It started quite normal, had a

Someone from the opponents left the game, so it was already a bit easier to win.
Loki and me killed them again and again, so another person left, now it was 3vs5.
They tried to gank Loki and me, but my bore was up and I stunned all 3 of them and went for the triple kill, which also was a deicide and guess what? Another person left.
This is just so annoying.. there are always ragequitters, but I've never seen that many in a single team. Even our Bakasura didn't quit, even though he was quite bad at the beginning.
This MakesMeSad
but I'm still looking for a 5man team
and in the mean time it's not getting any better :/
I just don't understand why people ragequite unless someone is really bm in your team
that can drive me insane XD