October 10, 2013

Procrastination - WHY DO THIS TO ME?!?

Views: 1163 Talenhiem
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DotA  |  Procrastination  |  2  |  Ra  |  Guide  |  Why
I have a very bad habit of starting something and not finishing it, without a reason.

Except now, I have a reason for procrastination on my Ra guide (dont hurt me jararo):

There's a guy in my health class who I introduced Smite to. However, he was as into DotA. So, we made a deal: we'd be each as interested as the other person in their MOBA. So, he tried Smite. He liked it, but he found it hard to let go of the top-down perspective. So, I'm keeping my side of the deal, and am now spending some of my time playing DotA. I'll prob. play it for a solid week, then integrate into my life alongside with Smite (it really is fun, longer games, more kills AND more deaths - where else can you go 8/8 as a support/ganker [Io]?). The Ra guide isn't dead - only a victim of procrastination. It will be finished.

Ok, now you can comment, jararo.