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HiFromBuddha's Blog
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April 25, 2013

Tribute to past SmiteFire members

Views: 5304 HiFromBuddha
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growth  |  history  |  Smitefire  |  Tribute
It's been a while since I made one of these.

Today, I'd like to pay tribute to some of the members of this site and how they made it grow (How fitting for it to be posted on ANZAC Day).

I've been here for ages. I have watched the community of SmiteFire grow. It's grown to be a quite a remarkable community to be honest.

I started August 30th 2012. Pretty much when SmiteFire started. Back then, the community was small, but that's pretty obvious. There were basically only 1 or 2 posts a day on the forums, and many incredibly bad guides. When I saw these guides, I saw an opportunity to make myself shine, so I did. I made a He Bo guide. Mind you, this was the 5th or 4th guide to actually be released on the site.

The first comment on that is by someone who has long left the site, but was very active at the start. The person was hades4u. Basically, she (I think it's a she judging by her avatar on Dotafire) was a great signature maker, and would support many of the early guides, such as mi…
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December 13, 2012

Updates on Xbalanque Thread

Views: 1637 HiFromBuddha
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News  |  Updates  |  Xbalanque
New information on Xbalanque has been released. Head over to the thread titled 'Xbalanque Art and possibly Models' thread to see the new information given to us by Hi-Rez.

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November 18, 2012


Views: 2247 HiFromBuddha
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a  |  am  |  I  |  in  |  is  |  jocks  |  lump  |  my  |  now  |  pants  |  right  |  saggy  |  shitting  |  there
I've got exams next week. First up is English and French. Don't expect me to be too active in the next week.

Wish me luck!

Also, if you can make out the hidden message in the tags, props.

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October 12, 2012

Downvoting a guide

Views: 1536 HiFromBuddha
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You know how Asmoday says he'll always downvote a guide with no text on it? Wouldn't that benefit the guide more? Afterall, the first downvote always brings it up to 3 bars, as opposed to 0 bars when there were no votes. Also, you can't tell if it was a downvote or an upvote, because either way you still have 3 bars. So pretty much, won't it be worse for the guide to leave it be than to give it a vote, as from what i've seen, you can't reach 0 bars with however many votes.

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October 10, 2012

Ares guide now up!

Views: 1207 HiFromBuddha
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I have done a fair amount on my Ares guide. It is still a work in progress, but that is how much I will release for today. Please do go check it out!

Thank you in advance!

EDIT: I have done some more to my guide, so if you've already checked out my guide then take a second look at it!
EDIT 2:Once again, I have further updated my guide, now with a friends chapter.

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