Remember me? (Please tell me that at least one of you guys do ;_;)
After taking a break of what feels like forever due to my IRL friends quitting, I'm finally starting to burn out of Pokemon. While I'm still going to play it, I needed to have something that I can interchange with Pokemon. After hearing from one of my IRL friends that Smite is actually really good now, I decided to give it another go.
So, I will need to be enlightened on all the changes that I missed (basically, the Sylvanus update and all afterwards).
Personally, the biggest change in my eyes is the Purple buff. I don't even know what it does, but I feel that the lane placement metagame (assassin/bruiser jungler|DPS mage mid|ADC/Tank in long lane|solo in short lane) is drastically changed compared to how I know it.
I need to say I disagree with your friends that smite is fun now because smite has moved to an horrible broken state. The new gods are going the way of trying to top release guan yu broken (They didn;t made it yet but sooner or later they will)
also the meta now I don't know if it has gone back but I believe it's 3 hunters 2 guardian or 2 hunters 3 guardians aka ****ed up meta. Smite is really going downhill IMO.
Well you should look for yourself as I have mainly moved on to dota (which is broken in a good way) and smite beat some of the heroes like dusa smite release dusa beat dota dusa IMO
also, good avi choice y/n, it's an in-game Pokemon Trainer sprite somebody made me.
Stale metas aren't fun, give me a horribly unbalanced meta over a settled one any day imo, at least DPP OU left some potentially broken stuff in like mixnape, ttar, tran and zapdos to abuse :]
Looks like I'll be enjoying this, I'm looking forward to it.
Lol I love how Sub still hangs out here just to diss the current state of Smite. At least he's constructive.
Also, the meta is still the same (assassin/warrior jungler, bursty mage/hunter mid, ADC/tank duo lane, and solo lane is...broad, mostly warriors tho)
So, is the meta still relatively the same? I'm mainly interested in metagame changes, buffs/nerfs, Gods that are good now compared to then and vice versa, standard opening metagame (R.I.P. Mid harpy opening), standard team composition, that sort of thing. I'll learn the new items and gods as I play.
Of course, the Gods I'm most interested in are the Egyptian gods + Tanks, so any good info there would be greatly appreciated.
Smite is currently horribly balanced with absurd snowballing problems and balance issues. Itemization is stale and boring, counterplay is scarce, and the whole 'every new God is broken' hasn't changed a bit.
I'd recommend another game.
Essentially the biggest changed from S1 to S2 include:
You'll also see a bunch of new gods which include Sylvanus, Nox, Ao Kuang, Awilix, Hou Yi, Bellona, Medusa, Ah Puch, and Ratatoskr. Have fun!