August 29, 2018

Smite: What Just Happened (Go Go Number Five)

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So yeah, turns out the next blog piece didn't take too long in-between.

Sorry if I haven't been joining the party games; the time zones and daytime activities kind of makes it difficult, but I do play when it's night time here (both home and in Japan).

Thanks to the new matchmaking/queue system (or rather, the old one we used back in open beta), the option to choose the Oceanian or Southeast Asian server becomes feasible! So far I've only played arena matches, and in some queues fail to get into a match, but the matches were pretty fun and chill. Experiencing low ping is super fun, with me finally consistently landing the tricky skillshots like Ares's Shackles or Tyr's combo.

Divine Uprising, while pricey, i can appreciate for the great skins they're putting out there, and the free gems help. I've put in a few rolls and i can say i'm happy i got the skins i wanted.

The newest adventure is also great fun! It's simple, but experiencing old joust after 2, 3 years of its' disappearance is exciting. Brings me back to the days of 3-man partying with my family. Maybe hirez can do the same with domination?

Chernobog is the god i hardly play. His kit just feels a bit confusing for me, and landing the 1-2 combo for the root can be pretty difficult in higher ping.

Baron Samedi, though, is a lot of fun. Fun mechanic of introducing a potent new chalice (that no one picks up, though i don't mind that) and a wombo-combo based playstyle that isn't too overtly difficult. I love the radically different aesthetic than we're used to, too. Shame that they had to nerf him like twice, iirc? That gave me Susano flashbacks.

o jogo bonito Pele is a problematic one for me, though, and i can see why up till now, i have never seen her on the other team, nor had a teammate play her. I find her kit uninspired, and for some reason she feels ultra, ultra, ultra squishy. I understand the rationale of making her extra-susceptible to damage because of her passive, but it's all moot when you get hit by cc or 100-0ed by the enemy team, especially in large fights.

On a side note, though, i'm considering on applying for an overseas internship in the USA, during the next school break. If i have the chance and it turns out to be not too busy (and this is after investing time for an undergraduate thesis), that might help with my Smite experience, haha.

And as always, hi and welcome to new faces, and great to see the forums bustling with activity.