January 14, 2013

MMS - Elo hell

Views: 4930 Silv3rX
Many people will probably disagree with me when I say :

There is an elo hell !

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the elo hell is a catch-22 in ranked game modes in every moba. Sometimes you get matched with people who also stuck in the elo hell (0-1900) and are actually really good at the game and sometimes you get matched with people who are plain bad and just started playing ranked.
Thats why you will always stuck in this loop. You will gain, lets say, 100 elo and then you will lose 100 elo the next games, because your team is bad.
Many good players stuck in that loop and aren't enabled to get out.

Well.. I managed to get out of the doom loop and I'm currently at 2150 elo, which is kinda awesome.
Also it seems like I always get the best teams these days.
Today I didn't play well.. actually let's be honest I sucked.
But my team managed to carry me hard so I could still go man mode.

So in conclusion:

If you want to get out of the elo hell you gotta be lucky.

This MakesMeSad
