September 27, 2017

Smite: What Just Happened (Lucky number 3)

Views: 3289 FerrumSlash
It's been months since i last posted, huh?

With that said, after an off period and hours in Overwatch, Gwent, and Rainbow Six Siege, i'm back into Smite again for who knows how long :p

I don't think it was too long of an off period, since i think last patch i played was Da Ji.

Now that i'm back, i'm currently playing Cu Chulainn quite a lot. Being the only warrior god that i haven't mastered, i also find his mana-less kit fun. Going all in with the guy in Arena is especially fun. One thing, though; how would you guys build him? Full on damage? Bruiser-y? Tanky?

Teams are better, for the most part, but there's still one or two players who make less than optimal picks in certain game modes, like playing Ao Kuang or Fenrir in joust.

I'll definitely play a lot more, and yay to ingame voice chat. Means i don't have to go on twitch chat as often.