June 21, 2015
Inactivity Notice
Views: 3000
As you may have noticed, I've been inactive for a while, and that's mainly since I've been busy getting prepared for the upcoming summer. Now, my summer is extremely packed, and probably leaves me with two week's time to be on my computer, so I'm going to be inactive for a while.
Don't worry, I'll make up for it with an
Eset guide soon after I come back, so it's not all in vain n_n
a little taste of what's to come (ofc highlighting doesnt work is blogs):
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eros magna, ultricies et urna ac, tempus fringilla arcu. Proin commodo sem est. Curabitur tincidunt, neque eu pretium euismod, ante tortor lobortis risus, nec posuere ipsum quam in augue. Maecenas sagittis convallis neque, vel tincidunt ipsum consequat vitae. In hac habit***e platea dictumst. Mauris eleifend, lorem accumsan fringilla posuere, ex ante imperdiet dui, non pellentesque odio purus at neque. Quisque non urna at tellus mollis malesuada sed at felis. Etiam accumsan urna lacus, a hendrerit velit fermentum eu. Nullam mi leo, varius in eros non, aliquet iaculis arcu. Nunc quis lacinia odio, non fermentum lacus. |
Unfortunately, the coding didn't have room for
Serqet or else it would be completely destroyed, so I had to leave her out. Still looks good though IMO
Oh, that stuff's just filler text, latin gibberish. The columns throw a fit if it's empty, which is why I added it.
Start using tables. If you need help, we can discuss this via PMs.
Also, I find this filler text better:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit. For eros magna, and ultricies et urna , the time fringilla bow . Microwave convenience salad is . Magna dolor , neque eu pretium euismod, before the temperature lobortis risus, nec posuere himself, as in the UK . Maecenas ipsum dolor sit it even tincidunt ipsum living environment . In the refinancing . Mauris eleifend, lorem accumsan fringilla posuere, ex ante financing dui, non pellentesque pure hatred at neque. A non-professional but the earth mollis malesuada Quisque sed at felis. Even accumsan urna the lake, and hendrerit velit fermentum eu. Nullam mi leo, varius in the United States is not , bananas targeted bow . But now, where the skirt of hatred, nor out fermentum lacus. - See more at : https://www.smitefire.com/smite/blog/talenhiem/inactivity-
what ?