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UnknownPandr's Blog
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January 21, 2015

Plans this year

Views: 4465 UnknownPandr
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are  |  crap  |  everyone  |  fuck  |  is  |  leaving  |  lyin  |  my  |  nikkid  |  of  |  piece  |  piks  |  radish  |  swag  |  swiggity  |  swoot  |  the  |  turnip  |  where  |  yolo  |  you
So, first off I wanna start off with. I love Smitefire so much. Smitefire is the place where I met most of my best friends like Radish, Turnip, JararsoNatsu, HiFromBuddha, so much more. Its a place that was home and whenever I got on my computer I instantly just went on Smitefire. Smitefire is a place most dearest to me, I hope you guys all know that. ;)

So, from here on in Im going to stop posting. What does this mean? Well, it means I just won't be posting. You won't see me anymore here at all anymore. If you wish to keep in contact with me my skype is: "unknownpandr".

So, thats the first part of my plans for 2015. I've bought the founder bundle for HotS and now that Im in HotS I'll be alot more active on Herosfire. So you'll see me there. Third Plan is I've also been playing Dota 2 for a couple months and soon I really wanna start posting on Dotafire, I still feel like Im a scrub so I wanna get better at the game before I start posting on Dotafire.

I wanna say again that Smitefir…
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October 06, 2014

Been on SF for 2 years now

Views: 2849 UnknownPandr
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 |  a  |  as  |  award  |  gimme  |  hell  |  here  |  im  |  like  |  man  |  mowen  |  old  |  on  |  pls.  |  right?
3 days and then I've been on SF for two years now. I'll say this: its been one hell of a ride. I've met so many new friends and there almost like family to me at this point. Even thought I don't play smite anyway. I still find myself coming back here alot. If Dawnfire ever starts imma b on thre al day ery day. But anyway cheers to a good year and cheers to hopefully another good year.


I also wanna mention some of my friends here.

Aphnex: ***in fgt where my HotS account? u disapoint senpai, child.

Raventhor: Everyday I question how hes so smart

Greenevers: Assassins Green

Subzero008: You should talk in the skype calls more often.

All4Games: The token dutch guy.(SCREW YOU PENTA) Hes just overall awesome, hes one of the reasons why I'm so addicted to Dark Souls.

DarkJaw: Even though hes gone hes a very close friend of mines who I need to play Dark Souls with, but overall WHATS UP MAN.

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June 28, 2014

I'm back plus Rama guide!?

Views: 2033 UnknownPandr
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back  |  bitches  |  I'm  |  New guide  |  Rama
So, I'm playing smite again. And I'm going to make a Rama guide. It's gunna be awesome. It's going to be up tomorrow, so far I've finished 4 sections of it and it's my best guide so far. But it wouldn't happen without my BB coding slave (Mawhahahahahahaha) Subzero. But anyway I'm going to sleep, you'll see the guide tomorrow, cya guys!

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June 21, 2014

I want a blog too.

Views: 2455 UnknownPandr
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boy  |  dj  |  friends  |  my  |  Smitefire  |  williams
So since everyone is making a blog I'll write one too. So I've been on smitefire for about a year and a half now and its been a blast. And I've met so many great people. Theres many more I wish to list down, but I'm sure you don't want to hear rambling. I don't play smite anymore, but Smitefire has seriously grown onto me, it's a place I can never leave no matter how hard I try. So, anyway thats my blog sort of cheesy, but who cares. Now let me talk about these wonderful people.

Raventhor: Just an overall awesome and super smart guy. I ask him almost any question and he'll give an awesome answer. I trust what Raventhor says 98% of the time.

DarkJaw Hes really my best friend. I talk to him alot, I play different games with him. Hes just always been with me through this ride.

TormentedTurnip Another guy thats just overall awesome. He makes me laugh alot and I wish I had his voice or he was the narrator of my life.

HiFromBuddha I really love talking to HiFromBuddha, I can easily talk …
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May 14, 2014

Hirez, Why you do this to me?

Views: 1513 UnknownPandr
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Hirez  |  pls
So, I saw the streams yesterday and when they said they were taking out Night Prowler bastet for a while that made me kinda sad. They gave everybody who bought the skin a refund, so I'm like I have no clue if I'll buy the new AmC skin, then I find out it's 600 gems and I'm like Awh. Then today G.E.B 1 comes out (And has a badass Woohoo) and I'm like ok I'm buying this. Next thing you know it's 600 gems, and guess what I have 501! Hirez, why you do this?

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