December 03, 2013

First-world problems, small rant, and a notification

Views: 1938 Talenhiem
So. I seem to be losing more and more control over myself every day. I find myself not caring about anything, be it school, homework, scouts, even Smite. I scream at my mind to care, but it doesn't listen - I still put my head down in classes, still completely ignore my homework, still don't care, and it's driving me INSANE. I saw my interim for my Chemistry class, and it was a 30~%. That is unacceptable. I tell my mind that THIS is what SHOULDN'T happen, that THIS is what happens when you don't LISTEN, but the scary part is, my mind doesn't care. My consciousness has officially come apart from my mind. They are officially two different things. My mind is what controls everything I do, and my consciousness is me, what makes me me, and my consciousness is yelling at my mind, and my mind doesn't care. It seems that the only thing that I have left in my control is my words, and sometimes not even then.

After I described this to my dad, he said that I was showing symptoms of both a mild addiction and a mild depression, and lack of excersize. To try and fix this, they're taking away my computer (so I'll be inactive for a while, I'm typing this on a school computer) and trying to get me to excersize more. I'm certainly following it and agreeing with it - anything to end this madness of not being able to control my own mind..