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HiFromBuddha's Blog
Blog Posts: 36     Views: 84446     Comments: 213
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February 07, 2014
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 |  and  |  are  |  hotsky  |  love  |  me  |  Stalin  |  Stop  |  thinks  |  Trotsky  |  you
'Everyone's posting depressing blogs and here I am posting random **** that I feel like posting'

Ok, I'm doing a book right now that has been crammed down almost everyone's throats, and that is, *tutturu* ANIMAL FARM!

Yes, Animal Farm, George Orwell's book that criticises the Russian Revolution la di da. Now, I'm not here to talk about the book. I'm here to talk about my English class.

So, my lovely teacher put a phrase on the board and we simply had to express our thoughts on it.

"Everyone should be treated equally"

Now, everyone else, which I'd like to call sheep or simpletons because they simply accepted what most people believe in as opposed to actually thinking about it in depth and eveloping their own opinion on it, in the class said that yes, this is right, this is what society should strive for and this would fix all the issues in the world, God bless America and it's never ending freedom.

Except for me.

Why? I mean, everyone being treated equally is what everyone should…
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January 23, 2014

My beliefs and opinions

Views: 2960 HiFromBuddha
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Australian  |  Crazy  |  I'm  |  Just  |  Not
Ok, so after doing a few personality disorder tests, it's obvious that I am schizotypal from these results. And while you say that you can't draw accurate results just from these tests... I think it's pretty clear after reading this that I most definitely am schizotypal. I mean, yeah, no one asked, but **** you, this is my blog, I can post **** whenever I damn want to. Ok, don't call me crazy but...

After lying in my bed, re-evaluating my life, something occurred to me. As of the current knowledge we as humans possess right now, it is impossible to prove the consciousness of another human being. And after thinking about this a lot more, this really hurt me. You see, after realising this, I have actually come to the belief that, and yes, this is really self-centered and arrogant, I have reluctantly come to the belief that I could be the only one in this universe with a conscience. The people around me may not feel, they just act as if they do. They can say all they want that they do ha…
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December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Views: 2105 HiFromBuddha
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Actually  |  At  |  Change  |  Go  |  Going  |  Is  |  It  |  Lol  |  Make  |  New  |  Nothing  |  Resolutions  |  They'll  |  Thinking  |  Those  |  Through  |  To  |  Who  |  With  |  Years
Well, I'm only 4 hours and 49 minutes late from where I am, but...

Happy New Years!

Aye! It's so uneventful...

Ok, I can't find any good New Years pictures, so accept a picture of Yuu-chan :3, if erotic anime girls is your thing (I will not be judgmental of others... I will not be judgmental of others...)

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December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Views: 2292 HiFromBuddha
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Already  |  Christmas  |  Ho  |  Holy  |  It's  |  Shit
Considering how I most likely won't be able to go on tomorrow (or later today, if you're that anal about it), I'd just like to say...

Merry Christmas!

(Don't be all it's a day early up in my ***, it just struck 12:00 am here in Melbourne, so it's on time).

Fine, fine, I'll put up a nicer pic... Here it is... I suppose it captures more of what I'm known for...

What... That doesn't cut it either? *sigh*

What? Seriously, even that doesn't do it? Go f*ck yourself Merry Christmas Folks!

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December 21, 2013

Something I bet you didn't know...

Views: 1491 HiFromBuddha
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gives  |  lemonade  |  lemons  |  life  |  make  |  When  |  you
Ok, I stumbled across a rather useless feature, but I honestly never noticed it existing.

Ok, scroll down to the comment box. Yes, the comment box. Now, look at the bottom right corner of it. What do you see? Two white lines. Now, click that ****. Click it real good. Now, drag it. What happens? Would you look at that, it changed sizes.

Of course, this is rather pointless, and doesn't warrant me spamming so many blogs in such a short period of time, but I want somewhat useless information to be known by the world!

Maybe most websites actually have this feature though, and I'm just slow to notice it.

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