November 16, 2013

The King

Views: 2697 Silv3rX
The stupidity, ignorance and lazy attitudes of the members of this site remind me of MOBAFire all to well.
The laughing stock butt of most jokes from reputable sites for LoL.

I see this site falling into just that and have had MUCH better luck with events, theory crafting and team progressions. I find myself wondering why I even bother trying to help people as there are a few that want to learn and the rest are just dead set on stupid ideas and bad choices who then blame others for bad plays and or ideas.

Good luck to any of you ever making it smite with the ideas and playstyles that you guys defend to the death thinking they are good.

The King has spoken.

Best Carry EU, defending my title since 2012. I give you a chance to take my title 1v1 me or even 1v5 if you dare, cause I don't care.

Best Wukali aka. Hunkali signing out.