget anything I wanted to talk about which happens a lot with big blogs like these. It probably took quite some time to read it (especially if you also took the time to read all the other stuff I linked). It already took me quite some time to write it. I have written the draft in 3 hours during my train travelling and then the time it took to copy it over and edit out all the spelling and grammar errors during phone typing and adding the Links took me another 1 or 2.
I wish you all a great day and see you around.
