June 21, 2014

I want a blog too.

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Smitefire  |  friends  |  my  |  boy  |  dj  |  williams
So since everyone is making a blog I'll write one too. So I've been on smitefire for about a year and a half now and its been a blast. And I've met so many great people. Theres many more I wish to list down, but I'm sure you don't want to hear rambling. I don't play smite anymore, but Smitefire has seriously grown onto me, it's a place I can never leave no matter how hard I try. So, anyway thats my blog sort of cheesy, but who cares. Now let me talk about these wonderful people.

Raventhor: Just an overall awesome and super smart guy. I ask him almost any question and he'll give an awesome answer. I trust what Raventhor says 98% of the time.

DarkJaw Hes really my best friend. I talk to him alot, I play different games with him. Hes just always been with me through this ride.

TormentedTurnip Another guy thats just overall awesome. He makes me laugh alot and I wish I had his voice or he was the narrator of my life.

HiFromBuddha I really love talking to HiFromBuddha, I can easily talk about anime and Lolies with him.

Subzero008I started talking to sub recently, but so far I've had alot of fun talking to him. I love the ideas he comes up with and I wish I could play DawnGate with him.

Aphnex Pikachu is an awesome guy to talk to, I spam awesome guy alot. But you know what, I'm just gunna say hes an awesome guy. Theres more I can say, but nahhhhh.

All4Games The token dutch guy of our group. He complains alot, but hes a very nice person once you get the know' em.

So, I believe thats most people or everybody? But anyway thats my blog.