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HiFromBuddha's Blog
Blog Posts: 36     Views: 84446     Comments: 213
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July 21, 2013

Just to let you guys know.

Views: 1045 HiFromBuddha
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1  |  Away  |  week
Hello there guys, I'd just like to inform you guys that I'll be away from any form of Internet for a week, and I am not dead.

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June 19, 2013

My computer is finally set-up

Views: 1518 HiFromBuddha
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God  |  going  |  I  |  insane  |  Thank  |  was
Well, my computer is finally set-up. I no longer have to type slowly on my iPad, with the thought of auto-correct instantly creating some ridiculous word far from my original intentions and causing it to completely lose the formality of my post.

And this is the end of my short little blog post, just letting you know that I finally have my computer back-up and running, as well as internet that is 3.5x faster than my previous one.

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May 01, 2013


Views: 2712 HiFromBuddha
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about  |  finally  |  Hi-Rez  |  It  |  Support  |  thank  |  time  |  works  |  you

'Nuff said, going to play some more.

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April 30, 2013

Grammar Nazi

Views: 2541 HiFromBuddha
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Grammar  |  Nazi  |  Their  |  There  |  They're
Grammar? It is, currently. the Only reason, "This is unreadable."

Welcome to the useless blog #2. I'll be honest, I actually quite enjoy blogging and actually believing that someone is actually reading this.

Anyway, I'm a Grammar Nazi. Whenever I see a mistake, I just get the urge to correct. It pains me to withhold myself from correcting the grammar. I always have been very good at English at school. You'd very commonly see me get awards for my success in English for the past few years. This leads to bad habits though.

(Exaggerated writing incoming)
You see, when you see a mistake, you get this uneasy feeling on the inside. You hold it in, but then you feel like crying. Your lips feel like opening, but you are forcing them shut. You see their used in the wrong context, and you start getting an agitation. You open your mouth and say it. Say the word that will piss everyone off and accuse you of being the socially pitied title of 'Grammar Nazi'.

You see, we 'Grammar Nazis' don't enj…
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April 27, 2013

New Gravatar

Views: 3092 HiFromBuddha
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actually  |  El  |  knew  |  know  |  no  |  Oh  |  one  |  shit  |  someone  |  will
I've been seeing a trend in the profile pictures/forum avatars lately.... Most people have a picture of an anime girl that no one knows, despite being male.

Being the conformist I am, I thought why not join in the fun! *hooray* *ermagherd ur so special Buddha*

Anyway, I probably will change back to my, '*****, please' face, but for now, I'll stick with this person...

By the way, if anyone can guess which anime my avatar is from, you will receive a picture of a Magnum Big Choc Bikkie ice cream that I'll probably eat as soon as I finish typing this relatively pointless blog, despite all blogs being relatively pointless.

HINT: She's one of my favourite anime characters of all time, and her ears are in fact wings.

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