I believe that this all started nearing the end of season 2, season 3 was gearing up and everyone was aboard the band wagon and we all thought Smite was going to be even better. Truth is, it's starting to not become any fun. As Gods get released we see more and more abilities that have way too much scaling, fun tactics becoming too hard to pull off and a more repetitive gameplay coming into the scene with meta and tier lists.
Is there anything we can do to improve this? Not to my knowledge but what I can suggest is Hi-Rez takes 2 steps back a moment and figures out what would be best for the community, not the high level play. Everything gets balanced according to how the pros are playing and whilst yes it is true that they know more then the average player...Don't you think some suggestions are making the game a bit too laborious and tedious.
I wanna leave with my final thoughts, I don't think Smite is any fun to me anymore. Until the balance gets sorted and they expand upon the universe they've created. For now, I might stick to TF2/Overwatch.
Happy Hunting,
Quite a few projected God passive changes ( Odin new AA passive!? What!?), and new items.
I'm guessing there'll be plenty more changes than what's been data mined so far, but looks interesting what they're playing with changing thus far.
Is it a split pushing item? Cos I don't really see any split pushers benefitting enough from the passive to want an item from the iron mail tree.
And anyone who would be buying items from iron mail tree wouldn't care so much about the passives as there would be much better options for them.
Unless they're trying to introduce a new warrior-split pusher meta?
Or if it's a straight-up honest question, what's so great about it...well, for me, I've always loved FPS-type games. I played Wolfenstein single player, through Quake CTF, Half-Life Team Fortress mod, Counterstrike, Counterstrike Source, TF2, etc. Overwatch is essentially a TF2 clone with many more unique characters, but similar gameplay style overall. I liked TF2, I like Overwatch. But you may not like that type of game.
It's also nice for people that aren't that good at the game but enjoy the gameplay. Unlike Counterstrike or other games, it doesn't have a scoreboard, so your own teammates don't know how you're really doing, and there's a lot less potential for flame (even though it didn't happen that much anyway).
Does that help?
But...many others have weapons and abilities that are easier to connect/use without exact precision...Mae (bae apparently), Junkrat, Torbjorn, Pharah, Reinhardt, Winston, and most of the supports (Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra, Zenyatta sorta) all are pretty forgiving.
So, don't dismiss the game just because you're not historically good at them...you might still enjoy. Check out some gameplay videos on some of those heroes I listed and you'll see what I mean.
Hussy Why
"If you french fries when your supposed to pizza, you will not have a good time"- ski patrol Skadi
But McRee only one shots squishies now, after a fan-the-hammer nerf, like he's intended to. No more melting through multiple tanks now.
also, how is Mei doing? is she in a good spot?
roses are red.
violets are blue.