Ok, I'm doing a book right now that has been crammed down almost everyone's throats, and that is, *tutturu* ANIMAL FARM!
Yes, Animal Farm, George Orwell's book that criticises the Russian Revolution la di da. Now, I'm not here to talk about the book. I'm here to talk about my English class.
So, my lovely teacher put a phrase on the board and we simply had to express our thoughts on it.
"Everyone should be treated equally"
Now, everyone else, which I'd like to call sheep or simpletons because they simply accepted what most people believe in as opposed to actually thinking about it in depth and eveloping their own opinion on it, in the class said that yes, this is right, this is what society should strive for and this would fix all the issues in the world, God bless America and it's never ending freedom.
Except for me.
Why? I mean, everyone being treated equally is what everyone should…
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