May 30, 2015

The Speaker has Returned

Views: 2113 Talenhiem
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Remember me? (Please tell me that at least one of you guys do ;_;)

After taking a break of what feels like forever due to my IRL friends quitting, I'm finally starting to burn out of Pokemon. While I'm still going to play it, I needed to have something that I can interchange with Pokemon. After hearing from one of my IRL friends that Smite is actually really good now, I decided to give it another go.

So, I will need to be enlightened on all the changes that I missed (basically, the Sylvanus update and all afterwards).

Personally, the biggest change in my eyes is the Purple buff. I don't even know what it does, but I feel that the lane placement metagame (assassin/bruiser jungler|DPS mage mid|ADC/Tank in long lane|solo in short lane) is drastically changed compared to how I know it.